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Stable Isotope and Tritium Labs

Project chief

Carol Kendall



345 Middlefield Road
MS 434
Menlo Park CA 94025
(Bldg 15: labs in rooms M1244, M1246, M1250, M1256, and M1215)


Organizational unit

Isotope Tracers Project
National Research Program
WRD (Office of Hydrologic Research, Branch of Regional Research--Western Region)


Isotopists in project

Carol Kendall, Bob Michel, Mark Rollog, Steve Silva, Megan Young


Contact person

Carol Kendall at 650-329-4576 (tel), 650-329-5590 (fax),


There is more information about the "Isotope Tracers" project, including project goals and recent publications, on the NRP homepage.

Related Links

Who's who

Analytical Capabilities


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Please contact Carol Kendall ( for questions and comments regarding this page.
This page was last changed in June 2007.
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