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bullet Training & Education

Formal training courses provide a rigorous background in the substance and methods of the planning process. The TPCB Program includes formal training in a broad range of transportation planning subjects. These sessions are geared to the needs of decisionmakers, transportation officials, professional staff, and FHWA and FTA field staff. New courses are being developed based on feedback from transportation professionals.

Transportation planning training courses are offered by the National Highway Institute (NHI), the National Transit Institute (NTI), The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP), and other organizations offering NHI, NTI, and FHWA recognized courses.

Selected NHI and NTI transportation planning courses are now eligible for American Institute of Certified Planner (AICP) and American Planning Association Continuing Education Credits. For more information contact the National Highway Institute (NHI) and the National Transit Institute (NTI).

Training Courses

The Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program is concerned not only with today’s transportation professionals, but also with those of the future. FTA and FHWA are partnering with universities to advise them in the design of effective education at universities, junior/community colleges, and technical schools.

Academic Institutions

It is essential that the academic community be active participants in the TPCB program to:
  • Undertake appropriate changes in transportation planning education curricula to ensure the future availability of appropriately skilled transportation planners.
  • Incorporate research into undergraduate and graduate courses.
  • Develop continuing education programs that transfer cutting-edge research to transportation professionals as well as to the planning academic community.

Educational Papers

These documents discuss research and analysis of transportation planning education needs.

Transportation Data Resources

These links provide access to primary data sourcs for researchers and others needing unique information and referral references.

bullet Training Courses

Click to view the Training courses available under each category:

Category Training Courses
Funding Issues
bullet       Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Go
bullet       Financial Management  
bullet       Funding  
bullet       Procurement  
bullet       Americans with Disabilities Act Go
bullet       Community Design  
bullet       Community Impact Assessment  
bullet       Health & Human Services  
bullet       Human Environment  
bullet       Job Access  
bullet       Public Involvement Go
bullet       Title VI / Environmental Justice  
Natural & Cultural Resources
bullet       Air Quality  
bullet       Linking Planning & NEPA  
bullet       Natural Environment  
bullet       NEPA Go
bullet       Noise  
bullet       Design  
bullet       Freight in Planning  
bullet       ITS  
bullet       Performance Measures  
bullet       Planning & Operations  
bullet       Transit Ridership Go
Planning Process
bullet       Land Use & Transportation  
bullet       Metropolitan Planning Go
bullet       Planning Fundamentals  
bullet       Planning & Programming  
bullet       Rural & Small Community Planning Go
bullet       Smart Growth  
bullet       Statewide Planning Go
bullet       Tribal Planning Go
Related Areas
bullet       Public Affairs Go
bullet       Real Estate Go
Security & Safety
bullet       Safety Conscious Planning Go
bullet       Security Issues in Planning  
bullet       Data Resources Go
bullet       GIS Go
bullet       Modeling Go

Funding Issues

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), (NTI)
    This three-day course is designed to assist DBE transit agency staff and FTA regional staff with developing and implementing policies and procedures consistent with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (US DOT) revised DBE regulations and DOT guidelines. This course will provide a basic understanding and working knowledge of the USDOT DBE regulations and DOT guidance. Attendees will be provided with tools necessary to design and implement a DBE program for their organizations.


Americans with Disabilities Act
Public Involvement
  • Public Involvement in Transportation Decisionmaking (NHI #142036) and NTI
    This two and a half day training program provides planning and project development professionals with the tools and techniques to effectively involve the public in transportation decisionmaking processes such as Major Investment Studies, Transportation Plans, Transportation Improvement Programs, and project development.
  • Seminar on Public Involvement (Under Development - Spring 2005)
    Provides an overview of the various components of public involvement in transportation decision-making, as well as specific skills, techniques and approaches for enhancing public interaction.

Natural & Cultural Resources

  • Managing the Environmental Process (NTI)
    This course is intended for practitioners with some level of experience in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes as well as other environmental laws, regulations, and policies that affect Federal transit programs. Course topics include management of the NEPA process and agency roles in environmental planning.


Transit Ridership

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Planning Process

Metropolitan Planning
Rural & Small Community Planning
Statewide Planning
Tribal Planning

Related Areas

Public Affairs
  • Commuter Benefit Program (NTI)
    This course is designed to increase awareness among transit operators of the Commuter Benefit Program as well as give advice on implementing such a program in a transit agency’s service area. This course for MPOs, TMAs, DOTs, and planning agencies is offered in two parts: a two-hour executive seminar and a two-day staff workshop.
  • Market-based Ridership Strategies (NTI)
    This course gives attendees the tools and understanding of how to attract new riders and retain existing ones to transit services. The course focuses on how to use market research and innovative partnerships to enhance service to better meet customer needs and expectations.
  • Media Relations Training for State and Local Governments (NHI)
    This course will help participants to deal with the challenge of media contacts and to recognize them as opportunities to share, educate, and inform.
Real Estate
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  • Not available at this time.
Safety Conscious Planning
  • Safety Conscious Planning (NTI)
    This course trains practitioners on how to routinely integrate safety into the transportation planning process.
  • Safety Conscious Planning Forums (FHWA upon request)
    FHWA facilitated forums where stakeholder groups involved in addressing safety are brought together for a conference to "jump start" the SCP process by initiating a dialogue, reviewing current planning processes and activities, identifying challenges, opportunities and resource requirements and creating an action plan
  • Safety Conscious Planning: Planning it Safe (NHI #151042)
    This course is designed to identify opportunities for improving the manner in which safety is integrated as a key planning factor and performance measure in all transportation plans and programs.
  • Safety Conscious Planning Seminar (FHWA Resource Center)
    Tailored to audience requirements (topics and length), provides an overview of innovative techniques and approaches for successfully integrating safety in the transportation planning process.


Data Resources
  • Census Transportation Planning Package Seminars (FHWA Resource Center Planning)
    Tailored to audience requirements (length and topics), provides an overview of the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 2000, its special tabulations from the decennial census survey, its uses and applications for transportation planning.
  • Development and Implementation of Travel Surveys (NHI 151034 – Under Revision)
    Provides an overview of the development and implementation of the most common types of travel surveys, including: household travel and activity, vehicle intercept, transit on-board, commercial vehicle, work place and establishment, special generator, hotel/visitor, and parking surveys.
  • Financial Analysis System – Highways (FASH) Workshop
    Tailored to Federal, State and local finance data providers and users to demonstrate data entry and the submittal process. The tool is used by data providers for data quality initiatives for use by FHWA, Congress and the public. FASH is a data base management system that captures the overall financial status of a state’s highway program.
  • Highway Information Seminar (Under development – Available Late 2004)
    Tailored to Federal, State, and local data providers and users to inform and discuss critical data issues including the reauthorized Federal-aid highway program, data quality, data quality initiatives, and software improvements. Data areas include HPMS, travel monitoring, motor fuel, highway finance, drivers’ licenses, vehicle registrations, and NHTS.
  • HPMS Data Collection Workshop (Underdevelopment: Available 2005)
    Discusses the latest issues in HPMS focusing on methods, procedures, and processes used for data collection and the interpretation of the Field Manual on coding data items. State and local applications of HPMS data may also be discussed. Audience is FHWA Division Planners, State HPMS coordinators, MPOs and local agencies, and consultants.
  • HPMS Software Workshop (Under development – Available Spring 2005)
    Provide in depth technical hands on training for the HPMS Submittal Software. Topics include the HPMS submittal and review process using the HPMS Software as a tool. The intended audience is FHWA Division planners and state DOT HPMS coordinators.
  • Motor Fuel Workshops (Under Development)
    Tailored to Federal, State, and local motor fuel data providers and users to inform and discuss critical issues in data accuracy and attribution.
  • Overview of Planning Data Seminar (FHWA Resource Center Planning)
    Tailored to audience requirements (length and topics), provides an overview of major Census data sources, their current availability and future plans, and how they can be used for transportation planning.
  • Traffic Monitoring Guide Training Course (NHI 151018 – Under Revision – Available Winter 2004-05)
    This NHI course provides an overview of the collection and application of traffic data including traffic volume, vehicle classification, and truck weight, and is available for state DOT, MPO, FHWA and consultant participants. The course will be held at 2-3 locations yet to be determined.
  • Activity and Tour Based Forecasting Seminar (TMIP-FHWA)
    This seminar attempts to communicate to travel modeling professionals some of the activity and tour-based modeling procedures developed by their colleagues around the U.S. and abroad, as well as promising techniques that have been or are being researched.
  • Advanced Urban Travel Demand Forecasting for Large Urban Areas (NHI #152060) Under Development - Available Spring 2005
    Provides an overview of advanced practices for travel demand modeling at the system level for large urban areas. Reviews innovative procedures and methodologies to estimate demand impacts of a broad range of multimodal infrastructure investment and transportation/land use policy options for system planning.
  • Development and Implementation of Travel Surveys (NHI #151034)
    This course provides information on the development and implementation of the most common types of travel surveys, including: household travel and activity, vehicle intercept, transit on-board, commercial vehicle, work place and establishment, special generator, hotel/visitor, and parking.
  • Estimating Mobile Source Emissions (NHI #152071 & TMIP-FHWA)
    This course provides an overview of travel demand forecasting models, emission factor models and travel related data requirements, travel model and emission factor model interactions and assessing transportation control measure (TCM) effectiveness and impacts on emissions.
  • Forecasting Land Use Activity Seminar (TMIP-FHWA)
    This course explains and demonstrates methods and data sources for forecasting the nature and amount of land using activities, specifically, population, dwelling units, basic employment and services employment.
  • Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting (NHI #152054 & TMIP-FHWA)
    This four-day introductory course provides an overview of the traditional four-step planning process of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice and traffic assignment. Also reviews the development of land use forecasts, network and zone structures and use of Geographic Information Systems.
  • Model Validation, Calibration and Reasonableness Checking
    This is a one-day non-computerized seminar with manual workshop. The seminar focuses on the process and procedures for estimating, calibrating and validating regional travel forecasting models. For each step in the modeling process: the instructor will describe calibration, validation, and reasonableness checks. The instructor also describes useful local, state and national data.
  • Multimodal Transportation Forecasting (NTI)
    This course teaches basic multimodal concepts, principles of good practice, and methods to integrate technical information into the decision-making process. The course encourages practitioners to use innovative modeling approaches that advance the state-of-the-art and assists managers in determining appropriate staff, resources, and training in this area.
  • TMIP Course List
  • Travel Demand Forecasting Seminar (FHWA Resource Center Planning)
    Tailored to audience requirements (topics and length), provides a general overview of travel demand forecasting, especially the traditional four-step model. Reviews the uses and applications of forecasts for planning purposes and highlights noteworthy practices and techniques.
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bullet Academic Institutions

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ASCP) is a consortium of university-based programs offering credentials in urban and regional planning. Acting together, the ACSP member school faculty are able to express their shared commitments to understanding the dynamics of urban and regional development, enhancing planning practices, and improving the education of both novice and experienced planners.

The Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE)

The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC)
The CUTC provides information for research, education and training opportunities. The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) was established in 1979 by the major transportation research centers and institutes in the United States. CUTC is a Tennessee not-for-profit corporation and a recognized IRS 501C(3) organization. CUTC promotes continued dialogue among its member institutions, and it provides a forum for the centers to interact collectively with government and industry.

National Highway Institute (NHI)

National Transit Institute (NTI)

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP)

Additional links to Academic Institutions

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bullet Educational Papers

Educating Transportation Planning Professionals of the Future by Thomas F. Humphrey, January 14, 2002.

The Education of Transportation Planning Professionals by Susan Handy, November 1, 2001.

The Education of Transportation Planning Professionals [Expanded Version] by Susan Handy, October 2002.

Nationwide Survey of Transportation Planning Courses: Introduction, Findings, and Recommendations by Jiangping Zhou and Siim Sööt November 17, 2006

bullet Transportation Data Resources

These links provide access to primary data sources for researchers and others needing unique information and referral references.

bullet Other Resources

GO! is a free online transportation magazine published every two months by Iowa State University's Center for Transportation Research and Education. While the target audience is teens and young adults (to help them explore the world of transportation and the careers they can find there), the articles are well-written and engaging for anyone with an interest in transportation.

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