Bibliografía -- Cómo ayudar a su hijo con la temprana adolescencia

Baumrind, Diana. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology Monograph, Part 2, 4,M 1-103.

Berndt, Thomas and Keefe, Keunho (1995). Friends' Influence on Adolescents' Adjustment to School. Child Development, 66, 1312-1329.

Comstock, George and Sherrar, Erica. (1999) Television: What's on, Who's Watching and What Does It Mean? Burlington, MA: Academic Press.

Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development. (2000). Turning Points 2000: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century. Washington, DC.

Dauber, Susan L. and Epstein, Joyce L. (1993). Parents' Attitudes and Practices of Involvement in Inner-City Elementary and Middle Schools. In N. F. Chavkin (Ed.), Families and Schools in a Pluralistic Society. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Dweck, Carol S. (2000). Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality and Development. Levittown, PA: Psychology Press.

Epstein, Joyce L. (2001). School, Family and Community Partnerships. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Grotevant, Harold D. (1998). Adolescent Development in Family Contexts. In W. Damon (Series Editor) & N. Eisenberg (Volume Editor), Handbook of Child Psychology: Vol. 3: Social, Emotional and Personality Development (5th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Harter, Susan. (1999). The Construction of Self. New York: Guilford Press.

Haugaard, Jeffrey J. (2000). Problematic Behaviors during Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Healy, Jane M. (1990). Endangered Minds. New York: Touchstone Books.

Keefe, Keunho and Berndt, Thomas. (1996). Relations of Friendship Quality to Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 16, 110-129.

Kipke, Michele D. (Ed.). (1999). Risks and Opportunities: Synthesis of Studies on Adolescence. Report of the Governing Board of the National Research Council. Washington, DC.

Lewis, Anne C. (1999). Figuring It Out: Standards-Based Reforms in Urban Middle Schools. New York: The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation.

Loucks, Hazel E. and Waggoner, Jan E. (1998). Keys to Reengaging Families in the Education of Young Adolescents. Columbus, OH: National Middle School Association.

National Middle School Association. (1995). The Developmentally Responsive Middle School: This We Believe. Columbus, OH.

National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board. (July 24-25, 2000). Papers and proceedings from the National Conference on Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment in the Middle Grades: Linking Research and Practice. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.

Urdan, T. and Klein, S. (1998). Early Adolescence: A Review of the Literature. Paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Washington, DC. Unpublished.

U.S. Department of Education. (1999). Conference on Early Adolescence—Papers and Final Report. Washington, DC.

Organizaciones y sitios Web que proveen información para los padres con hijos en los primeros años de la adolescencia

Oficinas federales o agencias y centros de información apoyados por el gobierno federal

No Child Left Behind Parents Tool Box
(Que ningún niño se quede atrás; Recursos para padres)
U.S. Department of Education
Llame gratis al: 1-888-814-NCLB

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
(Centro de Información ERIC sobre Discapacidades y Educación para Niños Dotados)
1920 Association Drive
Reston, VA 22091
Llame gratis al: 1-800-328-0272

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Clearinghouse
(Centro de Información del Instituto Nacional de Salud Infantil y Desarrollo Humano)
Llame gratis al: 1-800-370-2943

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
(Centro Nacional de Información para Niños y Jóvenes con Discapacidades)
P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013-1492
Llame gratis al: 1-800-695-0285 (voz y TTY)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
(Oficina de Educación Especial y Servicios de Rehabilitación)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202

Organizaciones privadas

Al-Anon Family Groups Headquarters
(Centro para los grupos familiares Al-Anon) 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617.
Llame gratis al: 888-425-2666 (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

American Anorexia/Bulimia Association
(Asociación Americana sobre Anorexia/Bulimia)
165 West 46th Street, Suite 1108
New York, NY 10036

Learning Disabilities Association of America
(Asociación Americana sobre los Problemas de Aprendizaje)
4156 Library Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
412-341-1515 or 412-341-8077

Middle Web

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
(Asociación Nacional sobre la Anorexia Nervosa y Desórdenes Relacionados)
PO Box 7
Highland Park, IL 60035

National Black Child Development Institute
(Instituto Nacional sobre el Desarrollo del Niño Negro)
463 Rhode Island Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Llame gratis al: 800-556-2234

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
(Centro de Información Nacional sobre Alcohol y Drogas)
P.O. Box 2345
Rockville, MD 20847-2345
Llame gratis al: 800-729-6686 (24 hours a day)

Center for Missing and Exploited Children
(Centro para los Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados)
Llame gratis al: 800-843-5678.

National Runaway Switchboard
(Centro Nacional de Llamadas para los Niños Fugados)
Llame gratis al: 800-621-4000 (hay operadoras las 24 horas del día para los niños fugados y sus familias)

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
(Consejo Nacional sobre el Alcoholismo y la Dependencia en las Drogas)
12 West 21st Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10017
212-206-6770 or Llame gratis al: 800-NCA-CALL

National Middle School Association
(Asociación Nacional de Escuelas Intermedias)
2600 Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite 370
Columbus, Ohio 43231-1672
Llame gratis al: 800-528-NMSA

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Last Modified: 09/24/2004