Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF325.1 Transactions in commerce prohibited without official inspection legend or certificate when required; exceptions; and vehicle sanitation requirements.
TEXT PDF325.2 Parcel post and ferries deemed carriers.
TEXT PDF325.3 Product transported within the United States as part of export movement.
TEXT PDF325.5 Unmarked inspected product transported under official seal between official establishments for further processing; certificate.
TEXT PDF325.6 Shipment of paunches between official establishments under official seal; certificate.
TEXT PDF325.7 Shipment of products requiring special supervision between official establishments under official seal; certificate.
TEXT PDF325.8 Transportation and other transactions concerning certain undenatured lungs or lung lobes from official establishments or in commerce; provisions and restrictions.
TEXT PDF325.10 Handling of products which may have become adulterated or misbranded; authorization and other requirements.
TEXT PDF325.11 Inedible articles: denaturing and other means of identification; exceptions.
TEXT PDF325.13 Denaturing procedures.
TEXT PDF325.14 Certificates, retention by carrier.
TEXT PDF325.15 Evidence of proper certification required on waybills; transfer bills, etc., for shipment by connecting carrier; forms of statement.
TEXT PDF325.16 Official seals; forms, use, and breaking.
TEXT PDF325.17 Loading or unloading products in sealed railroad cars, trucks, etc., en route prohibited; exception.
TEXT PDF325.18 Diverting of shipments, breaking of seals, and reloading by carrier in emergency; reporting to Regional Director.
TEXT PDF325.19 Provisions inapplicable to specimens for laboratory examination, etc., or to naturally inedible articles.
TEXT PDF325.20 Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter.
TEXT PDF325.21 Means of conveyance in which dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock and parts of carcasses thereof shall be transported.
