Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF50.1 Purpose, authority, and applicability.
TEXT PDF50.2 Terms and abbreviations.
TEXT PDF50.3 Environmental policy.
TEXT PDF50.4 Related Federal laws and authorities.
TEXT PDF50.10 Basic environmental responsibility.
TEXT PDF50.11 Responsibility of the HUD approving official.
TEXT PDF50.16 Decision points for policy actions.
TEXT PDF50.17 Decision points for projects.
TEXT PDF50.18 General.
TEXT PDF50.19 Categorical exclusions not subject to the Federal laws and authorities cited in 50.4.
TEXT PDF50.20 Categorical exclusions subject to the Federal laws and authorities cited in 50.4.
TEXT PDF50.21 Aggregation.
TEXT PDF50.22 Environmental management and monitoring.
TEXT PDF50.23 Public participation.
TEXT PDF50.24 HUD review of another agency's EIS.
TEXT PDF50.31 The EA.
TEXT PDF50.32 Responsibility for environmental processing.
TEXT PDF50.33 Action resulting from the assessment.
TEXT PDF50.34 Time delays for exceptional circumstances.
TEXT PDF50.35 Use of prior environmental assessments.
TEXT PDF50.36 Updating of environmental reviews.
TEXT PDF50.41 EIS policy.
TEXT PDF50.42 Cases when an EIS is required.
TEXT PDF50.43 Emergencies.

