Eric Randolph
October 24, 2002


My name is Eric Randolph. I live in New York. My address is [ ... ]

Now I would like to talk about the noise alerts issue to be put at all major intersections and all other street corners. I am a blind individual and I have been this way for about between ten and five years. But before this, I was visually impaired. I feel that these noise alerts are not necessary because for years I have been traveling all over the city or everywhere else without the help of these devices. I think that this is a waste of time and will be useless. I can get around just fine with listening to the parallel traffic as I wait at the corner for the light to change.

Now if you want to really discuss something, I think that you should worry about getting our city buses accessible because since we have the new trains that speak the train stops on the subway, but it would be nice to have the buses work that way. Now I'm hearing that most of the people that are in charge of this are having problems with people that live in residential areas and are complaining about it being too noisy and unnecessary. Now I feel that this is very necessary. So that's what you guys can work on for the future for the fellow blind individuals. This would be a big help to have the buses speak just like some of the trains are doing now.

My email address is [ ... ] and if you wish to write to me or mail anything to me you may but don't bother with this traffic noise alert.


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