Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF310.1 Reissuance and purpose.
TEXT PDF310.2 Applicability and scope.
TEXT PDF310.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF310.4 Policy.
TEXT PDF310.5 Organization.
TEXT PDF310.6 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF310.10 General.
TEXT PDF310.11 Standards of accuracy.
TEXT PDF310.12 Government contractors.
TEXT PDF310.13 Safeguarding personal information.
TEXT PDF310.20 General considerations.
TEXT PDF310.21 Forms.
TEXT PDF310.30 Individual access to personal information.
TEXT PDF310.31 Denial of individual access.
TEXT PDF310.32 Amendment of records.
TEXT PDF310.33 Reproduction fees.
TEXT PDF310.40 Conditions of disclosure.
TEXT PDF310.41 Nonconsensual disclosures.
TEXT PDF310.42 Disclosures to commercial enterprises.
TEXT PDF310.43 Disclosures to the public from health care records.
TEXT PDF310.44 Disclosure accounting.
TEXT PDF310.50 Use and establishment of exemptions.
TEXT PDF310.51 General exemptions.
TEXT PDF310.52 Specific exemptions.
TEXT PDF310.60 Federal Register publication.
TEXT PDF310.61 Exemption rules.
TEXT PDF310.62 System notices.
TEXT PDF310.63 New and altered record systems.
TEXT PDF310.64 Amendment and deletion of systems notices.
TEXT PDF310.70 Statutory training requirements.
TEXT PDF310.71 OMB training guidelines.
TEXT PDF310.72 DoD training programs.
TEXT PDF310.73 Training methodology and procedures.
TEXT PDF310.74 Funding for training.
TEXT PDF310.80 Requirements for reports.
TEXT PDF310.81 Suspense for submission of reports.
TEXT PDF310.82 Reports control symbol.
TEXT PDF310.90 Privacy Act inspections.
TEXT PDF310.91 Inspection reporting.
TEXT PDF310.100 Administrative remedies.
TEXT PDF310.101 Civil actions.
TEXT PDF310.102 Civil remedies.
TEXT PDF310.103 Criminal penalties.
TEXT PDF310.104 Litigation status sheet.
TEXT PDF310.110 OMB matching guidelines.
TEXT PDF310.111 Requesting matching programs.
TEXT PDF310.112 Time limits for submitting matching reports.
TEXT PDF310.113 Matching programs among DoD components.
TEXT PDF310.114 Annual review of systems of records.

