Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF225.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF225.001 General.
TEXT PDF225.003 Definitions.
TEXT PDF225.101 General.
TEXT PDF225.103 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.104 Nonavailable articles.
TEXT PDF225.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.
TEXT PDF225.170 Acquisition from or through other Government agencies.
TEXT PDF225.171 Solicitations.
TEXT PDF225.202 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.206 Noncompliance.
TEXT PDF225.401 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.401-70 Products subject to trade agreements.
TEXT PDF225.402 General.
TEXT PDF225.403 Trade Agreements Act.
TEXT PDF225.408 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.502 Application.
TEXT PDF225.503 Group offers.
TEXT PDF225.504 Evaluation examples.
TEXT PDF225.670 Secondary Arab boycott of Israel.
TEXT PDF225.670-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.670-2 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.670-3 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.670-4 Waivers.
TEXT PDF225.701 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF225.701-70 Exception.
TEXT PDF225.802 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.802-70 Contracts for performance outside the United States and Canada.
TEXT PDF225.802-71 End use certificates.
TEXT PDF225.870 Contracting with Canadian contractors.
TEXT PDF225.870-1 General.
TEXT PDF225.870-2 Solicitation of Canadian contractors.
TEXT PDF225.870-3 Submission of offers.
TEXT PDF225.870-4 Contracting procedures.
TEXT PDF225.870-5 Contract administration.
TEXT PDF225.870-6 Termination procedures.
TEXT PDF225.870-7 Acceptance of Canadian supplies.
TEXT PDF225.870-8 Industrial security.
TEXT PDF225.871 North Atlantic Treaty Organization cooperative projects.
TEXT PDF225.871-1 Scope.
TEXT PDF225.871-2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF225.871-3 General.
TEXT PDF225.871-4 Statutory waivers.
TEXT PDF225.871-5 Directed Subcontracting.
TEXT PDF225.871-6 Disposal of property.
TEXT PDF225.871-7 Congressional notification.
TEXT PDF225.872 Contracting with qualifying country sources.
TEXT PDF225.872-1 General.
TEXT PDF225.872-2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF225.872-3 Solicitation procedures.
TEXT PDF225.872-4 Individual determinations.
TEXT PDF225.872-5 Contract administration.
TEXT PDF225.872-6 Audit.
TEXT PDF225.872-7 Industrial security for qualifying countries.
TEXT PDF225.872-8 Subcontracting with qualifying country sources.
TEXT PDF225.873 Waiver of United Kingdom commercial exploitation levies.
TEXT PDF225.873-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF225.873-2 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.901 Policy.
TEXT PDF225.902 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.903 Exempted supplies.
TEXT PDF225.1070 Clause deviations in overseas contracts.
TEXT PDF225.1100 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.1101 Acquisition of supplies.
TEXT PDF225.1103 Other provisions and clauses.
TEXT PDF225.7000 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF225.7002-1 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF225.7002-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7002-3 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF225.7003 Waiver of restrictions of 10 U.S.C. 2534.
TEXT PDF225.7004 Restriction on acquisition of foreign buses.
TEXT PDF225.7004-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7004-2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF225.7004-3 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7004-4 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7005 Restriction on certain chemical weapons antidote.
TEXT PDF225.7005-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7005-2 Exception.
TEXT PDF225.7005-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7006 Restriction on air circuit breakers for naval vessels.
TEXT PDF225.7006-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7006-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7006-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7006-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7007 Restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.
TEXT PDF225.7007-1 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF225.7007-2 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7007-3 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7008 Restrictions on totally enclosed lifeboat survival systems.
TEXT PDF225.7008-1 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF225.7008-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7008-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7008-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7009 Restrictions on ball and roller bearings.
TEXT PDF225.7009-1 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF225.7009-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7009-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7009-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7010 Restriction on vessel propellers.
TEXT PDF225.7010-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7010-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7010-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7010-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7011 Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.
TEXT PDF225.7011-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7011-2 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7011-3 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7012 Restriction on supercomputers.
TEXT PDF225.7012-1 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7012-2 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7012-3 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7013 Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.
TEXT PDF225.7014 Restriction on overseas military construction.
TEXT PDF225.7015 Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.
TEXT PDF225.7016 Restriction on research and development.
TEXT PDF225.7017 Restriction on Ballistic Missile Defense research, development, test, and evaluation.
TEXT PDF225.7017-1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF225.7017-2 Restriction.
TEXT PDF225.7017-3 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7017-4 Solicitation provision.
TEXT PDF225.7100 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF225.7102 Forgings.
TEXT PDF225.7102-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF225.7102-2 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF225.7102-3 Waiver.
TEXT PDF225.7102-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7103 Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fiber.
TEXT PDF225.7103-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF225.7103-2 Waivers.
TEXT PDF225.7103-3 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7200 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7201 Exception.
TEXT PDF225.7202 Distribution of reports.
TEXT PDF225.7203 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7300 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7301 General.
TEXT PDF225.7302 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.7303 Pricing acquisitions for FMS.
TEXT PDF225.7303-1 Contractor sales to other foreign customers.
TEXT PDF225.7303-2 Cost of doing business with a foreign government or an international organization.
TEXT PDF225.7303-3 Government-to-government agreements.
TEXT PDF225.7303-4 Contingent fees.
TEXT PDF225.7303-5 Aquisitions wholly paid for from nonrepayable funds.
TEXT PDF225.7304 FMS customer involvement.
TEXT PDF225.7305 Limitation of liability.
TEXT PDF225.7306 Exercise of options for FMS.
TEXT PDF225.7307 Offset arrangements.
TEXT PDF225.7308 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF225.7400 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7401 General.
TEXT PDF225.7402 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF225.7500 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF225.7501 Policy.
TEXT PDF225.7502 Procedures.
TEXT PDF225.7503 Contract clauses.
