BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bosnia and Herzegovina Local time: 12:15 AM

Doing Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina offers rewards to prepared and persistent exporters and investors. The country is open to foreign investment with national treatment for exporters and a liberal trade regime. Still regarded as a transition economy, Bosnia and Herzegovina nevertheless sees the long-term goal of EU membership as a driver to further economic growth and development. While not a specific sector, still-to-come privatization of state-owned entities will offer significant opportunities.

There is no single best way to do business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. New entrants to the market will most likely be displacing/supplanting nearby suppliers, such as Croatia and Serbia, as well as dominant EU member country exporters. Of course, a regional strategy can build on existing trading patterns and customers if the market does not justify a full-time presence.

Sales agents, representatives and distributors all have important roles to play in this market. Regardless of which channel is selected, sales support and after-sales service are critical. Financing is a key factor for a Bosnian company making a decision to take on a new U.S. product line.

The U.S. Commercial Service Office at the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo will provide you with a fresh insight on doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have actively assisted and supported a number of U.S. companies doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, we have developed an extensive cooperation with FIPA - Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as with U.S. government organizations and subcontractors working on specific policy development projects within Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our aim is primarily to help the local community by developing an environment open to business and assisting U.S. companies to export or invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Contact us:

United States Embassy Sarajevo

U.S. Commercial Service
Alipasina 43
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
tel. 387-33-445-700 fax. 387-33-659-722