Mrs. Jeanne M. Hoss
October 22, 2002

I am writing this letter with the hope that the Transportation Barriers Compliance Board will draft new guidelines which will allow people with back, neck, and leg nerve damage to be able to drive on the public roadways without having to detour or be trapped from driving to places because of the limitations that speed humps, speed tables, raised crossings, and raised intersections have and are causing to a large segment of society that experience pain and trauma upon being confronted with these vertical deflection devices on the public right-of-way.

Just in my city alone the outcry of the disabled such as I have been scoffed at and we have been told that we are not in the majority and therefore have no voice in preventing speed humps and vertical deflection devices all throughout my city making me a true prisoner in the car. I have to drive miles out of the way to just get home from the shopping center because of these devices. I can’t drive to friend’s homes as their streets are riddled with more of these vertical deflection devices. I can’t drive to my doctor’s office or dental office without taking large detours and I fear that someday the roads I am currently using will become barred to me by the majority of people who do not have back and neck problems and do not see that I have any right to public right-of-way.

This is really becoming a serious problem especially as congested cities try and deal with traffic management. The easiest solution for politicians is the quick fix of speed humps for the outcries of the masses. If the urban communities had to think of alternative methods because they were not permitted to restrict those that have disabling nerve pain when driving over those humps/bumps than I am sure other creative ideas would surface. At this time in history I see not only my city becoming a maze of vertical deflection devices strewn all across town but this is also true in every city with any traffic.

My condition is not all that uncommon. I was injured in an accident which tore up my spinal disc. The damage has caused permanent stenosis, a very painful compression of the spinal cord. Any jarring can and does make the pain worse and it can also cause even further damage making walking extremely difficult. No one knows when they will become the next back or neck injury statistic. Pain control without medication is avoidable at times if one can avoid pain inducing complications such as vertical deflection devices.

I strongly urge your board to be progressive and seek to help us who cannot get our voice heard in our urban communities such as the one I live in. I have tried and was literally mocked for even bringing up that these were an affront to the disability act to make public access for all people. The politicians through up their hands in disgust and said they were not bound by any laws.

I am only 47 years old and have many more productive years ahead of me providing that I can be given the opportunities to use my vehicle for travel to places I need to go without having to endure excruciating pain and further spinal damage. Please seriously consider the adverse effects being inflicted on a large population base by these vertical deflection devices such as speed humps, speed tables, raised crossings, and raised intersections.

Thank you for your time and reading of this letter. If I can be of any further assistance in your understanding please feel free to contact me.


Mrs. Jeanne M. Hoss


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