Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF228.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF228.2 Scope.
TEXT PDF228.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF228.4 Plan of operations--notice of intent--requirements.
TEXT PDF228.5 Plan of operations--approval.
TEXT PDF228.6 Availability of information to the public.
TEXT PDF228.7 Inspection, noncompliance.
TEXT PDF228.8 Requirements for environmental protection.
TEXT PDF228.9 Maintenance during operations, public safety.
TEXT PDF228.10 Cessation of operations, removal of structures and equipment.
TEXT PDF228.11 Prevention and control of fire.
TEXT PDF228.12 Access.
TEXT PDF228.13 Bonds.
TEXT PDF228.14 Appeals.
TEXT PDF228.15 Operations within National Forest Wilderness.
TEXT PDF228.40 Authority.
TEXT PDF228.41 Scope.
TEXT PDF228.42 Definitions.
TEXT PDF228.43 Policy governing disposal.
TEXT PDF228.44 Disposal on existing Federal leased areas.
TEXT PDF228.45 Qualifications of applicants.
TEXT PDF228.46 Application of other laws and regulations.
TEXT PDF228.47 General terms and conditions of contracts and permits.
TEXT PDF228.48 Appraisal and measurement.
TEXT PDF228.49 Reappraisal.
TEXT PDF228.50 Production records.
TEXT PDF228.51 Bonding.
TEXT PDF228.52 Assignments.
TEXT PDF228.53 Term.
TEXT PDF228.54 Single entry sales or permits.
TEXT PDF228.55 Cancellation or suspension.
TEXT PDF228.56 Operating plans.
TEXT PDF228.57 Types of disposal.
TEXT PDF228.58 Competitive sales.
TEXT PDF228.59 Negotiated or noncompetitive sales.
TEXT PDF228.60 Prospecting permits.
TEXT PDF228.61 Preference right negotiated sales.
TEXT PDF228.62 Free use.
TEXT PDF228.63 Removal under terms of a timber sale or other Forest Service contract.
TEXT PDF228.64 Community sites and common-use areas.
TEXT PDF228.65 Payment for sales.
TEXT PDF228.66 Refunds.
TEXT PDF228.67 Information collection requirements.
TEXT PDF228.80 Operations within Misty Fjords and Admiralty Island National Monuments, Alaska.
TEXT PDF228.100 Scope and applicability.
TEXT PDF228.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF228.102 Leasing analyses and decisions.
TEXT PDF228.103 Notice of appeals of decisions.
TEXT PDF228.104 Consideration of requests to modify, waive, or grant exceptions to lease stipulations.
TEXT PDF228.105 Issuance of onshore orders and notices to lessees.
TEXT PDF228.106 Operator's submission of surface use plan of operations.
TEXT PDF228.107 Review of surface use plan of operations.
TEXT PDF228.108 Surface use requirements.
TEXT PDF228.109 Bonds.
TEXT PDF228.110 Indemnification.
TEXT PDF228.111 Temporary cessation of operations.
TEXT PDF228.112 Compliance and inspection.
TEXT PDF228.113 Notice of noncompliance.
TEXT PDF228.114 Material noncompliance proceedings.
TEXT PDF228.115 Additional notice of decisions.
TEXT PDF228.116 Information collection requirements.
