Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF776.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF776.2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF776.3 Policy.
TEXT PDF776.4 Attorney-client relationships.
TEXT PDF776.5 Judicial conduct.
TEXT PDF776.6 Conflict.
TEXT PDF776.7 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF776.8 Professional Responsibility Committee.
TEXT PDF776.9 Rules Counsel.
TEXT PDF776.10 Informal ethics advice.
TEXT PDF776.11 Outside part-time practice of law.
TEXT PDF776.12 Maintenance of files.
TEXT PDF776.13 Preamble.
TEXT PDF776.14 Premises.
TEXT PDF776.20 Competence.
TEXT PDF776.21 Establishment and scope of representation.
TEXT PDF776.22 Diligence.
TEXT PDF776.23 Communication.
TEXT PDF776.24 Fees.
TEXT PDF776.25 Confidentiality of information.
TEXT PDF776.26 Conflict of interests: General rule.
TEXT PDF776.27 Conflict of interests: Prohibited transactions.
TEXT PDF776.28 Conflict of interests: Former client.
TEXT PDF776.29 Imputed disqualification: General rule.
TEXT PDF776.30 Successive government and private employment.
TEXT PDF776.31 Former judge or arbitrator.
TEXT PDF776.32 Department of the Navy as client.
TEXT PDF776.33 Client under a disability.
TEXT PDF776.34 Safekeeping property.
TEXT PDF776.35 Declining or terminating representation.
TEXT PDF776.36 Advisor.
TEXT PDF776.37 Mediation.
TEXT PDF776.38 Evaluation for use by third persons.
TEXT PDF776.39 Meritorious claims and contentions.
TEXT PDF776.40 Expediting litigation.
TEXT PDF776.41 Candor and obligations toward the tribunal.
TEXT PDF776.42 Fairness to opposing party and counsel.
TEXT PDF776.43 Impartiality and decorum of the tribunal.
TEXT PDF776.44 Extra-tribunal statements.
TEXT PDF776.45 Judge advocate as witness.
TEXT PDF776.46 Special responsibilities of a trial counsel.
TEXT PDF776.47 Advocate in nonadjudicative proceedings.
TEXT PDF776.48 Truthfulness in statements to others.
TEXT PDF776.49 Communication with person represented by counsel.
TEXT PDF776.50 Dealing with an unrepresented person.
TEXT PDF776.51 Respect for rights of third persons.
TEXT PDF776.52 Responsibilities of the Judge Advocate General and supervisory judge advocates.
TEXT PDF776.53 Responsibilities of a subordinate judge advocate.
TEXT PDF776.54 Responsibilities regarding nonlawyer assistants.
TEXT PDF776.55 Professional independence of a judge advocate.
TEXT PDF776.56 Unauthorized practice of law.
TEXT PDF776.66 Bar admission and disciplinary matters.
TEXT PDF776.67 Judicial and legal officials.
TEXT PDF776.68 Reporting professional misconduct.
TEXT PDF776.69 Misconduct.
TEXT PDF776.70 Jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF776.76 Policy.
TEXT PDF776.77 Related investigations and actions.
TEXT PDF776.78 Informal complaints.
TEXT PDF776.79 The complaint.
TEXT PDF776.80 Initial screening and Rules Counsel.
TEXT PDF776.81 Charges.
TEXT PDF776.82 Preliminary inquiry.
TEXT PDF776.83 Ethics investigation.
TEXT PDF776.84 Action by JAG.
TEXT PDF776.85 Finality.
TEXT PDF776.86 Report to bar.
TEXT PDF776.90 Background.
TEXT PDF776.91 Definition.
TEXT PDF776.92 Policy.
TEXT PDF776.93 Action.
TEXT PDF776.94 Revalidation.
TEXT PDF776.95 Relations with non-DON civilian counsel.

