Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF152.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF152.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF152.5 Pests.
TEXT PDF152.6 Substances excluded from regulation by FIFRA.
TEXT PDF152.8 Products that are not pesticides because they are not for use against pests.
TEXT PDF152.10 Products that are not pesticides because they are not deemed to be used for a pesticidal effect.
TEXT PDF152.15 Pesticide products required to be registered.
TEXT PDF152.20 Exemptions for pesticides regulated by another Federal agency.
TEXT PDF152.25 Exemptions for pesticides of a character not requiring FIFRA regulation.
TEXT PDF152.30 Pesticides that may be transferred, sold, or distributed without registration.
TEXT PDF152.40 Who may apply.
TEXT PDF152.42 Application for new registration.
TEXT PDF152.43 Alternate formulations.
TEXT PDF152.44 Application for amended registration.
TEXT PDF152.46 Notification and non-notification changes to registrations.
TEXT PDF152.50 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF152.55 Where to send applications and correspondence.
TEXT PDF152.80 General.
TEXT PDF152.81 Applicability.
TEXT PDF152.83 Definitions.
TEXT PDF152.84 When materials must be submitted to the Agency.
TEXT PDF152.85 Formulators' exemption.
TEXT PDF152.86 The cite-all method.
TEXT PDF152.90 The selective method.
TEXT PDF152.91 Waiver of a data requirement.
TEXT PDF152.92 Submission of a new valid study.
TEXT PDF152.93 Citation of a previously submitted valid study.
TEXT PDF152.94 Citation of a public literature study or study generated at government expense.
TEXT PDF152.95 Citation of all studies in the Agency's files pertinent to a specific data requirement.
TEXT PDF152.96 Documentation of a data gap.
TEXT PDF152.97 Rights and obligations of data submitters.
TEXT PDF152.98 Procedures for transfer of exclusive use or compensation rights to another person.
TEXT PDF152.99 Petitions to cancel registration.
TEXT PDF152.100 Scope.
TEXT PDF152.102 Publication.
TEXT PDF152.104 Completeness of applications.
TEXT PDF152.105 Incomplete applications.
TEXT PDF152.107 Review of data.
TEXT PDF152.108 Review of labeling.
TEXT PDF152.110 Time for Agency review.
TEXT PDF152.111 Choice of standards for review of applications.
TEXT PDF152.112 Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(5).
TEXT PDF152.113 Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(7)--Products that do not contain a new active ingredient.
TEXT PDF152.114 Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(7)--Products that contain a new active ingredient.
TEXT PDF152.115 Conditions of registration.
TEXT PDF152.116 Notice of intent to register to original submitters of exclusive use data.
TEXT PDF152.117 Notification to applicant.
TEXT PDF152.118 Denial of application.
TEXT PDF152.119 Availability of material in support of registration.
TEXT PDF152.122 Currency of address of record and authorized agent.
TEXT PDF152.125 Submission of information pertaining to adverse effects.
TEXT PDF152.130 Distribution under approved labeling.
TEXT PDF152.132 Supplemental distribution.
TEXT PDF152.135 Transfer of registration.
TEXT PDF152.160 Scope.
TEXT PDF152.161 Definitions.
TEXT PDF152.164 Classification procedures.
TEXT PDF152.166 Labeling of restricted use products.
TEXT PDF152.167 Distribution and sale of restricted use products.
TEXT PDF152.168 Advertising of restricted use products.
TEXT PDF152.170 Criteria for restriction to use by certified applicators.
TEXT PDF152.171 Restrictions other than those relating to use by certified applicators.
TEXT PDF152.175 Pesticides classified for restricted use.
TEXT PDF152.400 Purpose.
TEXT PDF152.401 Inapplicability of fee provisions to applications filed prior to October 1, 1997.
TEXT PDF152.403 Definitions of fee categories.
TEXT PDF152.404 Fee amounts.
TEXT PDF152.406 Submission of supplementary data.
TEXT PDF152.408 Special considerations.
TEXT PDF152.410 Adjustment of fees.
TEXT PDF152.412 Waivers and refunds.
TEXT PDF152.414 Procedures.
TEXT PDF152.500 Requirements for devices.

