Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF191.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF191.0a Claims filed under NAFTA.
TEXT PDF191.1 Authority of the Commissioner of Customs.
TEXT PDF191.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF191.3 Duties and fees subject or not subject to drawback.
TEXT PDF191.4 Merchandise in which a U.S. Government interest exists.
TEXT PDF191.5 Guantanamo Bay, insular possessions, trust territories.
TEXT PDF191.6 Authority to sign drawback documents.
TEXT PDF191.7 General manufacturing drawback ruling.
TEXT PDF191.8 Specific manufacturing drawback ruling.
TEXT PDF191.9 Agency.
TEXT PDF191.10 Certificate of delivery.
TEXT PDF191.11 Tradeoff.
TEXT PDF191.12 Claim filed under incorrect provision.
TEXT PDF191.13 Packaging materials.
TEXT PDF191.14 Identification of merchandise or articles by accounting method.
TEXT PDF191.15 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF191.21 Direct identification drawback.
TEXT PDF191.22 Substitution drawback.
TEXT PDF191.23 Methods of claiming drawback.
TEXT PDF191.24 Certificate of manufacture and delivery.
TEXT PDF191.25 Destruction under Customs supervision.
TEXT PDF191.26 Recordkeeping for manufacturing drawback.
TEXT PDF191.27 Time limitations.
TEXT PDF191.28 Person entitled to claim drawback.
TEXT PDF191.31 Direct identification.
TEXT PDF191.32 Substitution drawback.
TEXT PDF191.33 Person entitled to claim drawback.
TEXT PDF191.34 Certificate of delivery required.
TEXT PDF191.35 Notice of intent to export; examination of merchandise.
TEXT PDF191.36 Failure to file Notice of Intent to Export, Destroy, or Return Merchandise for Purposes of Drawback.
TEXT PDF191.37 Destruction under Customs supervision.
TEXT PDF191.38 Records.
TEXT PDF191.41 Rejected merchandise drawback.
TEXT PDF191.42 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.43 Unused merchandise claim.
TEXT PDF191.44 Destruction under Customs supervision.
TEXT PDF191.51 Completion of drawback claims.
TEXT PDF191.52 Rejecting, perfecting or amending claims.
TEXT PDF191.53 Restructuring of claims.
TEXT PDF191.61 Verification of drawback claims.
TEXT PDF191.62 Penalties.
TEXT PDF191.71 Drawback on articles destroyed under Customs supervision.
TEXT PDF191.72 Exportation procedures.
TEXT PDF191.73 Export summary procedure.
TEXT PDF191.74 Certification of exportation by mail.
TEXT PDF191.75 Exportation by the Government.
TEXT PDF191.76 Landing certificate.
TEXT PDF191.81 Liquidation.
TEXT PDF191.82 Person entitled to claim drawback.
TEXT PDF191.83 Person entitled to receive payment.
TEXT PDF191.84 Protests.
TEXT PDF191.91 Waiver of prior notice of intent to export.
TEXT PDF191.92 Accelerated payment.
TEXT PDF191.93 Combined applications.
TEXT PDF191.101 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.102 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.103 Additional requirements.
TEXT PDF191.104 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms certificates.
TEXT PDF191.105 Liquidation.
TEXT PDF191.106 Amount of drawback.
TEXT PDF191.111 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.112 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.121 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.122 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.123 Refund of duties.
TEXT PDF191.131 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.132 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.133 Explanation of terms.
TEXT PDF191.141 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.142 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.143 Drawback entry.
TEXT PDF191.144 Refund of duties.
TEXT PDF191.151 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.152 Merchandise released from Customs custody.
TEXT PDF191.153 Continuous Customs custody.
TEXT PDF191.154 Filing the entry.
TEXT PDF191.155 Merchandise withdrawn from warehouse for exportation.
TEXT PDF191.156 Bill of lading.
TEXT PDF191.157 Landing certificates.
TEXT PDF191.158 Procedures.
TEXT PDF191.159 Amount of drawback.
TEXT PDF191.161 Refund of taxes.
TEXT PDF191.162 Procedure.
TEXT PDF191.163 Documentation.
TEXT PDF191.164 Return to Customs custody.
TEXT PDF191.165 No exportation by mail.
TEXT PDF191.166 Destruction of merchandise.
TEXT PDF191.167 Liquidation.
TEXT PDF191.168 Time limit for exportation or destruction.
TEXT PDF191.171 General; drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.172 Definitions.
TEXT PDF191.173 Imported duty-paid derivatives (no manufacture).
TEXT PDF191.174 Derivatives manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b).
TEXT PDF191.175 Drawback claimant; maintenance of records.
TEXT PDF191.176 Procedures for claims filed under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p).
TEXT PDF191.181 Drawback allowance.
TEXT PDF191.182 Zone-restricted merchandise.
TEXT PDF191.183 Articles manufactured or produced in the United States.
TEXT PDF191.184 Merchandise transferred from continuous Customs custody.
TEXT PDF191.185 Unused merchandise drawback and merchandise not conforming to sample or specification, shipped without consent of the consignee, or found to be defective as of the time of importation.
TEXT PDF191.186 Person entitled to claim drawback.
TEXT PDF191.191 Purpose.
TEXT PDF191.192 Certification for compliance program.
TEXT PDF191.193 Application procedure for compliance program.
TEXT PDF191.194 Action on application to participate in compliance program.
TEXT PDF191.195 Combined application for certification in drawback compliance program and waiver of prior notice and/or approval of accelerated payment of drawback.
