Project Food, Land & People is a national, nonprofit educational organization promoting learning to help people better understand the interrelationships among agriculture, the environment and people of the world.
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Project Food, Land & People

  What's New

Resources for Learning 2nd Edition
Updated educational materials produced by Project Food, Land & People (FLP) are now available for use in America's classrooms. Resources for Learning, first released in 1998, is a collection of 55 Pre-K through 12th grade lesson plans for use in either a formal or non-formal education setting. The new second edition has expanded background information for teacher preparation, more activities and student pages, and sources of material are credited more frequently to allow for verification of information by educators, parents, and students. Twenty of the FLP lessons have been fully translated into Spanish for use in Spanish-speaking or bilingual classrooms.
See Description of the 55 lessons...
Order the Resources for Learning (2nd Edition) and/or Recursos para Aprender (Spanish edition)...

Resources for Learning on CD is available. Project Food Land & People has released a version of Resources for Learning in CD format. Lessons are searchable by table of contents, grade level, core subjects and topic.
Order the CD today...

Looking for additional information and resources? All of the FLP Resources listed in the 2nd Edition of Resources for Learning are now available by topic in PDF format. These are a great source of related websites and other information.
Download the resources list (295KB, PDF)...

Download "Amazing Grazing", a new sample lesson from Resources for Learning. Students learn the efficient use of renewable resources to meet human need in this lesson. Five small groups of students build a food system to meet their needs, which is based upon the capability of their land resource, climate, topography, and economics. The lesson provides information that directs students to understand why grazing is an environmentally sound option in each scenario.
Download the lesson (664KB, PDF)...

Order the Mineral Information Institute's poster entitled "Natural Resources We Use" that complements the FLP "Sea to Shining Sea" Lesson. This poster was created in partnership with the Mineral Information Institute. Folded or rolled posters are available from FLP in single or quantity orders. If you don't have a copy of FLP's Resources For Learning, please let us know and we will include a copy of the lesson "Sea to Shining Sea" to use with the poster.
Click here to order...

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Project Food, Land & People promotes approaches to learning to help people better understand the interrelationships among agriculture, the environment and people of the world.

Have you ordered your copy of FLP's Resources for Learning?

Cover of Resources for Learning

"Amazing Grazing!" lesson (664KB, PDF)

Project Food, Land & People
c/o John H. Davis
65 Poinsetta Rd SE
Scio, OH 43988

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