Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF3509.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF3509.104-3 Application of standards.
TEXT PDF3509.106 Preaward surveys.
TEXT PDF3509.106-70 Professional type services preaward surveys.
TEXT PDF3509.202 Policy.
TEXT PDF3509.206 Acquisitions subject to qualification requirements.
TEXT PDF3509.206-1 General.
TEXT PDF3509.400 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF3509.403 Definitions.
TEXT PDF3509.404 List of parties excluded from Federal procurement and nonprocurement programs.
TEXT PDF3509.405 Effect of listing.
TEXT PDF3509.405-1 Continuation of current contracts.
TEXT PDF3509.405-2 Restrictions on subcontracting.
TEXT PDF3509.406 Debarment.
TEXT PDF3509.406-1 General.
TEXT PDF3509.406-2 Causes for debarment.
TEXT PDF3509.406-3 Procedures.
TEXT PDF3509.406-70 Settlement.
TEXT PDF3509.406-71 Voluntary exclusion.
TEXT PDF3509.407 Suspension.
TEXT PDF3509.407-2 Causes for suspension.
TEXT PDF3509.407-3 Procedures.
TEXT PDF3509.407-70 Settlement.
TEXT PDF3509.407-71 Voluntary exclusion.
TEXT PDF3509.470 Special notice.
TEXT PDF3509.471 Equal application.
TEXT PDF3509.500 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF3509.502 Applicability.
TEXT PDF3509.503 Waiver.
TEXT PDF3509.504 Contracting officer responsibilities.
TEXT PDF3509.506 Information sources.
TEXT PDF3509.507 Procedures.
TEXT PDF3509.508 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
TEXT PDF3509.508-1 Solicitation provision.
TEXT PDF3509.508-2 Contract clause.

