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References for Jian Lin

Toda, S, J. Lin, M. Meghraoui, and R. S. Stein,
12 May 2008 M=7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake calculated to increase failure stress and seismicity rate on three major fault systems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L17305, doi:10.1029/2008GL034903, 2008
[English Summary] [Chinese Summary] [Printable article (2 Mb)] [Supplementary online material (2.2 Mb)]
R. Barkan, U. ten Brink, and J. Lin,
Far field tsunami simulations of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake: Implications for tsunami hazard to the US East Coast and the Caribbean, Marine Geology, submitted, 2008
D. Jin and J. Lin,
Managing tsunamis: A multidisciplinary approach, Ocean & Coastal Management, submitted, 2008
P.M. Gregg, M.D. Behn, J. Lin, and T.L. Grove,
Melt generation, crystallization, and extraction beneath segmented oceanic transform faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted, 2008
T.M. Blacic, G. Ito, J.P. Canales, J. Lin, and A.K. Shah,
Axial high topography and partial melt in the crust and mantle beneath the western Galapagos Spreading Center, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., submitted, 2008.
Lin, J., and M. Liu, editors,
Continental and Oceanic Lithosphere Earthquakes, Geology, and Geodynamics, Advances in Earth Sciences Monograph, Volume 3, Higher Education Press, Beijing, in review, 2008
Z. Zhang, Y.J. Chen, and J. Lin,
Stress interactions between normal faults and adjacent strike-slip faults of 1997 Jiashi earthquake swarm, Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 51, 431-440, 2008
[Printable article (2.2 mb)]
B.E. Tucholke, M. D. Behn, R. Buck, and J. Lin,
The role of melt supply in oceanic detachment faulting and formation of megamullions, Geology, 36, 455–458, doi: 10.1130/G24639A, 2008
[Printable article (0.8 mb)]
J. Zhu, J. Lin, S. Guo, and Y.J. Chen,
Hydrothermal plume anomalies along the Central Indian Ridge, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(16), 2527-2535, 2008
[Printable article (3.3 mb)]
C. Tao, J. Lin, S. Guo, Y.J. Chen, G. Wu, X. Han, C.R. German, D. Yoerger, J. Zhu, N. Zhou, X. Su. E.T. Baker, and DY115-19 Legs 1 & 2 Science Party,
Discovery of the first active hydrothermal vent field at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, InterRidge News, 16, 25-26, 2007
P.M. Gregg, J. Lin, M. Behn, and L.G.J. Montesi,
Spreading rate dependence of gravity anomalies along oceanic transform faults, Nature, 448, 183-187, 2007
[Website of the main paper and supplementary information]
J. Dyment, J. Lin, and E.T. Baker,
Ridge-hotspot interactions - How mid-ocean ridges tell us about deep Earth processes, Oceanography, Vol. 20, No. 1, 102-115 , 2007
[Printable article (8.3 mb)]
J. Lin and C. Zhang,
The first collaborative China-international cruises to investigate mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vents, InterRidge News, 15, 33-34, 2006
[Printable article (1.1 mb)]
J. Lin and R.S. Stein,
Seismic constraints and Coulomb stress changes of a blind thrust fault system, 1: Coalinga and Kettleman Hills, California, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report, 2006-1149, 17 p., 2006
[Online article] [Printable article (8.5 mb)]
R.S. Stein and J. Lin,
Seismic constraints and Coulomb stress changes of a blind thrust fault system, 2: Northridge, California, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report, 2006-1158, 17 p., 2006
[Online article] [Printable article (7.7 mb)]
P.M. Gregg, J. Lin, and D.K. Smith,
Segmentation of transform systems on the East Pacific Rise: Implications for earthquake processes at fast-slipping oceanic transform faults, Geology, vol .34, p. 289-292, doi: 10.1130/G22212.1, 2006.
[Printable article (336 kb)]
P. Cowie, J. Underhill, M. Behn, J. Lin, and C. Gill,
Spatio-temporal evolution of strain accumulation derived from multi-scale observations of Late Jurassic rifting in the northern North Sea: A critical test of models for lithospheric extension, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 401-419, 2005.
[Printable article (1.2 Mb)]
J.Y. Chen, C. Devey, C. Fisher, J. Lin, and R.B. Whitmarsh,
Ocean - Abyss of time, Prospectus for a Key Theme of the International Year of Planet Earth, 16 pp., International Union of Geological Sciences & United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2005
[Printable article (2.2 Mb)]
J. Lin,
Earthshaking events, Oceanus, 42, No. 2, 48-53, 2004.
[Printable article (1.2 Mb)]
C. German, J. Lin, and L. Parson, editors,
Mid-ocean ridges: Hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and oceans, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph,148, 311 pp., ISBN 0-87590-413-0, Washington, DC, 2004.
[Printable book title and table of contents (840 kb)]
L. Tian and J. Lin,
Chinese translation of InterRidge Next Decade Initiative Science Plan (2004-2013), Marine Geology Letters, 20, 10-15, 2004.
[Printable article (1.3 Mb)]
E. Van Ark and J. Lin,
Time variation in igneous volume flux of the Hawaii-Emperor hotspot seamount chain, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B11401, doi:10.1029/2003JB2949, 2004.
[Printable article (4.2 Mb)]
U. ten Brink and J. Lin,
Stress interaction between subduction earthquakes and forearc strike-slip faults: Modeling and application to the northern Carribean plate boundary, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B12310, doi:10.1029/2004JB003031, 24 December 2004.
[Printable article (1.1 Mb)]
C.R. German and J. Lin,
The thermal structure of the oceanic crust, ridge spreading, and hydrothermal circulation: How well do we understand their inter-connections? In: Mid-ocean ridges: Hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and oceans, ed. C.R. German, J.Lin & L.M. Parson, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph, 148, 1-18, doi:10.1029/148GM01,2004.
[Printable article (1.1 Mb)]
J. L. Hardebeck, J. Boatwright, D. Dreger, R. Goel, V. Graizer, K. Hudnut, C. Ji, L. Jones, J. Langbein, J. Lin, E. Roeloffs, R. Simpson, K. Stark, R. Stein, J. C. Tinsley.,
Preliminary Report on the 22 December 2003 M6.5 San Simeon, California, Earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, 75, 155-172, 2004.
[Printable article (7.9 Mb)]
Y.J. Chen and J. Lin,
High sensitivity of ocean ridge thermal structure to changes in magma supply: the Galápagos Spreading Center, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 221, 263-273, 2004
[Printable article (620 Kb)]
M.D. Behn, J. Lin, and M.T. Zuber,
Effects of hydrothermal cooling and magma injection on mid-ocean ridge temperature structure, deformation, and axial morphology, In: Mid-ocean ridges: Hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and oceans, ed. C.R. German, J.Lin & L.M. Parson, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph, 148, 151-165, doi:10.1029/148GM06, 2004.
[Printable article (2.1 Mb)]
J. Lin and R.S. Stein,
Stress triggering in thrust and subduction earthquakes, and stress interaction between the southern San Andreas and nearby thrust and strike-slip faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B02303, doi:10.1029/2003JB002607, 2004
[Online abstract] [Printable article (2.6 Mb)]
J. Lin and A.M. Freed,
Time-dependent viscoelastic stress transfer and earthquake triggering, In: Environment, Natural Hazards, and Global Tectonics of the Earth, ed. Y.J. Chen, Advances in Earth Sciences Monograph, Volume 2, pp. 21 - 38, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2004.
[Printable article (1.58 Mb)]
G. Ito, J. Lin and D. Graham,
Observational and theoretical studies of the dynamics of mantle plume-mid-ocean ridge interaction, Review of Geophysics, 41(4), 1017, doi:10.1029/2002RG000117, 2003
[Printable article (5.5 Mb)]
H.J.B. Dick, J. Lin and H. Schouten,
An ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge, Nature, 426, 405-412, 2003.
[Printable article (580 kb)]
J. Georgen and J. Lin,
Plume-transform interactions at ultra-slow spreading rates: Implications for the Southwest Indian Ridge, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 4(9), 9106, doi:10.1029/2003GC000542, 2003.
[Printable article (750 kb)]
T. Fujiwara, J. Lin, T. Matsumoto, P.B. Kelemen, B.E. Tucholke and J.F. Casey,
Crustal evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture zone in the last 5 Ma, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 4(3), 1024, doi:10.1029/2002GC000364, 2003.
[Printable article (3.0 Mb)]
J. Lin and C. German,
Thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation, RIDGE 2000 Events, 1, 16-17, 2003.
J.E. Georgen, M.D. Kurz, H.J.B. Dick and J. Lin,
Low 3He/4 ratios in basalt glasses from the western Southwest Indian Ridge (10°-24°E), Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 206, pp. 509-528, 2003.
[Printable article (744 kb)]
J.J. McGuire, T.H. Jordan and J. Lin,
Complexities of transform fault plate boundaries in the oceans, In: Plate boundary zones, ed. S. Stein & J.T. Freymueller, American Geophysical Union Geodynamics Series, 30, 219-241, 2002.
P.D. Clift, J. Lin and U. Barckhausen,
Evidence of low flexural rigidity and low viscosity lower continental crust during continental break-up in the South China Sea, Marine & Petroleum Geology, 19, 951 - 970, 2002.
[Printable article (1.8 Mb)]
M.D. Behn, J. Lin and M.T. Zuber,
Evidence for weak oceanic transform faults, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(24), 2207, doi:10.1029/2002GL015612, 2002.
[Printable article (684 kb)]
J.E. Georgen and J. Lin,
Three-dimensional passive flow and temperature structure beneath oceanic ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 204, pp. 115-132, 2002.
[Printable article (1.0 Mb)]
M.D. Behn, J. Lin and M.T. Zuber,
A continuum mechanics model for normal faulting using a strain-rate softening rheology: Implications for thermal and rheological controls on continental and oceanic rifting, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 202, pp. 725-740, 2002.
[Printable article (680 kb)]
A.M. Freed and J. Lin,
Accelerated stress buildup on the Southern San Andreas Fault and surrounding regions caused by Mojave Desert earthquakes, Geology, 30, 571-574, 2002
[Printable article (516 kb)]
M.D. Behn, J. Lin and M.T. Zuber,
Mechanisms of normal fault development at mid-ocean ridges, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (B4), 10.1029/2001JB000503, 2002.
[Printable article (1.5 Mb)]
R.A. Schultz and J. Lin,
3-D normal faulting model of Valles Marineris, Mars, and geodynamic implications, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, pp. 16,549-16,566, 2001.
[Printable article (4.7 Mb)]
A. Hosford, J. Lin and R.S. Detrick,
Crustal evolution over the last 2 m.y. at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge OH-1 segment, 35°N, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, pp. 13,269-13,285, 2001.
[Printable article (5.5 Mb)]
J. Georgen, J. Lin and H.J.B. Dick,
Evidence from gravity anomalies for interactions of the Marion and Bouvet hotspots with the Southwest Indian Ridge: Effects of transform offsets, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 187, pp. 283-300, 2001.
[Printable article (2.4 Mb)]
A.M. Freed and J. Lin,
Delayed triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake by viscoelastic stress transfer, Nature, 411, pp. 180-183, 2001.
[Printable article (360 kb)]
J. Escartin, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen, A. Rabain and J. Lin,
Crustal thickness of the V-shaped ridges south of the Azores: Interaction of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (36°-39°N) and the Azores hot spot, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, pp. 21,719-21,735, 2001.
[Printable article (19 Mb)]
P.D. Clift and J. Lin,
Preferential mantle lithospheric extension under the South China margin, Marine & Petroleum Geology, 18, pp. 925-949, 2001.
[Printable article (1.3 Mb)]
P.D. Clift, J. Lin and ODP Leg 184 Scientific Party,
Patterns of extension and magmatism along the continent-ocean boundary, South China Margin, In: Non-volcanic rifting of continental margins: a comparison of evidence from land and sea, ed. R.C.L. Wilson et al., Geological Society of London, Special Publication, pp. 489-510, 2001.
P. Wang, W. Prell, P. Blum and the Leg 184 Scientific Party (including J. Lin),
Proceedings of Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 184, 103 p., Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, 2000.
[Online Link]
J. Lin,
Geophysical constraints on hotspot-ridge interactions and their effects on crustal accretion and magma genesis, In: Physical and Chemical Effects of Mantle Plume - Spreading Ridge Interaction, ed. D. Graham, G. Ito, and J. Chen, 4-6, Troutdale, Oregon, 2000.
E.E.E. Hooft, R.S. Detrick, D.R. Toomey, J.A. Collins and J. Lin,
Crustal and upper mantle structure along three contrasting spreading segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 33.5°-35°N, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, pp. 8205-8226, 2000.
[Printable article (9.2 Mb)]
J.P. Canales, R.S. Detrick, J. Lin, J.A. Collins and D.R. Toomey,
Crustal and upper mantle seismic structure beneath the rift mountains and across a non-transform offset at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (35°N), Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, pp. 2699-2719, 2000.
[Printable article (10.8 Mb)]
M.D. Behn and J. Lin,
Segmentation in gravity and magnetic anomalies along the U.S. East Coast passive margin: Implications for incipient structure of the oceanic lithosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, pp. 25,769-25,790, 2000.
[Printable article (6.2 Mb)]
B.P. West, J. Lin and D.M. Christie,
Forces driving ridge propagation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, pp. 22,845-22,858, 1999.
[Printable article (8.6 Mb)]
J. Y. Chen and J. Lin,
Mechanisms for the formation of ridge-axis topography at slow spreading ridges: A lithospheric plate flexure model, Geophysical Journal International, 136, pp. 8-18, 1999.
[Printable article (1.3 Mb)]
M. Cannat, A. Briais, C. Deplus, J. Escartin, J. Georgen, J. Lin, S. Mercouriev, C. Meyzen, M. Muller, G. Pouliquen, A. Rabain and P. da Silva,
Mid-Atlantic Ridge - Azores hotspot interactions: Along-axis migration of a hotspot-derived event of enhanced magmatism 10 to 4 Ma ago, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 173, pp. 257-269, 1999.
[Printable article (1.46 Mb)]
B.E. Tucholke, J. Lin and M.C. Kleinrock,
Megamullions and mullion structure defining oceanic metamorphic core complexes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, pp. 9857-9866, 1998.
[Printable article (34.1 Mb)]
J. Lin,
Hitting the hotspots, Oceanus, 41, pp. 34-37, 1998.
[Printable article (1.8 Mb)]
G. Hirth, J. Escartin and J. Lin,
The rheology of the lower oceanic crust: Implications for lithospheric deformation at mid-ocean ridges, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph, 106, pp. 291-303, 1998.
A.M. Freed and J. Lin,
Time-dependent changes in failure stress after thrust earthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, pp. 24,393-24,409, 1998.
[Printable article (8.1 Mb)]
J. Escartin and J. Lin,
Tectonic modification of axial crustal structure: Evidence from spectral analyses of residual gravity and bathymetry of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge flanks, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 154, pp. 279-293, 1998.
[Printable article (2.1 Mb)]
B.E. Tucholke, J. Lin, M.C. Kleinrock, M.A. Tivey, T.B. Reed, J. Goff and G. Jaroslow,
Crustal structure and segmentation of the western Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank, 25°30'-27°10'N and 0-29 M.Y., Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, pp. 10,203-10,223, 1997.
[Printable article (43.5 Mb)]
S. Spencer, D.K. Smith, J.R. Cann, J. Lin and E. McAllister,
Structure and stability of non-transform discontinuities on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 24° and 30°N, Marine Geophysical Research, 19, pp. 339-362, 1997.
[Printable article (4.4 Mb)]
R.A. Kurushin, A. Bayasgalan, M. Olziybat, B. Enkhtuvshin, P. Molnar, C. Bayarsayhan, K.W. Hudnut and J. Lin,
The surface rupture of the 1957 Gobi-Altay, Mongolia, earthquake, Geological Society of America Special Paper, 320, 143 p., 1997.
M.C. Kleinrock, B.E. Tucholke, J. Lin and M.A. Tivey,
Fast rift propagation at a slow-spreading ridge, Geology, 25, pp. 639-642, 1997.
[Printable article(232 kb)]
G. Ito, J. Lin and C.W. Gable,
Interaction of mantle plumes and migrating midocean ridges: Implications for the Galapagos plume-ridge system, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, pp. 15403-15417, 1997.
[Printable article (4.9 MB)]
U. ten Brink, R. Katzman and J. Lin,
Three-dimensional models of deformation near strike-slip faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, pp. 16,205-16,220, 1996.
W.T. Shaw and J. Lin,
Models of ocean ridge lithospheric deformation: Dependence on crustal thickness, spreading rate, and segmentation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, pp. 17,977-17,993, 1996.
[Printable article (27.2 MB)]
J. Lin, G.C.P. King and R. Stein,
Stress transfer and earthquake triggering in Southern California, In: Reports from Southern California Earthquake Center Scientists, ed. K. Aki et al., pp. E29-33, Los Angeles, California, 1996.
J. Lin,
Exploring volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountain building under the Atlantic ocean, Oceanus, 39, pp. 23, 1996.
G. Ito, J. Lin and C.W. Gable,
Dynamics of mantle flow and melting at a ridge-centered hotspot: Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 144, pp. 53-74, 1996.
[Printable article (1.7 MB)]
H. Fujimoto, N. Seama, J. Lin, T. Matsumoto, T. Tanaka and K. Fujioka,
Gravity anomalies of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Kane transform fault, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, pp. 3431-3434, 1996.
D. Bercovici and J. Lin,
A gravity-current model of cooling mantle plume heads with temperature-dependent buoyancy and viscosity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, pp. 3291-3309, 1996.
[Printable article (2.7 MB)]
C. Zervas, J.-C. Sempere and J. Lin,
Morphology and crustal structure of the Atlantis transform, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Marine Geophysical Research, 17, pp. 275-300, 1995.
R.S. Stein, G.C.P. King and J. Lin,
Stress triggering of earthquakes: Evidence for the 1994 M=6.7 Northridge, California, shock, Annali Di Geofisica, 37, pp. 1799-1805, 1995.
D.K. Smith, J.R. Cann, M.E. Dougherty, J. Lin, S. Spencer, C. Macleod, J. Keeton, E. McAllister, R. Pascoe, B. Brooks and S. Wanda,
Mid-Atlantic Ridge volcanism from deep-towed side-scan sonar images, 25°-29°N, Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research, 67, pp. 233-262, 1995.
[Printable article (3.3 MB)]
J.G. Schilling, C. Ruppel, A.N. Davis, B. McCully, S.A. Tighe, R.H. Kingsley and J. Lin,
Thermal structure of the mantle beneath the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Inferences from the spatial variation of dredged basalt glass compositions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, pp. 10,057-10,076, 1995.
[Printable article (3.6 MB)]
J. Lin, G.C.P. King and R. Stein,
Coseismic and postseismic Coulomb stress changes of Southern California earthquakes, In: Reports from Southern California Earthquake Center Scientists, ed. K. Aki et al., pp. A19-20, Los Angeles, California, 1995.
J. Lin, J. Karson and J. Sinton,
Experimental approaches to ridge segment structure and dynamics, RIDGE Workshop Report, 24 p., Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1995.
R. Katzman, U.S. ten Brink and J. Lin,
Three-dimensional modeling of pull-apart basins: Implications for the tectonics of the Dead Sea basin, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, pp. 6295-6312, 1995.
[Printable article (2.4 MB)]
G. Ito, and J. Lin,
Oceanic spreading center-hotspot interactions: Constraints from along-isochron bathymetric and gravity anomalies, Geology, 23, pp. 657-660, 1995.
[Printable article (744 kb)]
G. Ito and J. Lin,
Mantle temperature anomalies along the present and paleo-axes of the Galapagos spreading center as inferred from gravity analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, pp. 3733-3745, 1995.
[Printable article (22.9 Mb)]
J.A. Goff, B.E. Tucholke, J. Lin, G.E. Jaroslow and M.C. Kleinrock,
Quantitative analysis of abyssal hills in the Atlantic ocean: A correlation between inferred crustal thickness and extensional faulting, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, pp. 22,509-22,522, 1995.
[Printable article (2.5 Mb)]
A.M. Freed, J. Lin, P.R. Shaw and H. J. Melosh,
Long-term survival of the axial valley morphology at abandoned slow-spreading centers, Geology, 23, pp. 971-974, 1995.
[Printable article (780 kb)]
J. Escartin and J. Lin,
Ridge offsets, normal faulting, and gravity anomalies of slow-spreading ridges, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, pp. 6163-6177, 1995.
[Printable article (12.7 Mb)]
B.E. Tucholke and J. Lin,
A geological model for the structure of ridge segments in slow-spreading ocean crust, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, pp. 11,937-11,958, 1994.
[Printable article (44.2 Mb)]
R.S. Stein, G.C.P. King and J. Lin,
Stress triggering of the 1994 Northridge earthquake by its predecessors, Science, 265, pp. 1432-1435, 1994.
[Online article]
J. Lin, G.C.P. King and R.S. Stein,
Coulomb stress changes of recent earthquakes in southern California, In: Reports from Southern California Earthquake Center Scientists, ed. K. Aki et al., pp. E15-17, Los Angeles, California, 1994.
J. Lin, J. Karson and J. Sinton,
Experimental approaches to ridge segment structure and dynamics, Ridge Events, 5, pp. 19-20, 1994.
G.C.P. King, R.S. Stein and J. Lin,
Static stress changes and the triggering of earthquakes, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 84, pp. 935-953, 1994.
[Online article] [Printable article (1.99 Mb)]
P.R. Shaw and J. Lin,
Causes and consequence of variations in faulting style at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 21, pp. 839-21,851, 1993.
[Printable article (2.2 Mb)]
J.-C. Sempere, J. Lin, H.S. Brown, H. Schouten and G.M. Purdy,
Segmentation and morphotectonic variations along a slow-spreading center: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge 24°-30°40'N, Marine Geophysical Research, 15, pp. 153-200, 1993.
J. Lin and J. Phipps Morgan,
The spreading rate dependence of three-dimensional mid-ocean ridge gravity structure, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, pp. 13-16, 1992.
[Printable article (1.1 Mb)]
J. Lin, S. Stein and G.C.P. King,
Coseismic stressing of blind thrust faults beneath the Los Angeles basin, California, In: Reports from Southern California Earthquake Center Scientists, ed. K. Aki et al., pp. C15-16, Los Angeles, California, 1992.
J. Lin,
The segmented Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Oceanus, 34, pp. 9-16, 1992.
J. Escartin and J. Lin,
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 24° and 30°N, Acta Geologica Hispanica, 27, pp. 33-49, 1992.
R.S. Stein, G.C.P. King and J. Lin,
Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 M=7.4 Landers earthquake, Science, 258, 1328-1332, 1992.
[Online article]
J. Lin,
A new look at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Ridge Events, 1, pp. 1&8, 1991.
R.S. Stein, J. Lin and G.C.P. King,
Mechanics of blind thrust faults in the Los Angeles basin, California, In: Reports from Southern California Earthquake Center Scientists, ed. K. Aki et al., pp. E18-21, Los Angeles, California, 1991.
J. Lin, G.M. Purdy, H. Schouten, J.-C. Sempere and C. Zervas,
Evidence from gravity data for focused magmatic accretion along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Nature, 344, pp. 627-632, 1990.
[Printable article (1.3 Mb)]
J. Lin and E.M. Parmentier,
A finite amplitude necking model of rifting in brittle lithosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, pp. 4909-4923, 1990.
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J. Lin and R.S. Stein,
Coseismic folding, earthquake recurrence, and the 1987 source mechanism at Whittier Narrows, Los Angeles basin, California, Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, pp. 9614-9632, 1989.
[Online article] [Appendix] [Table 3A]
J. Lin and E.M. Parmentier,
Mechanisms of lithospheric extension at mid-ocean ridges, Geophysical Journal, 96, pp. 1-22, 1989.
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J. Lin and E.M. Parmentier,
Quasistatic propagation of a normal fault: A fracture mechanics model, Journal of Structural Geology, 10, pp. 249-262, 1988.
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J. Phipps Morgan, E.M. Parmentier and J. Lin,
Mechanisms for the origin of mid-ocean ridge axial topography: Implications for the thermal and mechanical structure of accretion plate boundaries, Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, pp. 12,823-12,836, 1989.
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J. Lin and E.M. Parmentier,
Surface topography due to convection in a variable viscosity fluid: Application to short wavelength gravity anomalies in the Central Pacific Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 12, pp. 357-360, 1985.
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