Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF160.101 Statutory basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF160.102 Applicability.
TEXT PDF160.103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF160.104 Modifications.
TEXT PDF160.201 Applicability.
TEXT PDF160.202 Definitions.
TEXT PDF160.203 General rule and exceptions.
TEXT PDF160.204 Process for requesting exception determinations.
TEXT PDF160.205 Duration of effectiveness of exception determinations.
TEXT PDF160.300 Applicability.
TEXT PDF160.302 Definitions.
TEXT PDF160.304 Principles for achieving compliance.
TEXT PDF160.306 Complaints to the Secretary.
TEXT PDF160.308 Compliance reviews.
TEXT PDF160.310 Responsibilities of covered entities.
TEXT PDF160.312 Secretarial action regarding complaints and compliance reviews.
TEXT PDF160.500 Applicability.
TEXT PDF160.502 Definitions.
TEXT PDF160.504 Investigational subpoenas and inquiries.
TEXT PDF160.506 Basis for penalty.
TEXT PDF160.508 Amount of penalty.
TEXT PDF160.510 Authority to settle.
TEXT PDF160.514 Notice of proposed determination.
TEXT PDF160.516 Failure to request a hearing.
TEXT PDF160.518 Collection of penalty.
TEXT PDF160.522 Limitations.
TEXT PDF160.526 Hearing before an ALJ.
TEXT PDF160.528 Rights of parties.
TEXT PDF160.530 Authority of the ALJ.
TEXT PDF160.532 Ex parte contacts.
TEXT PDF160.534 Prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF160.536 Settlement.
TEXT PDF160.538 Discovery.
TEXT PDF160.540 Exchange of witness lists, witness statements, and exhibits.
TEXT PDF160.542 Subpoenas for attendance at hearing.
TEXT PDF160.544 Fees.
TEXT PDF160.546 Form, filing, and service of papers.
TEXT PDF160.548 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF160.550 Motions.
TEXT PDF160.552 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF160.554 The hearing.
TEXT PDF160.556 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF160.558 Evidence.
TEXT PDF160.560 The record.
TEXT PDF160.562 Post hearing briefs.
TEXT PDF160.564 ALJ decision.
TEXT PDF160.568 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF160.570 Stay of ALJ decision.
