Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF9.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF9.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9.3 Access permits.
TEXT PDF9.4 Surface disturbance moratorium.
TEXT PDF9.5 Recordation.
TEXT PDF9.6 Transfers of interest.
TEXT PDF9.7 Assessment work.
TEXT PDF9.8 Use of water.
TEXT PDF9.9 Plan of operations.
TEXT PDF9.10 Plan of operations approval.
TEXT PDF9.11 Reclamation requirements.
TEXT PDF9.12 Supplementation or revision of plan of operations.
TEXT PDF9.13 Performance bond.
TEXT PDF9.14 Appeals.
TEXT PDF9.15 Use of roads by commercial vehicles.
TEXT PDF9.16 Penalties.
TEXT PDF9.17 Public inspection of documents.
TEXT PDF9.18 Surface use and patent restrictions.
TEXT PDF9.30 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF9.31 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9.32 Access.
TEXT PDF9.33 Existing operations.
TEXT PDF9.34 Transfers of interest.
TEXT PDF9.35 Use of water.
TEXT PDF9.36 Plan of operations.
TEXT PDF9.37 Plan of operations approval.
TEXT PDF9.38 Temporary approval.
TEXT PDF9.39 Reclamation requirements.
TEXT PDF9.40 Supplementation or revision of plan of operations.
TEXT PDF9.41 Operating standards.
TEXT PDF9.42 Well records and reports, plots and maps, samples, tests and surveys.
TEXT PDF9.43 Precautions necessary in areas where high pressures are likely to exist.
TEXT PDF9.44 Open flows and control of ``wild'' wells.
TEXT PDF9.45 Handling of wastes.
TEXT PDF9.46 Accidents and fires.
TEXT PDF9.47 Cultural resource protection.
TEXT PDF9.48 Performance bond.
TEXT PDF9.49 Appeals.
TEXT PDF9.50 Use of roads by commercial vehicles.
TEXT PDF9.51 Damages and penalties.
TEXT PDF9.52 Public inspection of documents.
TEXT PDF9.80 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9.81 Scope and applicability.
TEXT PDF9.82 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9.83 Coordination of AMRAP activities in National Park System units.
TEXT PDF9.84 Application requirements.
TEXT PDF9.85 Environmental compliance.
TEXT PDF9.86 Application review process and approval standards.
TEXT PDF9.87 Permitting requirements and standards.
TEXT PDF9.88 Permit modification, suspension, and cancellation.
TEXT PDF9.89 Appeals.
