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GIS Tools & Scripts: ArcView 3.x

Useful Extensions (powermouse in the house) 

Place all extensions in the ext32 or ext directories under the ArcView installation location. Some extensions have more instructions once you download them.

  • Add XY - Add XY coordinates to themes.
  • AddXYtruecentroid - Adds the true XY centroid of a polygon (also works with polylines or points).
  • CalculateFeatureGeometry - Calculate area and perimeter in the current projection.
  • Create Vectors and Arrowheads - Allows you to create vectors from a point theme, convert the vectors to graphics and add graphic arrowheads to the vector graphics. Tutorial here.
  • GeoJpeg - Converts a View to a Jpg with a georeferencing world file. Look at the tutorial.
  • Grid PIG (version 6, Oct 21 2003) - Performs a variety of tasks that include correcting the grid to image routines, help with clipping, mosaic, set to null, statistics, and more. Look at the Grid PIG tutorial.
  • gridUnsigned2Signed - ArcView 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst can only read in 16 bit unsigned image data. This extension will take a 16 bit signed file that was read in as 16 unsigned and correct the values. You will be left with a correct signed 16 bit GRID. This routine has been added to the Grid Pig extension.
  • legend_attribute - Helps to attribute feature themes in via a click menu. Look at the tutorial to learn how to set up your legend.
  • lonlat_display - Displays the latitude and longitude in a projected View.  View must be projected. If your data is in pre-projected meters or feet, build you own (instructions here).*
  • MOLA and MOC convertor - Converts pedr2tab files and the MOC cumindex file to a shapefile. This will tie up your machine for long periods of time. Be patient and let the program finish. You must use the fields set to 'True' in this example PEDR2TAB.PRM when using the program pedr2tab for the MOLA convertor to function correctly. For more information look at the how to generate a surface tutorial.
  • Projection and Spheroid (beta) - This extension gives ArcView access to planetary spheroids and the most commonly used planetary projections.  Also contains tools for lat/lon readouts, geodetic distances, and image registration.  Check out the tutorial. The readme.txt file contains installation instructions.

Useful Scripts (using scripts tutorial)

For ArcMap Projections jump to this page

                    * Not needed if you have Projection and Spheroid

Useful links

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