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Each table includes a description of a performance measure and associated data provided by the agencies in charge of the measure.  The Scope statement gives an overview of the data collection strategy for the underlying data behind the performance measure.  The Statistical Issues statement has comments, provided by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and the agency in charge of the measure, that discuss variability of the measure and other points.  The Completeness statement indicates steps taken by the proprietary agencies to address data quality issues.  The Reliability statement gives the reader a feel for how the performance data are used in program management decision making inside DOT. 

For further information about the source and accuracy (S&A) of these data, please refer to the BTS S&A compendium available at

Tables detailing performance measure scope, statistical issues, data completeness, and performance measure reliability can be found on the DOT website, where the DOT FY 2002 Performance and Accountability Report  will be published: