Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF52.01 Definitions.
TEXT PDF52.02 Introduction.
TEXT PDF52.04 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.05 Public availability of emission data.
TEXT PDF52.06 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.07 Control strategies.
TEXT PDF52.08 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.09 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.10 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.11 Prevention of air pollution emergency episodes.
TEXT PDF52.12 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.13 Air quality surveillance; resources; intergovernmental cooperation.
TEXT PDF52.14 State ambient air quality standards.
TEXT PDF52.15 Public availability of plans.
TEXT PDF52.16 Submission to Administrator.
TEXT PDF52.17 Severability of provisions.
TEXT PDF52.18 Abbreviations.
TEXT PDF52.20 Attainment dates for national standards.
TEXT PDF52.21 Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.23 Violation and enforcement.
TEXT PDF52.24 Statutory restriction on new sources.
TEXT PDF52.26 Visibility monitoring strategy.
TEXT PDF52.27 Protection of visibility from sources in attainment areas.
TEXT PDF52.28 Protection of visibility from sources in nonattainment areas.
TEXT PDF52.29 Visibility long-term strategies.
TEXT PDF52.30 Criteria for limiting application of sanctions under section 110(m) of the Clean Air Act on a statewide basis.
TEXT PDF52.31 Selection of sequence of mandatory sanctions for findings made pursuant to section 179 of the Clean Air Act.
TEXT PDF52.32 Sanctions following findings of SIP inadequacy.
TEXT PDF52.33 Compliance certifications.
TEXT PDF52.34 Action on petitions submitted under section 126 relating to emissions of nitrogen oxides.
TEXT PDF52.50 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.51 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.53 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.56 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.57 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides.
TEXT PDF52.58 Control strategy: Lead.
TEXT PDF52.60 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.61 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.62 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.63 PM10 State Implementation Plan development in group II areas.
TEXT PDF52.65 Control Strategy: Nitrogen oxides.
TEXT PDF52.66 Control Strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.69 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.70 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.71 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.72 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.73 Approval of plans.
TEXT PDF52.73 Approval of plans.
TEXT PDF52.75 Contents of the approved state-submitted implementation plan.
TEXT PDF52.76 1990 Base Year Emission Inventory.
TEXT PDF52.82 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.96 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.111 Toll free number assignment.
TEXT PDF52.120 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.121 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.122 Negative declarations.
TEXT PDF52.123 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.124 Part D disapproval.
TEXT PDF52.125 Control strategy and regulations: Sulfur oxides.
TEXT PDF52.126 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.128 Rule for unpaved parking lots, unpaved roads and vacant lots.
TEXT PDF52.129 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.130 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.133 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.134 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.135 Resources.
TEXT PDF52.136 Control strategy for ozone: Oxides of nitrogen.
TEXT PDF52.138 Conformity procedures.
TEXT PDF52.140 Monitoring transportation trends.
TEXT PDF52.142 Federal Implementation Plan for Tri-Cities landfill, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.
TEXT PDF52.144 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.145 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.146 Particulate matter (PM-10) Group II SIP commitments.
TEXT PDF52.150 Yavapai-Apache Reservation.
TEXT PDF52.170 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.171 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.172 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.181 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.183 Small business assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.200 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.219 Identification of plan--conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.220 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.221 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.222 Negative declarations.
TEXT PDF52.223 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.224 General requirements.
TEXT PDF52.225 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.226 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, San Joaquin Valley and Mountain Counties Intrastate Regions.
TEXT PDF52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.
TEXT PDF52.228 Regulations: Particulate matter, Southeast Desert Intrastate Region.
TEXT PDF52.229 Control strategy and regulations: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons), Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.
TEXT PDF52.230 Control strategy and regulations: Nitrogen dioxide.
TEXT PDF52.231 Regulations: Sulfur oxides.
TEXT PDF52.232 Part D conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.233 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.234 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.235 Control strategy for ozone: Oxides of nitrogen.
TEXT PDF52.236 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.237 Part D disapproval.
TEXT PDF52.238 Commitment to undertake rulemaking.
TEXT PDF52.239 Alternate compliance plans.
TEXT PDF52.240 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.241 Interim approval of enhanced inspection and maintenance program.
TEXT PDF52.242 Disapproved rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.243 Interim approval of the Carbon Monoxide plan for the South Coast.
TEXT PDF52.244 Motor vehicle emissions budgets.
TEXT PDF52.246 Control of dry cleaning solvent vapor losses.
TEXT PDF52.252 Control of degreasing operations.
TEXT PDF52.253 Metal surface coating thinner and reducer.
TEXT PDF52.254 Organic solvent usage.
TEXT PDF52.255 Gasoline transfer vapor control.
TEXT PDF52.256 Control of evaporative losses from the filling of vehicular tanks.
TEXT PDF52.263 Priority treatment for buses and carpools--Los Angeles Region.
TEXT PDF52.269 Control strategy and regulations: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons) and carbon monoxide.
TEXT PDF52.270 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.271 Malfunction, startup, and shutdown regulations.
TEXT PDF52.272 Research operations exemptions.
TEXT PDF52.273 Open burning.
TEXT PDF52.274 California air pollution emergency plan.
TEXT PDF52.275 Particulate matter control.
TEXT PDF52.276 Sulfur content of fuels.
TEXT PDF52.277 Oxides of nitrogen, combustion gas concentration limitations.
TEXT PDF52.278 Oxides of nitrogen control.
TEXT PDF52.279 Food processing facilities.
TEXT PDF52.280 Fuel burning equipment.
TEXT PDF52.281 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.320 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.321 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.322 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.323 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.324 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.326 Area-wide nitrogen oxides (NOX) exemptions.
TEXT PDF52.329 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.330 Control strategy: Total suspended particulates.
TEXT PDF52.331 Committal SIP for the Colorado Group II PM10 areas.
TEXT PDF52.332 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.343 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.344 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.345 Stack height regulations.
TEXT PDF52.346 Air quality monitoring requirements.
TEXT PDF52.348 Emission inventories.
TEXT PDF52.349 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
TEXT PDF52.350 Control strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.351 United States Postal Service substitute Clean Fuel Fleet Program.
TEXT PDF52.370 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.371 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.372 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.373 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.374 Attainment dates for national standards.
TEXT PDF52.375 Certification of no sources.
TEXT PDF52.376 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
TEXT PDF52.377 Control strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.380 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.381 Requirements for state implementation plan revisions relating to new motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF52.382 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.383 Stack height review.
TEXT PDF52.384 Emission inventories.
TEXT PDF52.385 EPA-approved Connecticut regulations.
TEXT PDF52.420 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.421 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.422 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.423 1990 Base Year Emission Inventory.
TEXT PDF52.424 Conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.426 Control strategy plans for attainment and rate-of-progress: ozone.
TEXT PDF52.430 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program.
TEXT PDF52.432 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.433 Requirements for state implementation plan revisions relating to new motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF52.460 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.465 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.470 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.471 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.472 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.473 Conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.474 1990 Base Year Emission Inventory.
TEXT PDF52.475 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.476 Control strategy: ozone.
TEXT PDF52.478 Rules and Regulations.
TEXT PDF52.479 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.480 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program.
TEXT PDF52.498 Requirements for state implementation plan revisions relating to new motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF52.499 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.510 Small business assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.515 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.520 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.520 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.521 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.522 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.524 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.525 General requirements.
TEXT PDF52.526 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.527 Control strategy: General.
TEXT PDF52.528 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.530 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.532 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.533 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.534 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.536 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.570 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.571 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.572 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.573 Control strategy: General.
TEXT PDF52.576 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.578 Control Strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.579 Economic feasibility considerations.
TEXT PDF52.581 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.582 Control strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.583 Additional rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.590 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.620 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.621 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.623 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.624 General requirements.
TEXT PDF52.625 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.626 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.632 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.633 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.634 Particulate matter (PM-10) Group III SIP.
TEXT PDF52.670 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.671 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.672 Approval of plans.
TEXT PDF52.673 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.675 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides--Eastern Idaho Intrastate Air Quality Control Region.
TEXT PDF52.679 Contents of Idaho State Implementation Plan.
TEXT PDF52.681 Permits to construct and tier II operating permits.
TEXT PDF52.683 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.690 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.691 Extensions.
TEXT PDF52.720 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.721 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.722 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.724 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.
TEXT PDF52.725 Control strategy: Particulates.
TEXT PDF52.726 Control strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.729 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
TEXT PDF52.730 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.736 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.737 Operating permits.
TEXT PDF52.738 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.739 Permit fees.
TEXT PDF52.740 Interstate pollution.
TEXT PDF52.741 Control strategy: Ozone control measures for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties.
TEXT PDF52.742 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF52.743 Continuous monitoring.
TEXT PDF52.744 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.769 Identification of plan--conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.770 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.771 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.773 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.775 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.776 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.777 Control strategy: photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons).
TEXT PDF52.778 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.780 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.781 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.782 Request for 18-month extension.
TEXT PDF52.784 Transportation and land use controls.
TEXT PDF52.785 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
TEXT PDF52.786 Inspection and maintenance program.
TEXT PDF52.787 Gasoline transfer vapor control.
TEXT PDF52.788 Operating permits.
TEXT PDF52.793 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.794 Source surveillance.
TEXT PDF52.795 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.
TEXT PDF52.796 Industrial continuous emission monitoring.
TEXT PDF52.797 Control strategy: Lead.
TEXT PDF52.798 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.820 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.820 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.821 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.822 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.823 PM10 State Implementation Plan Development in Group II Areas.
TEXT PDF52.824 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.825 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.828 Enforcement.
TEXT PDF52.833 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.834 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.
TEXT PDF52.870 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.871 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.872 Operating permits.
TEXT PDF52.873 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.874 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.875 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.876 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.881 PM10 State implementation plan development in group II areas.
TEXT PDF52.884 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.919 Identification of plan-conditional approval.
TEXT PDF52.920 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.921 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.923 Approval status.
TEXT PDF52.924 Legal authority.
TEXT PDF52.925 General requirements.
TEXT PDF52.926 Attainment dates for national standards.
TEXT PDF52.927 Compliance schedules.
TEXT PDF52.928 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides.
TEXT PDF52.930 Control strategy: Ozone.
TEXT PDF52.931 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.932 Rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF52.933 Control Strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
TEXT PDF52.934 VOC rule deficiency correction.
TEXT PDF52.935 PM10 State implementation plan development in group II areas.
TEXT PDF52.936 Visibility protection.
TEXT PDF52.937 Review of new sources and modifications.
TEXT PDF52.938 General conformity.
TEXT PDF52.939 Original identification of plan section.
TEXT PDF52.970 Identification of plan.
TEXT PDF52.971 Classification of regions.
TEXT PDF52.975 Redesignations and maintenance plans; ozone.
TEXT PDF52.976 Review of new sources and modification.
TEXT PDF52.986 Significant deterioration of air quality.
TEXT PDF52.987 Control of hydrocarbon emissions.
TEXT PDF52.990 Stack height regulations.
TEXT PDF52.991 Small business assistance program.
TEXT PDF52.992 Area-wide nitrogen oxides exemptions.
TEXT PDF52.993 Emissions inventories.
TEXT PDF52.995 Enhanced ambient air quality monitoring.
TEXT PDF52.996 Disapprovals.
TEXT PDF52.999 Original identification of plan section.
