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Clean School Bus USA Logo Project Case Studies

Two different successful school districts applied for and received funding from USEPA's Clean School Bus USA program in 2003 and 2004. The following are overviews of these case studies.

The Columbus Municipal School District (Mississippi)

The Columbus Municipal School District recognized the need to safeguard the health and safety of its students and the community as a whole. While committed to reducing idling around loading and unloading areas by implementing Idling Management Policies, Columbus Municipal School District also wanted to install USEPA Verified Retrofit Technologies on most of its school bus fleet to further reduce diesel emissions. Because of the early established partnerships (including the Mississippi state environmental agency) and an enthusiastic in-district champion, the Columbus Municipal School District was technically prepared for applying and receiving funds through the Clean School Bus USA grant program. The Columbus Municipal School District was able to install 52 retrofit technologies on its fleet. Its efforts have been recognized by the media, the national and state environmental programs and have received local appreciation from the community's students and parents. Read more about the success of this school district.

Project Case Studies

Two successful retrofit projects funded by EPA

Okemos Public Schools (Michigan)

Okemos Public Schools recognized the importance of reducing their students' exposure to diesel exhaust by partnering with the Michigan state environmental agency, other area school districts, the local technology vendor and the rest of the community. Okemos Public Schools' leadership efforts created a successful public-private partnership and created the opportunity to apply for and win a competitive grant through the Clean School Bus USA grant program. The grant funds were used to purchase 78 retrofit technologies for the District and ten other school districts at a lower price than if individual districts had purchased the technologies on their own. Okemos Public Schools' efforts have been recognized by the media and by national and state environmental programs, as well as appreciated by the community's students and parents. Read more about the success of this school district.

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