Title 30--Mineral Resources



TEXT PDF57.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF57.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.1000 Notification of commencement of operations and closing of mines.
TEXT PDF57.3000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.3200 Correction of hazardous conditions.
TEXT PDF57.3201 Location for performing scaling.
TEXT PDF57.3202 Scaling tools.
TEXT PDF57.3203 Rock fixtures.
TEXT PDF57.3360 Ground support use.
TEXT PDF57.3400 Secondary breakage.
TEXT PDF57.3401 Examination of ground conditions.
TEXT PDF57.3430 Activity between machinery or equipment and the highwall or bank.
TEXT PDF57.3460 Maintenance between machinery or equipment and ribs.
TEXT PDF57.3461 Rock bursts.
TEXT PDF57.4000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits.
TEXT PDF57.4057 Underground trailing cables.
TEXT PDF57.4100 Smoking and use of open flames.
TEXT PDF57.4101 Warning signs.
TEXT PDF57.4102 Spillage and leakage.
TEXT PDF57.4103 Fueling internal combustion engines.
TEXT PDF57.4104 Combustible waste.
TEXT PDF57.4130 Surface electric substations and liquid storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.4131 Surface fan installations and mine openings.
TEXT PDF57.4160 Underground electric substations and liquid storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.4161 Use of fire underground.
TEXT PDF57.4200 General requirements.
TEXT PDF57.4201 Inspection.
TEXT PDF57.4202 Fire hydrants.
TEXT PDF57.4203 Extinguisher recharging or replacement.
TEXT PDF57.4230 Surface self-propelled equipment.
TEXT PDF57.4260 Underground self-propelled equipment.
TEXT PDF57.4261 Shaft-station waterlines.
TEXT PDF57.4262 Underground transformer stations, combustible liquid storage and dispensing areas, pump rooms, compressor rooms, and hoist rooms.
TEXT PDF57.4263 Underground belt conveyors.
TEXT PDF57.4330 Surface firefighting, evacuation, and rescue procedures.
TEXT PDF57.4331 Surface firefighting drills.
TEXT PDF57.4360 Underground alarm systems.
TEXT PDF57.4361 Underground evacuation drills.
TEXT PDF57.4362 Underground rescue and firefighting operations.
TEXT PDF57.4363 Underground evacuation instruction.
TEXT PDF57.4400 Use restrictions.
TEXT PDF57.4401 Storage tank foundations.
TEXT PDF57.4402 Safety can use.
TEXT PDF57.4430 Surface storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.4431 Surface storage restrictions.
TEXT PDF57.4460 Storage of flammable liquids underground.
TEXT PDF57.4461 Gasoline use restrictions underground.
TEXT PDF57.4462 Storage of combustible liquids underground.
TEXT PDF57.4463 Liquefied petroleum gas use underground.
TEXT PDF57.4500 Heat sources.
TEXT PDF57.4501 Fuel lines.
TEXT PDF57.4502 Battery-charging stations.
TEXT PDF57.4503 Conveyor belt slippage.
TEXT PDF57.4504 Fan installations.
TEXT PDF57.4505 Fuel lines to underground areas.
TEXT PDF57.4530 Exits for surface buildings and structures.
TEXT PDF57.4531 Surface flammable or combustible liquid storage buildings or rooms.
TEXT PDF57.4532 Blacksmith shops.
TEXT PDF57.4533 Mine opening vicinity.
TEXT PDF57.4560 Mine entrances.
TEXT PDF57.4561 Stationary diesel equipment underground.
TEXT PDF57.4600 Extinguishing equipment.
TEXT PDF57.4601 Oxygen cylinder storage.
TEXT PDF57.4602 Gauges and regulators.
TEXT PDF57.4603 Closure of valves.
TEXT PDF57.4604 Preparation of pipelines or containers.
TEXT PDF57.4660 Work in shafts, raises, or winzes and other activities involving hazard areas.
TEXT PDF57.4760 Shaft mines.
TEXT PDF57.4761 Underground shops.
TEXT PDF57.5001 Exposure limits for airborne contaminants.
TEXT PDF57.5002 Exposure monitoring.
TEXT PDF57.5005 Control of exposure to airborne contaminants.
TEXT PDF57.5006 Restricted use of chemicals.
TEXT PDF57.5015 Oxygen deficiency.
TEXT PDF57.5037 Radon daughter exposure monitoring.
TEXT PDF57.5038 Annual exposure limits.
TEXT PDF57.5039 Maximum permissible concentration.
TEXT PDF57.5040 Exposure records.
TEXT PDF57.5041 Smoking prohibition.
TEXT PDF57.5042 Revised exposure levels.
TEXT PDF57.5044 Respirators.
TEXT PDF57.5045 Posting of inactive workings.
TEXT PDF57.5046 Protection against radon gas.
TEXT PDF57.5047 Gamma radiation surveys.
TEXT PDF57.5060 Limit on exposure to diesel particulate matter.
TEXT PDF57.5060 Limit on exposure to diesel particulate matter.
TEXT PDF57.5061 Compliance determinations.
TEXT PDF57.5065 Fueling practices.
TEXT PDF57.5066 Maintenance standards.
TEXT PDF57.5067 Engines.
TEXT PDF57.5070 Miner training.
TEXT PDF57.5071 Exposure monitoring.
TEXT PDF57.5075 Diesel particulate records.
TEXT PDF57.6000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.6100 Separation of stored explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6101 Areas around explosive material storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6102 Explosive material storage practices.
TEXT PDF57.6130 Explosive material storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6131 Location of explosive material storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6132 Magazine requirements.
TEXT PDF57.6133 Powder chests.
TEXT PDF57.6160 Main facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6161 Auxiliary facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6200 Delivery to storage or blast site areas.
TEXT PDF57.6201 Separation of transported explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6202 Vehicles.
TEXT PDF57.6203 Locomotives.
TEXT PDF57.6204 Hoists.
TEXT PDF57.6205 Conveying explosives by hand.
TEXT PDF57.6300 Control of blasting operations.
TEXT PDF57.6301 Blasthole obstruction check.
TEXT PDF57.6302 Separation of explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6303 Initiation preparation.
TEXT PDF57.6304 Primer protection.
TEXT PDF57.6305 Unused explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6306 Loading, blasting, and security.
TEXT PDF57.6307 Drill stem loading.
TEXT PDF57.6308 Initiation systems.
TEXT PDF57.6309 Fuel oil requirements for ANFO.
TEXT PDF57.6310 Misfire waiting period.
TEXT PDF57.6311 Handling of misfires.
TEXT PDF57.6312 Secondary blasting.
TEXT PDF57.6400 Compatibility of electric detonators.
TEXT PDF57.6401 Shunting.
TEXT PDF57.6402 Deenergized circuits near detonators.
TEXT PDF57.6403 Branch circuits.
TEXT PDF57.6404 Separation of blasting circuits from power source.
TEXT PDF57.6405 Firing devices.
TEXT PDF57.6406 Duration of current flow.
TEXT PDF57.6407 Circuit testing.
TEXT PDF57.6500 Damaged initiating material.
TEXT PDF57.6501 Nonelectric initiation systems.
TEXT PDF57.6502 Safety fuse.
TEXT PDF57.6600 Loading practices.
TEXT PDF57.6601 Grounding.
TEXT PDF57.6602 Static electricity dissipation during loading.
TEXT PDF57.6603 Air gap.
TEXT PDF57.6604 Precautions during storms.
TEXT PDF57.6605 Isolation of blasting circuits.
TEXT PDF57.6700 Nonsparking tools.
TEXT PDF57.6701 Tamping and loading pole requirements.
TEXT PDF57.6800 Storage facilities.
TEXT PDF57.6801 Vehicle repair.
TEXT PDF57.6802 Bulk delivery vehicles.
TEXT PDF57.6803 Blasting lines.
TEXT PDF57.6900 Damaged or deteriorated explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6901 Black powder.
TEXT PDF57.6902 Excessive temperatures.
TEXT PDF57.6903 Burning explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6904 Smoking and open flames.
TEXT PDF57.6905 Protection of explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.6960 Mixing of explosive material.
TEXT PDF57.7002 Equipment defects.
TEXT PDF57.7003 Drill area inspection.
TEXT PDF57.7004 Drill mast.
TEXT PDF57.7005 Augers and drill stems.
TEXT PDF57.7008 Moving the drill.
TEXT PDF57.7009 Drill helpers.
TEXT PDF57.7010 Power failures.
TEXT PDF57.7011 Straightening crossed cables.
TEXT PDF57.7012 Tending drills in operation.
TEXT PDF57.7013 Covering or guarding drill holes.
TEXT PDF57.7018 Hand clearance.
TEXT PDF57.7028 Hand clearance.
TEXT PDF57.7032 Anchoring.
TEXT PDF57.7050 Tool and drill steel racks.
TEXT PDF57.7051 Loose objects on the mast or drill platform.
TEXT PDF57.7052 Drilling positions.
TEXT PDF57.7053 Moving hand-held drills.
TEXT PDF57.7054 Starting or moving drill equipment.
TEXT PDF57.7055 Intersecting holes.
TEXT PDF57.7056 Collaring in bootlegs.
TEXT PDF57.7801 Jet drills.
TEXT PDF57.7802 Oxygen hose lines.
TEXT PDF57.7803 Lighting the burner.
TEXT PDF57.7804 Refueling.
TEXT PDF57.7805 Smoking and open flames.
TEXT PDF57.7806 Oxygen intake coupling.
TEXT PDF57.7807 Flushing the combustion chamber.
TEXT PDF57.8518 Main and booster fans.
TEXT PDF57.8519 Underground main fan controls.
TEXT PDF57.8520 Ventilation plan.
TEXT PDF57.8525 Main fan maintenance.
TEXT PDF57.8527 Oxygen-deficiency testing.
TEXT PDF57.8528 Unventilated areas.
TEXT PDF57.8529 Auxiliary fan systems
TEXT PDF57.8531 Construction and maintenance of ventilation doors.
TEXT PDF57.8532 Opening and closing ventilation doors.
TEXT PDF57.8534 Shutdown or failure of auxiliary fans.
TEXT PDF57.8535 Seals.
TEXT PDF57.9100 Traffic control.
TEXT PDF57.9101 Operating speeds and control of equipment.
TEXT PDF57.9102 Movement of independently operating rail equipment.
TEXT PDF57.9103 Clearance on adjacent tracks.
TEXT PDF57.9104 Railroad crossings.
TEXT PDF57.9160 Train movement during shift changes.
TEXT PDF57.9200 Transporting persons.
TEXT PDF57.9201 Loading, hauling, and unloading of equipment or supplies.
TEXT PDF57.9202 Loading and hauling large rocks.
TEXT PDF57.9260 Supplies, materials, and tools on mantrips.
TEXT PDF57.9261 Transporting tools and materials on locomotives.
TEXT PDF57.9300 Berms or guardrails.
TEXT PDF57.9301 Dump site restraints.
TEXT PDF57.9302 Protection against moving or runaway railroad equipment.
TEXT PDF57.9303 Construction of ramps and dumping facilities.
TEXT PDF57.9304 Unstable ground.
TEXT PDF57.9305 Truck spotters.
TEXT PDF57.9306 Warning devices for restricted clearances.
TEXT PDF57.9307 Design, installation, and maintenance of railroads.
TEXT PDF57.9308 Switch throws.
TEXT PDF57.9309 Chute design.
TEXT PDF57.9310 Chute hazards.
TEXT PDF57.9311 Anchoring stationary sizing devices.
TEXT PDF57.9312 Working around drawholes.
TEXT PDF57.9313 Roadway maintenance.
TEXT PDF57.9314 Trimming stockpile and muckpile faces.
TEXT PDF57.9315 Dust control.
TEXT PDF57.9316 Notifying the equipment operator.
TEXT PDF57.9317 Suspended loads.
TEXT PDF57.9318 Getting on or off moving equipment.
TEXT PDF57.9319 Going over, under, or between railcars.
TEXT PDF57.9330 Clearance for surface equipment.
TEXT PDF57.9360 Shelter holes.
TEXT PDF57.9361 Drawholes.
TEXT PDF57.9362 Protection of signalmen.
TEXT PDF57.10001 Filling buckets.
TEXT PDF57.10002 Inspection and maintenance.
TEXT PDF57.10003 Correction of defects.
TEXT PDF57.10004 Brakes.
TEXT PDF57.10005 Track cable connections.
TEXT PDF57.10006 Tower guards.
TEXT PDF57.10007 Falling object protection.
TEXT PDF57.10008 Riding tramways.
TEXT PDF57.10009 Riding loaded buckets.
TEXT PDF57.10010 Starting precautions.
TEXT PDF57.11001 Safe access.
TEXT PDF57.11002 Handrails and toeboards.
TEXT PDF57.11003 Construction and maintenance of ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11004 Portable rigid ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11005 Fixed ladder anchorage and toe clearance.
TEXT PDF57.11006 Fixed ladder landings.
TEXT PDF57.11007 Wooden components of ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11008 Restricted clearance.
TEXT PDF57.11009 Walkways along conveyors.
TEXT PDF57.11010 Stairstep clearance.
TEXT PDF57.11011 Use of ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11012 Protection for openings around travelways.
TEXT PDF57.11013 Conveyor crossovers.
TEXT PDF57.11014 Crossing moving conveyors.
TEXT PDF57.11016 Snow and ice on walkways and travelways.
TEXT PDF57.11017 Inclined fixed ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11025 Railed landings, backguards, and other protection for fixed ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11026 Protection for inclined fixed ladders.
TEXT PDF57.11027 Scaffolds and working platforms.
TEXT PDF57.11036 Ladderway trap doors and guards.
TEXT PDF57.11037 Ladderway openings.
TEXT PDF57.11038 Entering a manway.
TEXT PDF57.11040 Inclined travelways.
TEXT PDF57.11041 Landings for inclined ladderways.
TEXT PDF57.11050 Escapeways and refuges.
TEXT PDF57.11051 Escape routes.
TEXT PDF57.11052 Refuge areas.
TEXT PDF57.11053 Escape and evacuation plans.
TEXT PDF57.11054 Communication with refuge chambers.
TEXT PDF57.11055 Inclined escapeways.
TEXT PDF57.11056 Emergency hoists.
TEXT PDF57.11058 Check-in, check-out system.
TEXT PDF57.11059 Respirable atmosphere for hoist operators underground.
TEXT PDF57.12001 Circuit overload protection.
TEXT PDF57.12002 Controls and switches.
TEXT PDF57.12003 Trailing cable overload protection.
TEXT PDF57.12004 Electrical conductors.
TEXT PDF57.12005 Protection of power conductors from mobile equipment.
TEXT PDF57.12006 Distribution boxes.
TEXT PDF57.12007 Junction box connection procedures.
TEXT PDF57.12008 Insulation and fittings for power wires and cables.
TEXT PDF57.12010 Isolation or insulation of communication conductors.
TEXT PDF57.12011 High-potential electrical conductors.
TEXT PDF57.12012 Bare signal wires.
TEXT PDF57.12013 Splices and repairs of power cables.
TEXT PDF57.12014 Handling energized power cables.
TEXT PDF57.12016 Work on electrically-powered equipment.
TEXT PDF57.12017 Work on power circuits.
TEXT PDF57.12018 Identification of power switches.
TEXT PDF57.12019 Access to stationary electrical equipment or switchgear.
TEXT PDF57.12020 Protection of persons at switchgear.
TEXT PDF57.12021 Danger signs.
TEXT PDF57.12022 Authorized persons at major electrical installations.
TEXT PDF57.12023 Guarding electrical connections and resistor grids.
TEXT PDF57.12025 Grounding circuit enclosures.
TEXT PDF57.12026 Grounding transformer and switchgear enclosures.
TEXT PDF57.12027 Grounding mobile equipment.
TEXT PDF57.12028 Testing grounding systems.
TEXT PDF57.12030 Correction of dangerous conditions.
TEXT PDF57.12032 Inspection and cover plates.
TEXT PDF57.12033 Hand-held electric tools.
TEXT PDF57.12034 Guarding around lights.
TEXT PDF57.12035 Weatherproof lamp sockets.
TEXT PDF57.12036 Fuse removal or replacement.
TEXT PDF57.12037 Fuses in high-potential circuits.
TEXT PDF57.12038 Attachment of trailing cables.
TEXT PDF57.12039 Protection of surplus trailing cables.
TEXT PDF57.12040 Installation of operating controls.
TEXT PDF57.12041 Design of switches and starting boxes.
TEXT PDF57.12042 Track bonding.
TEXT PDF57.12045 Overhead powerlines.
TEXT PDF57.12047 Guy wires.
TEXT PDF57.12048 Communication conductors on power poles.
TEXT PDF57.12050 Installation of trolley wires.
TEXT PDF57.12053 Circuits powered from trolley wires.
TEXT PDF57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection.
TEXT PDF57.12066 Guarding trolley wires and bare powerlines.
TEXT PDF57.12067 Installation of transformers.
TEXT PDF57.12068 Locking transformer enclosures.
TEXT PDF57.12069 Lightning protection for telephone wires and ungrounded conductors.
TEXT PDF57.12071 Movement or operation of equipment near high-voltage powerlines.
TEXT PDF57.12080 Bare conductor guards.
TEXT PDF57.12081 Bonding metal pipelines to ground return circuits.
TEXT PDF57.12082 Isolation of powerlines.
TEXT PDF57.12083 Support of power cables in shafts and boreholes.
TEXT PDF57.12084 Branch circuit disconnecting devices.
TEXT PDF57.12085 Transformer stations.
TEXT PDF57.12086 Location of trolley wire.
TEXT PDF57.12088 Splicing trailing cables.
TEXT PDF57.13001 General requirements for boilers and pressure vessels.
TEXT PDF57.13010 Reciprocating-type air compressors.
TEXT PDF57.13011 Air receiver tanks.
TEXT PDF57.13012 Compressor air intakes.
TEXT PDF57.13015 Inspection of compressed-air receivers and other unfired pressure vessels.
TEXT PDF57.13017 Compressor discharge pipes.
TEXT PDF57.13019 Pressure system repairs.
TEXT PDF57.13020 Use of compressed air.
TEXT PDF57.13021 High-pressure hose connections.
TEXT PDF57.13030 Boilers.
TEXT PDF57.14000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.14100 Safety defects; examination, correction and records.
TEXT PDF57.14101 Brakes.
TEXT PDF57.14102 Brakes for rail equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14103 Operators' stations.
TEXT PDF57.14104 Tire repairs.
TEXT PDF57.14105 Procedures during repairs or maintenance.
TEXT PDF57.14106 Falling object protection.
TEXT PDF57.14107 Moving machine parts.
TEXT PDF57.14108 Overhead drive belts.
TEXT PDF57.14109 Unguarded conveyors with adjacent travelways.
TEXT PDF57.14110 Flying or falling materials.
TEXT PDF57.14111 Slusher, backlash guards and securing.
TEXT PDF57.14112 Construction and maintenance of guards.
TEXT PDF57.14113 Inclined conveyors: backstops or brakes.
TEXT PDF57.14114 Air valves for pneumatic equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14115 Stationary grinding machines.
TEXT PDF57.14116 Hand-held power tools.
TEXT PDF57.14130 Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) and seat belts for surface equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14131 Seat belts for surface haulage trucks.
TEXT PDF57.14132 Horns and backup alarms for surface equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14160 Mantrip trolley wire hazards underground.
TEXT PDF57.14161 Makeshift couplings.
TEXT PDF57.14162 Trip lights.
TEXT PDF57.14200 Warnings prior to starting or moving equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14201 Conveyor start-up warnings.
TEXT PDF57.14202 Manual cleaning of conveyor pulleys.
TEXT PDF57.14203 Application of belt dressing.
TEXT PDF57.14204 Machinery lubrication.
TEXT PDF57.14205 Machinery, equipment, and tools.
TEXT PDF57.14206 Securing movable parts.
TEXT PDF57.14207 Parking procedures for unattended equipment.
TEXT PDF57.14208 Warning devices.
TEXT PDF57.14209 Safety procedures for towing.
TEXT PDF57.14210 Movement of dippers, buckets, loading booms, or suspended loads.
TEXT PDF57.14211 Blocking equipment in a raised position.
TEXT PDF57.14212 Chains, ropes, and drive belts.
TEXT PDF57.14213 Ventilation and shielding for welding.
TEXT PDF57.14214 Train warnings.
TEXT PDF57.14215 Coupling or uncoupling cars.
TEXT PDF57.14216 Backpoling.
TEXT PDF57.14217 Securing parked railcars.
TEXT PDF57.14218 Movement of equipment on adjacent tracks.
TEXT PDF57.14219 Brakeman signals.
TEXT PDF57.15001 First aid materials.
TEXT PDF57.15002 Hard hats.
TEXT PDF57.15003 Protective footwear.
TEXT PDF57.15004 Eye protection.
TEXT PDF57.15005 Safety belts and lines.
TEXT PDF57.15006 Protective equipment and clothing for hazards and irritants.
TEXT PDF57.15007 Protective equipment or clothing for welding, cutting, or working with molten metal.
TEXT PDF57.15014 Eye protection when operating grinding wheels.
TEXT PDF57.15020 Life jackets and belts.
TEXT PDF57.15030 Provision and maintenance of self-rescue devices.
TEXT PDF57.15031 Location of self-rescue devices.
TEXT PDF57.16001 Stacking and storage of materials.
TEXT PDF57.16002 Bins, hoppers, silos, tanks, and surge piles.
TEXT PDF57.16003 Storage of hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF57.16004 Containers for hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF57.16005 Securing gas cylinders.
TEXT PDF57.16006 Protection of gas cylinder valves.
TEXT PDF57.16007 Taglines, hitches, and slings.
TEXT PDF57.16009 Suspended loads.
TEXT PDF57.16010 Dropping materials from overhead.
TEXT PDF57.16011 Riding hoisted loads or on the hoist hook.
TEXT PDF57.16012 Storage of incompatible substances.
TEXT PDF57.16013 Working with molten metal.
TEXT PDF57.16014 Operator-carrying overhead cranes.
TEXT PDF57.16015 Work or travel on overhead crane bridges.
TEXT PDF57.16016 Lift trucks.
TEXT PDF57.16017 Hoisting heavy equipment or material.
TEXT PDF57.17001 Illumination of surface working areas.
TEXT PDF57.17010 Electric lamps.
TEXT PDF57.18002 Examination of working places.
TEXT PDF57.18006 New employees.
TEXT PDF57.18009 Designation of person in charge.
TEXT PDF57.18010 First aid.
TEXT PDF57.18012 Emergency telephone numbers.
TEXT PDF57.18013 Emergency communications system.
TEXT PDF57.18014 Emergency medical assistance and transportation.
TEXT PDF57.18020 Working alone.
TEXT PDF57.18025 Working alone.
TEXT PDF57.18028 Mine emergency and self-rescuer training.
TEXT PDF57.19000 Application.
TEXT PDF57.19001 Rated capacities.
TEXT PDF57.19002 Anchoring.
TEXT PDF57.19003 Driving mechanism connections.
TEXT PDF57.19004 Brakes.
TEXT PDF57.19005 Locking mechanism for clutch.
TEXT PDF57.19006 Automatic hoist braking devices.
TEXT PDF57.19007 Overtravel and overspeed devices.
TEXT PDF57.19008 Friction hoist synchronizing mechanisms.
TEXT PDF57.19009 Position indicator.
TEXT PDF57.19010 Location of hoist controls.
TEXT PDF57.19011 Drum flanges.
TEXT PDF57.19012 Grooved drums.
TEXT PDF57.19013 Diesel- and other fuel-injection-powered hoists.
TEXT PDF57.19014 Friction hoist overtravel protection.
TEXT PDF57.19017 Emergency braking for electric hoists.
TEXT PDF57.19018 Overtravel by-pass switches.
TEXT PDF57.19019 Guide ropes.
TEXT PDF57.19021 Minimum rope strength.
TEXT PDF57.19022 Initial measurement.
TEXT PDF57.19023 Examinations.
TEXT PDF57.19024 Retirement criteria.
TEXT PDF57.19025 Load end attachments.
TEXT PDF57.19026 Drum end attachment.
TEXT PDF57.19027 End attachment retermination.
TEXT PDF57.19028 End attachment replacement.
TEXT PDF57.19030 Safety device attachments.
TEXT PDF57.19035 Headframe design.
TEXT PDF57.19036 Headframe height.
TEXT PDF57.19037 Fleet angles.
TEXT PDF57.19038 Platforms around elevated head sheaves.
TEXT PDF57.19045 Metal bonnets.
TEXT PDF57.19049 Hoisting persons in buckets.
TEXT PDF57.19050 Bucket requirements.
TEXT PDF57.19054 Rope guides.
TEXT PDF57.19055 Availability of hoist operator for manual hoists.
TEXT PDF57.19056 Availability of hoist operator for automatic hoists.
TEXT PDF57.19057 Hoist operator's physical fitness.
TEXT PDF57.19058 Experienced hoist operators.
TEXT PDF57.19061 Maximum hoisting speeds.
TEXT PDF57.19062 Maximum acceleration and deceleration.
TEXT PDF57.19063 Persons allowed in hoist room.
TEXT PDF57.19065 Lowering conveyances by the brakes.
TEXT PDF57.19066 Maximum riders in a conveyance.
TEXT PDF57.19067 Trips during shift changes.
TEXT PDF57.19068 Orderly conduct in conveyances.
TEXT PDF57.19069 Entering and leaving conveyances.
TEXT PDF57.19070 Closing cage doors or gates.
TEXT PDF57.19071 Riding in skips or buckets.
TEXT PDF57.19072 Skips and cages in same compartment.
TEXT PDF57.19073 Hoisting during shift changes.
TEXT PDF57.19074 Riding the bail, rim, bonnet, or crosshead.
TEXT PDF57.19075 Use of open hooks.
TEXT PDF57.19076 Maximum speeds for hoisting persons in buckets.
TEXT PDF57.19077 Lowering buckets.
TEXT PDF57.19078 Hoisting buckets from the shaft bottom.
TEXT PDF57.19079 Blocking mine cars.
TEXT PDF57.19080 Hoisting tools, timbers, and other materials.
TEXT PDF57.19081 Conveyances not in use.
TEXT PDF57.19083 Overtravel backout device.
TEXT PDF57.19090 Dual signaling systems.
TEXT PDF57.19091 Signaling instructions to hoist operator.
TEXT PDF57.19092 Signaling from conveyances.
TEXT PDF57.19093 Standard signal code.
TEXT PDF57.19094 Posting signal code.
TEXT PDF57.19095 Location of signal devices.
TEXT PDF57.19096 Familiarity with signal code.
TEXT PDF57.19100 Shaft landing gates.
TEXT PDF57.19101 Stopblocks and derail switches.
TEXT PDF57.19102 Shaft guides.
TEXT PDF57.19103 Dumping facilities and loading pockets.
TEXT PDF57.19104 Clearance at shaft stations.
TEXT PDF57.19105 Landings with more than one shaft entrance.
TEXT PDF57.19106 Shaft sets.
TEXT PDF57.19107 Precautions for work in compartment affected by hoisting operation.
TEXT PDF57.19108 Posting warning signs during shaft work.
TEXT PDF57.19109 Shaft inspection and repair.
TEXT PDF57.19110 Overhead protection for shaft deepening work.
TEXT PDF57.19111 Shaft-sinking ladders.
TEXT PDF57.19120 Procedures for inspection, testing, and maintenance.
TEXT PDF57.19121 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF57.19122 Replacement parts.
TEXT PDF57.19129 Examinations and tests at beginning of shift.
TEXT PDF57.19130 Conveyance shaft test.
TEXT PDF57.19131 Hoist conveyance connections.
TEXT PDF57.19132 Safety catches.
TEXT PDF57.19133 Shaft.
TEXT PDF57.19134 Sheaves.
TEXT PDF57.19135 Rollers in inclined shafts.
TEXT PDF57.20001 Intoxicating beverages and narcotics.
TEXT PDF57.20002 Potable water.
TEXT PDF57.20003 Housekeeping.
TEXT PDF57.20005 Carbon tetrachloride.
TEXT PDF57.20008 Toilet facilities.
TEXT PDF57.20009 Tests for explosive dusts.
TEXT PDF57.20010 Retaining dams.
TEXT PDF57.20011 Barricades and warning signs.
TEXT PDF57.20013 Waste receptacles.
TEXT PDF57.20014 Prohibited areas for food and beverages.
TEXT PDF57.20020 Unattended mine openings.
TEXT PDF57.20021 Abandoned mine openings.
TEXT PDF57.20031 Blasting underground in hazardous areas.
TEXT PDF57.20032 Two-way communication equipment for underground operations.
TEXT PDF57.22001 Scope.
TEXT PDF57.22002 Definitions.
TEXT PDF57.22003 Mine category or subcategory.
TEXT PDF57.22004 Category placement or change in placement.
TEXT PDF57.22005 Notice and appeal of placement or change in placement.
TEXT PDF57.22101 Smoking (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22102 Smoking (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22103 Open flames (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22104 Open flames (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22105 Smoking and open flames (IV mines).
TEXT PDF57.22106 Dust containing volatile matter (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22201 Mechanical ventilation (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, II-B, III, IV, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22202 Main fans (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, III, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22203 Main fan operation (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22204 Main fan operation and inspection (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22205 Doors on main fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22206 Main ventilation failure (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22207 Booster fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22208 Auxiliary fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22209 Auxiliary fans (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22210 In-line filters (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22211 Air flow (I-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22212 Air flow (I-C, II-A, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22213 Air flow (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22214 Changes in ventilation (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22215 Separation of intake and return air (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22216 Separation of intake and return air (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22217 Seals and stoppings (I-A, I-B, and I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22218 Seals and stoppings (III, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22219 Seals and stoppings (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22220 Air passing unsealed areas (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22221 Overcast and undercast construction (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22222 Ventilation materials (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, III, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22223 Crosscuts before abandonment (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22224 Auxiliary equipment stations (I-A and III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22225 Auxiliary equipment stations (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22226 Testing for methane (IV mines).
TEXT PDF57.22227 Approved testing devices (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, II-B, III, IV, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22228 Preshift examination (I-A, I-C, II-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22229 Weekly testing (I-A, III, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22230 Weekly testing (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22231 Actions at 0.25 percent methane (I-B, II-B, V-B, and VI mines).
TEXT PDF57.22232 Actions at 0.5 percent methane (I-B, II-A, II-B, IV, V-B, and VI mines).
TEXT PDF57.22233 Actions at 0.5 percent methane (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22234 Actions at 1.0 percent methane (I-A, I-B, III, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22235 Actions at 1.0 percent methane (I-C, II-A, II-B, and IV mines).
TEXT PDF57.22236 Actions at 1.0 percent methane (VI mines).
TEXT PDF57.22237 Actions at 2.0 to 2.5 percent methane in bleeder systems (I-A and III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22238 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (I-B, II-B, V-B, and VI mines).
TEXT PDF57.22239 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (IV mines).
TEXT PDF57.22240 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22241 Advance face boreholes (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22301 Atmospheric monitoring systems (I-A, II-A, and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22302 Approved equipment (I-A and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22303 Approved equipment (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22304 Approved equipment (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22305 Approved equipment (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22306 Methane monitors (I-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22307 Methane monitors (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22308 Methane monitors (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22309 Methane monitors (V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22310 Electrical cables (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22311 Electrical cables (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22312 Distribution boxes (II-A and V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22313 Explosion-protection systems (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22314 Flow-control devices (V-A and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22315 Self-contained breathing apparatus (V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22401 Underground retorts (I-A and I-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22501 Personal electric lamps (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, II-B, III, IV, V-A, and V-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22601 Blasting from the surface (I-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22602 Blasting from the surface (I-C mines).
TEXT PDF57.22603 Blasting from the surface (II-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22604 Blasting from the surface (II-B mines).
TEXT PDF57.22605 Blasting from the surface (V-A mines).
TEXT PDF57.22606 Explosive materials and blasting units (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22607 Blasting on shift (III mines).
TEXT PDF57.22608 Secondary blasting (I-A, II-A, and V-A mines).
