Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF317.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF317.2 Applicability and scope.
TEXT PDF317.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF317.4 Policy.
TEXT PDF317.5 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF317.6 Procedures.
TEXT PDF317.10 General.
TEXT PDF317.11 Federal Government contractors.
TEXT PDF317.12 Safeguarding information in systems of records.
TEXT PDF317.20 General considerations.
TEXT PDF317.21 Forms.
TEXT PDF317.30 Individual access to records.
TEXT PDF317.31 Reproduction fees.
TEXT PDF317.32 Denying individual access.
TEXT PDF317.33 Privacy Act case files.
TEXT PDF317.40 Individual review and amendment.
TEXT PDF317.41 Amending records.
TEXT PDF317.42 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF317.43 Verifying identity.
TEXT PDF317.44 Limits on amending judicial and quasi-judicial evidence and findings.
TEXT PDF317.45 Standards for amendment request determinations.
TEXT PDF317.46 Time limits.
TEXT PDF317.47 Granting an amendment request in whole or in part.
TEXT PDF317.48 Denying an amendment request in whole or in part.
TEXT PDF317.49 Appeal procedures.
TEXT PDF317.50 Requests for amending OPM records.
TEXT PDF317.51 Individual's statement of disagreement.
TEXT PDF317.52 Agency's statement of reasons.
TEXT PDF317.60 Conditions of disclosure.
TEXT PDF317.61 Non-consensual disclosures.
TEXT PDF317.62 Disclosures to commercial enterprises.
TEXT PDF317.63 Disclosing health care records to the public.
TEXT PDF317.64 Accounting for disclosures.
TEXT PDF317.70 Federal Register publication.
TEXT PDF317.71 Exemption rules.
TEXT PDF317.72 System of records notices.
TEXT PDF317.73 New and altered record systems.
TEXT PDF317.74 Amendment and deletion of system notices.
TEXT PDF317.80 Statutory training requirements.
TEXT PDF317.81 DCAA training programs.
TEXT PDF317.90 General.
TEXT PDF317.91 Federal personnel or payroll record matches.
TEXT PDF317.92 Federal benefit matches.
TEXT PDF317.93 Matching program exclusions.
TEXT PDF317.94 Conducting matching programs.
TEXT PDF317.95 Providing due process to matching subjects.
TEXT PDF317.96 Matching program agreement.
TEXT PDF317.97 Cost-benefit analysis.
TEXT PDF317.98 Appeals of denials of matching agreements.
TEXT PDF317.99 Proposals for matching programs.
TEXT PDF317.110 Administrative remedies.
TEXT PDF317.111 Civil court actions.
TEXT PDF317.112 Criminal penalties.
TEXT PDF317.113 Litigation status report.
TEXT PDF317.114 Annual review of enforcement actions.
TEXT PDF317.120 Report requirements.
TEXT PDF317.121 Reports.
TEXT PDF317.130 Establishing and using exemptions.
TEXT PDF317.131 General exemptions.
TEXT PDF317.132 Specific exemptions.
TEXT PDF317.133 DCAA exempt record systems.

