Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury



TEXT PDF306.0 Applicability of regulations.
TEXT PDF306.1 Official agencies.
TEXT PDF306.2 Definitions of words and terms as used in these regulations.
TEXT PDF306.3 Transportation charges and risks in the shipment of securities.
TEXT PDF306.10 General.
TEXT PDF306.11 Forms of registration for transferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.12 Errors in registration.
TEXT PDF306.13 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.15 Transfers and exchanges of securities--closed periods.
TEXT PDF306.16 Exchanges of registered securities.
TEXT PDF306.17 Exchanges of registered securities for coupon securities.
TEXT PDF306.18 Exchanges of coupon securities for registered securities.
TEXT PDF306.19 Denominational exchanges of coupon securities.
TEXT PDF306.20 Reissue of registered transferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.21 Reissue of nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.22 Exchange of Treasury Bonds, Investment Series B-1975-80.
TEXT PDF306.23 Securities eligible to be held in the TREASURY DIRECT Book-entry Securities System.
TEXT PDF306.24 Collection of fees on definitive securities.
TEXT PDF306.25 Presentation and surrender.
TEXT PDF306.26 Redemption of registered securities at maturity, upon prior call, or for prerefunding or advance refunding.
TEXT PDF306.27 Redemption of bearer securities at maturity, upon prior call, or for advance refunding or prerefunding.
TEXT PDF306.28 Optional redemption of Treasury bonds at par (before maturity or call redemption date) and application of the proceeds in payment of Federal estate taxes.
TEXT PDF306.35 Computation of interest.
TEXT PDF306.36 Termination of interest.
TEXT PDF306.37 Interest on registered securities.
TEXT PDF306.38 Interest on bearer securities.
TEXT PDF306.40 Execution of assignments.
TEXT PDF306.41 Form of assignment.
TEXT PDF306.42 Alterations and erasures.
TEXT PDF306.43 Voidance of assignments.
TEXT PDF306.44 Discrepancies in names.
TEXT PDF306.45 Certifying individuals.
TEXT PDF306.55 Signatures, minor errors and change of name.
TEXT PDF306.56 Assignment of securities registered in the names of or assigned to two or more persons.
TEXT PDF306.57 Minors and incompetents.
TEXT PDF306.58 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.65 Special provisions applicable to small amounts of securities, interest checks or redemption checks.
TEXT PDF306.66 Estates--administration.
TEXT PDF306.67 Estates not administered.
TEXT PDF306.68 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.75 Individual fiduciaries.
TEXT PDF306.76 Fiduciaries acting as a unit.
TEXT PDF306.77 Corepresentatives and fiduciaries.
TEXT PDF306.78 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.85 Private corporations and unincorporated associations (including nominees).
TEXT PDF306.86 Change of name and succession of private organizations.
TEXT PDF306.87 Partnerships (including nominee partnerships).
TEXT PDF306.88 Political entities and public corporations.
TEXT PDF306.89 Public officers.
TEXT PDF306.90 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.95 Attorneys in fact.
TEXT PDF306.96 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.100 Transferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.101 Evidence required.
TEXT PDF306.102 Nontransferable securities.
TEXT PDF306.105 Requests for suspension of transactions in registered securities.
TEXT PDF306.106 Requests for suspension of transactions in bearer securities.
TEXT PDF306.110 Statutory authority and requirements.
TEXT PDF306.111 Procedure for applying for relief.
TEXT PDF306.112 Type of relief granted.
TEXT PDF306.113 Cases not requiring bonds of indemnity.
TEXT PDF306.115 Definition of terms.
TEXT PDF306.116 Scope and effect of book-entry procedure.
TEXT PDF306.117 Withdrawal of eligible book-entry Treasury securities for conversion to definitive form.
TEXT PDF306.125 Additional requirements.
TEXT PDF306.126 Waiver of regulations.
TEXT PDF306.127 Preservation of existing rights.
TEXT PDF306.128 Supplements, amendments or revisions.

