Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF91.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF91.2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF91.5 Definitions.
TEXT PDF91.10 Consolidated program year.
TEXT PDF91.15 Submission date.
TEXT PDF91.20 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF91.100 Consultation; local governments.
TEXT PDF91.105 Citizen participation plan; local governments.
TEXT PDF91.110 Consultation; States.
TEXT PDF91.115 Citizen participation plan; States.
TEXT PDF91.200 General.
TEXT PDF91.205 Housing and homeless needs assessment.
TEXT PDF91.210 Housing market analysis.
TEXT PDF91.215 Strategic plan.
TEXT PDF91.220 Action plan.
TEXT PDF91.225 Certifications.
TEXT PDF91.230 Monitoring.
TEXT PDF91.235 Special case; abbreviated consolidated plan.
TEXT PDF91.236 Special case; District of Columbia.
TEXT PDF91.300 General.
TEXT PDF91.305 Housing and homeless needs assessment.
TEXT PDF91.310 Housing market analysis.
TEXT PDF91.315 Strategic plan.
TEXT PDF91.320 Action plan.
TEXT PDF91.325 Certifications.
TEXT PDF91.330 Monitoring.
TEXT PDF91.400 Applicability.
TEXT PDF91.401 Citizen participation plan.
TEXT PDF91.402 Consolidated program year.
TEXT PDF91.405 Housing and homeless needs assessment.
TEXT PDF91.410 Housing market analysis.
TEXT PDF91.415 Strategic plan.
TEXT PDF91.420 Action plan.
TEXT PDF91.425 Certifications.
TEXT PDF91.430 Monitoring.
TEXT PDF91.500 HUD approval action.
TEXT PDF91.505 Amendments to the consolidated plan.
TEXT PDF91.510 Consistency determinations.
TEXT PDF91.515 Funding determinations by HUD.
TEXT PDF91.520 Performance reports.
TEXT PDF91.525 Performance review by HUD.
TEXT PDF91.600 Waiver authority.

