Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF724.101 Naval Service.
TEXT PDF724.102 Naval Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF724.103 NDRB panel.
TEXT PDF724.104 NDRB Traveling Panel.
TEXT PDF724.105 President of the NDRB.
TEXT PDF724.106 Presiding Officer, NDRB Panel.
TEXT PDF724.107 Discharge.
TEXT PDF724.108 Administrative discharge.
TEXT PDF724.109 Types of administrative discharges.
TEXT PDF724.110 Reason/basis for administrative discharge.
TEXT PDF724.111 Punitive discharge.
TEXT PDF724.112 Clemency discharge.
TEXT PDF724.113 Application.
TEXT PDF724.114 Applicant.
TEXT PDF724.115 Next of kin.
TEXT PDF724.116 Council/representative.
TEXT PDF724.117 Discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.118 Documentary discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.119 Personal appearance discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.120 National Capital Region (NCR).
TEXT PDF724.121 Decisional document.
TEXT PDF724.122 Recorder, NDRB Panel.
TEXT PDF724.123 Complainant.
TEXT PDF724.201 Authority.
TEXT PDF724.202 Statutory/Directive Authority.
TEXT PDF724.203 Broad objectives of naval discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.204 Eligibility for naval discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.205 Authority for review of naval discharges; jurisdictional limitations.
TEXT PDF724.206 Jurisdictional determinations.
TEXT PDF724.207 Disposition of applications for discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.208 Implementation of NDRB decisions.
TEXT PDF724.209 Evidence supporting applications.
TEXT PDF724.210 Review action in instances of unavailable records.
TEXT PDF724.211 Regularity of government affairs.
TEXT PDF724.212 Availability of records.
TEXT PDF724.213 Attendance of witnesses.
TEXT PDF724.214 Applicant's expenses.
TEXT PDF724.215 Military representation.
TEXT PDF724.216 Failure to appear at a hearing or respond to a scheduling notice.
TEXT PDF724.217 Limitation--Reconsiderations.
TEXT PDF724.218 Limitation--Continuance and Postponements.
TEXT PDF724.219 Withdrawal of application.
TEXT PDF724.220 Review on motion of the NDRB.
TEXT PDF724.221 Scheduling of discharge reviews.
TEXT PDF724.222 Personal appearance discharge hearing sites.
TEXT PDF724.223 NDRB support and augmentation by regular and reserve activities.
TEXT PDF724.224 Court-martial specifications, presumption concerning.
TEXT PDF724.301 Mission.
TEXT PDF724.302 Functions: Director, Naval Council of Personnel Boards.
TEXT PDF724.303 Functions: President, Naval Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF724.304 Responsibility for Department of the Navy support of the Naval Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF724.305 Functions of the CMC and CNO.
TEXT PDF724.306 Functions of the Commander, Naval Medical Command.
TEXT PDF724.307 Functions of the Commander, Naval Reserve Force.
TEXT PDF724.401 Applicants.
TEXT PDF724.402 Naval Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF724.403 President, Naval Discharge Review Board.
TEXT PDF724.404 Director, Naval Council of Personnel Boards.
TEXT PDF724.405 Commandant of the Marine Corps or the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command.
TEXT PDF724.406 Commander, Naval Medical Command.
TEXT PDF724.407 Commander, Naval Reserve Force.
TEXT PDF724.408 Secretary of the Navy.
TEXT PDF724.501 Procedural rights of the applicant.
TEXT PDF724.502 Actions to be taken by the applicant preliminary to discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.503 NDRB response to application for discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.504 NDRB actions preliminary to discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.601 General.
TEXT PDF724.602 Mission.
TEXT PDF724.603 Functions.
TEXT PDF724.701 Composition.
TEXT PDF724.702 Executive management.
TEXT PDF724.703 Legal counsel.
TEXT PDF724.801 Matters to be considered in discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.802 Applicant's responsibilities.
TEXT PDF724.803 The decisional document.
TEXT PDF724.804 Decision process.
TEXT PDF724.805 Response to items submitted as issues by the applicant.
TEXT PDF724.806 Decisional issues.
TEXT PDF724.807 Record of NDRB proceedings.
TEXT PDF724.808 Issuance of decisions following discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.809 Final disposition of the record of proceedings.
TEXT PDF724.810 Availability of Naval Discharge Review Board documents for public inspection and copying.
TEXT PDF724.811 Privacy Act information.
TEXT PDF724.812 Responsibilities of the Reading Room.
TEXT PDF724.813 The recommendation of the NDRB president.
TEXT PDF724.814 Secretarial Review Authority (SRA).
TEXT PDF724.815 Complaints.
TEXT PDF724.901 Objective of discharge review.
TEXT PDF724.902 Propriety of the discharge.
TEXT PDF724.903 Equity of the discharge.

