Title 34--Education


TEXT PDF85.100 Purpose.
TEXT PDF85.105 Definitions.
TEXT PDF85.110 Coverage.
TEXT PDF85.115 Policy.
TEXT PDF85.200 Debarment or suspension.
TEXT PDF85.201 Treatment of title IV, HEA participation.
TEXT PDF85.205 Ineligible persons.
TEXT PDF85.210 Voluntary exclusion.
TEXT PDF85.215 Exception provision.
TEXT PDF85.220 Continuation of covered transactions.
TEXT PDF85.225 Failure to adhere to restrictions.
TEXT PDF85.300 General.
TEXT PDF85.305 Causes for debarment.
TEXT PDF85.310 Procedures.
TEXT PDF85.311 Investigation and referral.
TEXT PDF85.312 Notice of proposed debarment.
TEXT PDF85.313 Opportunity to contest proposed debarment.
TEXT PDF85.314 Debarring official's decision.
TEXT PDF85.315 Settlement and voluntary exclusion.
TEXT PDF85.316 Procedures for title IV, HEA debarments.
TEXT PDF85.320 Period of debarment.
TEXT PDF85.325 Scope of debarment.
TEXT PDF85.400 General.
TEXT PDF85.405 Causes for suspension.
TEXT PDF85.410 Procedures.
TEXT PDF85.411 Notice of suspension.
TEXT PDF85.412 Opportunity to contest suspension.
TEXT PDF85.413 Suspending official's decision.
TEXT PDF85.414 Procedures for title IV, HEA suspensions under E.O. 12549.
TEXT PDF85.415 Period of suspension.
TEXT PDF85.420 Scope of suspension.
TEXT PDF85.500 GSA responsibilities.
TEXT PDF85.505 ED responsibilities.
TEXT PDF85.510 Participants' responsibilities.
TEXT PDF85.600 Purpose.
TEXT PDF85.605 Definitions.
TEXT PDF85.610 Coverage.
TEXT PDF85.615 Grounds for suspension of payments, suspension or termination of grants, or suspension or debarment.
TEXT PDF85.620 Effect of violation.
TEXT PDF85.625 Exception provision.
TEXT PDF85.630 Certification requirements and procedures.
TEXT PDF85.635 Reporting of and employee sanctions for convictions of criminal drug offenses.

