Al Giertych
October 24, 2002

These comments are being submitted on behalf of the Lake County Division of Transportation.

Additions and Alterations (1102.2)
Highway maintenance and improvement projects vary widely in scope. It is important that there are clear and well defined rules for which requirements will apply to a particular type of highway improvement.

Alternate Circulation Path (1102.3)
There are times when it is not feasible to provide an alternate circulation path during construction due to right of way restrictions, construction staging and other reasons.

Pedestrian Access Route (1102.4)
The adjoining municipalities typically fund any sidewalk improvements that are included on our projects. As a result, a sidewalk may not be continuous throughout the length of a project. What bearing will these guidelines have on determining sidewalk termini when there may be multiple agencies involved in funding the construction? If the entire length cannot be constructed between two defined termini, what portion should be built?

Pedestrian Crossings (1102.8)
The 2% maximum profile grade called for to achieve the 2% maximum crosswalk slope is more restrictive than the 3% maximum grade recommended (6% allowable in some circumstances) for intersection approaches per AASHTO. The creation of these 2% "tabled areas" could result in a substantial project cost increase.

Vertical Access (1102.12)
Many underpasses in our area are constructed under bridges along creeks and rivers, and are located in the floodplain. If grade and elevation requirements cannot be met, it does not seem to be a good idea to construct an elevator in a floodplain.

Thank you -


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