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Region 5 Indicator Information Available

About Environmental
Indicators Gateway

The Indicators Gateway promotes enhanced public access to environmental and public health information generated by EPA, in cooperation with its many partners.  The site presents information in the context of environmental indicators, or numerical values that provide insights into the status and trends of environmental and public health conditions over a specified time period or place.  The Gateway establishes a single catalog of EPA’s indicator work that allows browsing and searching among existing EPA websites and indicator materials.  On this site, you can browse EPA’s existing environmental indicator reports by geography, topic area, time period, or other key characteristics.  For each report featured on this site, you can find information on key details of the project, including geography, project purpose, contact information, and data quality considerations.  To learn more about a particular indicator report, you can follow the links provided to visit each report’s web site.

In addition to enhancing public access to indicator information, the Gateway provides a resource for EPA and its partners to better coordinate their own environmental indicator work.  By sharing key information and best practices among existing projects, EPA can improve its ability to generate environmental indicator information in the future.  To better accomplish the goals of EPA’s Environmental Indicators Initiative, EPA plans further enhancements to this site, which will improve coordination among existing indicator work and provide additional tools for accessing environmental indicators and information across EPA.

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