Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF17.1 Scope; definitions.
TEXT PDF17.2 Administrative claim; when presented; appropriate HUD office.
TEXT PDF17.3 Administrative claim; who may file.
TEXT PDF17.4 Administrative claim; evidence and information to be submitted.
TEXT PDF17.5 Investigations.
TEXT PDF17.6 Claims investigation.
TEXT PDF17.7 Authority to adjust, determine, compromise, and settle claims.
TEXT PDF17.8 Limitations on authority.
TEXT PDF17.9 Referral to Department of Justice.
TEXT PDF17.11 Final denial of claim.
TEXT PDF17.12 Action on approved claim.
TEXT PDF17.40 Scope and purpose.
TEXT PDF17.41 Claimants.
TEXT PDF17.42 Time limitations.
TEXT PDF17.43 Allowable claims.
TEXT PDF17.44 Restrictions on certain claims.
TEXT PDF17.45 Unallowable claims.
TEXT PDF17.46 Claims involving carriers or insurers.
TEXT PDF17.47 Settlement of claims.
TEXT PDF17.48 Computation of amount of award.
TEXT PDF17.49 Attorney's fees.
TEXT PDF17.50 Claims procedures.
TEXT PDF17.60 Scope and definitions.
TEXT PDF17.61 Incorporation of joint standards by reference.
TEXT PDF17.62 Subdivision and joining of claims.
TEXT PDF17.63 Authority of offices to attempt collection of claims.
TEXT PDF17.64 Referral of claims to the Assistant Secretary for Administration.
TEXT PDF17.65 Authority of offices to compromise claims or suspend or terminate collection action.
TEXT PDF17.66 Department claims officer.
TEXT PDF17.67 Claims files.
TEXT PDF17.68 Monthly report of collection action.
TEXT PDF17.69 Accounting control.
TEXT PDF17.70 Record retention.
TEXT PDF17.71 Suspension or revocation of eligibility.
TEXT PDF17.72 Methods of collection and imposition of late charges.
TEXT PDF17.73 Standards for compromise of claims.
TEXT PDF17.74 Standards for suspension or termination of collection action.
TEXT PDF17.75 Referral to GAO or Justice Department.
TEXT PDF17.76 Disclosure to a consumer reporting agency.
TEXT PDF17.77 Contracts for collection services.
TEXT PDF17.100 Scope.
TEXT PDF17.101 Coordinating administrative offset with another Federal agency.
TEXT PDF17.102 Notice requirements before offset.
TEXT PDF17.103 Exceptions to notice requirements.
TEXT PDF17.104 Review within the Department of a determination of indebtedness.
TEXT PDF17.105 Review of departmental records related to the debt.
TEXT PDF17.106 Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to administrative offset.
TEXT PDF17.107 Stay of offset.
TEXT PDF17.108 Types of review.
TEXT PDF17.109 Review procedures.
TEXT PDF17.110 Determination of indebtedness and appeal from determination.
TEXT PDF17.111 Procedures for administrative offset: single debt.
TEXT PDF17.112 Procedures for administrative offset: multiple debts.
TEXT PDF17.113 Procedures for administrative offset: interagency cooperation.
TEXT PDF17.114 Procedures for administrative offset: time limitation.
TEXT PDF17.115 Procedures for administrative offset: offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
TEXT PDF17.116 Procedures for administrative offset: offset of debtor's judgment against the United States.
TEXT PDF17.117 Procedures for administrative offset: imposition of interest.
TEXT PDF17.118 Miscellaneous provisions: correspondence with the Department.
TEXT PDF17.125 Scope.
TEXT PDF17.126 Coordinating offset with another Federal agency.
TEXT PDF17.127 Determination of indebtedness.
TEXT PDF17.128 Notice requirements before offset.
TEXT PDF17.129 Request for a hearing.
TEXT PDF17.130 Result if employee fails to meet deadlines.
TEXT PDF17.131 Written decision following a hearing.
TEXT PDF17.132 Review of departmental records related to the debt.
TEXT PDF17.133 Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset.
TEXT PDF17.134 Procedures for salary offset: when deductions may begin.
TEXT PDF17.135 Procedures for salary offset: types of collection.
TEXT PDF17.136 Procedures for salary offset: methods of collection.
TEXT PDF17.137 Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest.
TEXT PDF17.138 Non-waiver of rights.
TEXT PDF17.139 Refunds.
TEXT PDF17.140 Miscellaneous provisions: correspondence with the Department.
TEXT PDF17.150 Scope.
TEXT PDF17.151 Notice requirements before offset.
TEXT PDF17.152 Review within the Department of a determination that an amount is past-due and legally enforceable.
TEXT PDF17.153 Determination of the Administrative Judge.
TEXT PDF17.154 Postponements, withdrawals and extensions of time.
TEXT PDF17.155 Review of departmental records related to the debt.
TEXT PDF17.156 Stay of offset.
TEXT PDF17.157 Application of offset funds: Single debt.
TEXT PDF17.158 Application of offset funds: Multiple debts.
TEXT PDF17.159 Application of offset funds: Tax refund insufficient to cover amount of debt.
TEXT PDF17.160 Time limitation for notifying the IRS to request offset of tax refunds due.
TEXT PDF17.161 Correspondence with the Department.

