Kim Ledford 
September 12, 2002
Hi! My name is Mr. Kim Ledford and I'm one person out of 1.2 million Americans that are blind . It is time that today's society accept us for who we are on the inside instead of what we are on the outside and that is being blind. We need these improvements such as the warning device that lets us know that we are not going to fall into a subway where there is not a train present because we can get seriously injured or we could a high voltage of electricity and that would kill any one. We have the right to know what is out there and not just what the public wants us to know. We are human beings just like any one else we just can't see . We are also productive in the job market, look at the blind man who was on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center on 9 \ 11 who if it had not of had a guide dog would have been another victim of that terrible day. So please don't let what happen then happen to us by not  keeping us informed and making some much needed changes so we don't end up as another corpse of our society that doesn't understand  us with a disability and society is scared of what they don't know or understand  they don't want to take the time to learn or understand us for who we are.

Best regards,

Mr. Kim Ledford

October 21, 2002

To Whom it may concern,

I'm a legally blind 46 yr old male and I can't see past the end of my nose. I have been involved in several almost mishaps due to Drivers not giving me the right of way in a clearly marked crossing, But yet let a blind person with a white cane getting hit by the car the person with the white cane was at fault in some citys across our great nation . Enough is!1 Enough ! We as blind Americans need to have access to these marked crossings the same as a sighted person that can see to push the button or at least have a traffic light that lets us know when it is safe to cross. It says in the drivers manual that you can make a right turn after stop but drivers don't always abide by the law. I was almost hit by such a driver and if it had not been for my Guide Dog I would have been just someone that got hit by a car Film at 11pm local news channel . These crossing signals and Lights would save my life and my fellow Brothers and Sisters in the blind community without them we are just a number that goes under the accident report. Please make it safe for us as well as you have made it safe for those that can see. I just don't want to be shut up in a room or a closet some where and forgotten about.

Mr. Kim Ledford


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