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Region 5 Clean School Bus USA

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Midwest Clean Diesel Intiaitive has closed its Announcement for the Clean School Bus USA Requests for Proposals. Please keep checking this site for future announcements on funds availability.

Nearly 24 million children ride the bus to school each day and, based on accident statistics, is the safest way for children to travel to and from school. However, air pollution from diesel school buses has health implications. EPA has already taken steps to reduce diesel exhaust from vehicles. The Agency has implemented federal requirements as well as implement voluntary programs.
EPA's Clean School Bus USA program encourages schools and communities to consider anti-idling policies; retrofitting their newer buses with pollution control devices; and replacing their oldest buses with new, cleaner buses equipped with modern pollution control devices that run on cleaner burning fuels.

Region 5 Clean School Bus Projects:

Complete and partial workplans from successful 2006 MCDI-Clean School Bus USA applications are available for consideration. Please feel free to review.

Fort Wayne Community Schools, Fort Wayne, Indiana (PDF, 32 pgs., 1,049 KB About PDF)

Next Energy, Detroit, Michigan (PDF, 3 pgs., 17 KB About PDF)


Other School Bus Programs in Region 5: Exit EPA Disclaimer

U.S. EPA's Clean School Bus USA Program

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