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Version 1.0 - September 1997
System Requirements
Downloads: Installation and Start-Up
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Center For Subsurface Modeling Support

Description  Back to Top

BIOPLUME III is a 2D, finite difference model for simulating the natural attenuation of organic contaminants in ground-water due to the processes of advection, dispersion, sorption, and biodegradation. Biotransformation processes are potentially important in the restoration of aquifers contaminated with organic pollutants. As a result, these processes require evaluation in remedial action planning studies associated with hydrocarbon contaminants. It is based on the USGS solute transport code MOC and solves the solute transport equation six times to determine the fate and transport of the hydrocarbons and the electron acceptors (O2, NO3-, Fe3+, SO42-, and CO2) and the reaction by-products (Fe2+). A number of aerobic and anaerobic electron acceptors such as oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, iron (III) and carbon dioxide have been considered in this model to simulate the biodegradation of organic contaminants. Three different kinetic expressions can be used to simulate the aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation reactions. These include: first-order decay, instantaneous reaction and Monod kinetics. The principal of superposition is used to combine the hydrocarbon plume with the electron acceptor plumes. The model has been integrated with a sophisticated ground-water modeling platform known as EIS. A graphical user platform allows the user to create, enter and edit data for model simulation. Discretization of time and space, hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifer, initial and boundary conditions, sources and sinks, sorption, source decay, radioactive decay, ion-exchange and biodegradation variables are the different input parameters of the model. The model generates a standard output file that lists the results from a specific model run. This output file lists the input data for the run followed by computed head and concentration maps. Simulation results are also shown graphically. Data can be extracted and used in conjunction with a graphics generation software program to generate graphical results from the model.

Minimum System Requirements  Back to Top

To run Bioplume III, you will need the following:

Your computer should be set up and running MS Windows 3.x, 95 or 98. The BIOPLUME III Graphical User Interface Platform consists of several executables (.EXE), and Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLL). All Bioplume III Graphical Platform software runs readily on Windows 3.x, 95 and 98. The Bioplume3.exe executable runs on Windows 95 and 98. It also runs on Windows 3.x if the Win32s library is installed. The Win32s library is available from Microsoft (can be downloaded from their Web Site). Even so, some network Windows 3.11 versions exhibit problems in running Bioplume3.exe (fatal Windows exception, returning to DOS). Clearly, the preferred medium for running BIOPLUME III is Windows 95 or 98.

Installation and Start-Up  Back to Top

Getting Started:

Installing the Program:

Four files are available for download:

  1. View the online User's Manual (bpiiiman.pdf) file for further installation instructions.
  2. Go to Windows Explorer and create a directory (folder) named "Bioplume III".
  3. Download all files provided above to the Bioplume III directory you created.
  4. From the Bioplume directory you created, double click on the bioplume3.exe file. Then click on the "Extract" button which will unzip the files into the same directory.
  5. Install Bioplume III by double clicking on the INSTALL.EXE file and following the on-screen instructions. The install procedure will create a sub-directory named "BIOPLUME" on drive C: or any other drive of your choice and will decompress all the executable files needed to run the program. Then, the installation program will copy in this new directory all the files requred to run the different tutorials. Once the installation procedure is completed, you will be automatically placed in the new sub-directory. To properly run the platform, you will need at least 3MB of memory available on your hard disk. To check if everything is running properly test run the program: a Group Application Platform will be created automatically by the install program; double click on the icon representing the BIOPLUME III program. This will activate the Platform to run under MS-Windows-3.x, 95 or 98. Now you are ready to consult Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the Users Manual to quickly navigate through the program and check that everything is properly installed.
  6. Review the User's Manual (bpiiiman.pdf) for instruction on running the model.

In order to run the programs, the following command must be included in the file CONFIG.SYS on your system disk: DEVICE = ANSI.SYS

Note that the file ANSI.SYS, included with the DOS package, must reside in the same directory as CONFIG.SYS.  Otherwise, a pathname must be included in the file.   Please refer to your DOS reference manual for details on this command.

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