Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF780.0 Purpose of interpretative bulletins in this part.
TEXT PDF780.1 General scope of the Act.
TEXT PDF780.2 Exemptions from Act's requirements.
TEXT PDF780.3 Exemptions discussed in this part.
TEXT PDF780.4 Matters not discussed in this part.
TEXT PDF780.5 Significance of official interpretations.
TEXT PDF780.6 Basic support for interpretations.
TEXT PDF780.7 Reliance on interpretations.
TEXT PDF780.8 Interpretations made, continued, and superseded by this part.
TEXT PDF780.9 Related exemptions are interpreted together.
TEXT PDF780.10 Workweek standard in applying exemptions.
TEXT PDF780.11 Exempt and nonexempt work during the same workweek.
TEXT PDF780.12 Work exempt under another section of the Act.
TEXT PDF780.100 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.101 Matters discussed in this subpart.
TEXT PDF780.102 Pay requirements for agricultural employees.
TEXT PDF780.103 ``Agriculture'' as defined by the Act.
TEXT PDF780.104 How modern specialization affects the scope of agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.105 ``Primary'' and ``secondary'' agriculture under section 3(f).
TEXT PDF780.106 Employment in ``primary'' agriculture is farming regardless of why or where work is performed.
TEXT PDF780.107 Scope of the statutory term.
TEXT PDF780.108 Listed activities.
TEXT PDF780.109 Determination of whether unlisted activities are ``farming.''
TEXT PDF780.110 Operations included in ``cultivation and tillage of the soil.''
TEXT PDF780.111 ``Dairying'' as a farming operation.
TEXT PDF780.112 General meaning of ``agriculture or horticultural commodities.''
TEXT PDF780.113 Seeds, spawn, etc.
TEXT PDF780.114 Wild commodities.
TEXT PDF780.115 Forest products.
TEXT PDF780.116 Commodities included by reference to the Agricultural Marketing Act.
TEXT PDF780.117 ``Production, cultivation, growing.''
TEXT PDF780.118 ``Harvesting.''
TEXT PDF780.119 Employment in the specified operations generally.
TEXT PDF780.120 Raising of ``livestock.''
TEXT PDF780.121 What constitutes ``raising'' of livestock.
TEXT PDF780.122 Activities relating to race horses.
TEXT PDF780.123 Raising of bees.
TEXT PDF780.124 Raising of fur-bearing animals.
TEXT PDF780.125 Raising of poultry in general.
TEXT PDF780.126 Contract arrangements for raising poultry.
TEXT PDF780.127 Hatchery operations.
TEXT PDF780.128 General statement on ``secondary'' agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.129 Required relationship of practices to farming operations.
TEXT PDF780.130 Performance ``by a farmer'' generally.
TEXT PDF780.131 Operations which constitute one a ``farmer.''
TEXT PDF780.132 Operations must be performed ``by'' a farmer.
TEXT PDF780.133 Farmers' cooperative as a ``farmer.''
TEXT PDF780.134 Performance ``on a farm'' generally.
TEXT PDF780.135 Meaning of ``farm.''
TEXT PDF780.136 Employment in practices on a farm.
TEXT PDF780.137 Practices must be performed in connection with farmer's own farming.
TEXT PDF780.138 Application of the general principles.
TEXT PDF780.139 Pea vining.
TEXT PDF780.140 Place of performing the practice as a factor.
TEXT PDF780.141 Practices must relate to farming operations on the particular farm.
TEXT PDF780.142 Practices on a farm not related to farming operations.
TEXT PDF780.143 Practices on a farm not performed for the farmer.
TEXT PDF780.144 ``As an incident to or in conjunction with'' the farming operations.
TEXT PDF780.145 The relationship is determined by consideration of all relevant factors.
TEXT PDF780.146 Importance of relationship of the practice to farming generally.
TEXT PDF780.147 Practices performed on farm products--special factors considered.
TEXT PDF780.148 ``Any'' practices meeting the requirements will qualify for exemption.
TEXT PDF780.149 Named practices as well as others must meet the requirements.
TEXT PDF780.150 Scope and limits of ``preparation for market.''
TEXT PDF780.151 Particular operations on commodities.
TEXT PDF780.152 General scope of specified delivery operations.
TEXT PDF780.153 Delivery ``to storage.''
TEXT PDF780.154 Delivery ``to market.''
TEXT PDF780.155 Delivery ``to carriers for transportation to market.''
TEXT PDF780.156 Transportation of farm products from the fields or farm.
TEXT PDF780.157 Other transportation incident to farming.
TEXT PDF780.158 Examples of other practices within section 3(f) if requirements are met.
TEXT PDF780.200 Inclusion of forestry or lumbering operations in agriculture is limited.
TEXT PDF780.201 Meaning of ``forestry or lumbering operations.''
TEXT PDF780.202 Subordination to farming operations is necessary for exemption.
TEXT PDF780.203 Performance of operations on a farm but not by the farmer.
TEXT PDF780.204 Number of employees engaged in operations not material.
TEXT PDF780.205 Nursery activities generally.
TEXT PDF780.206 Planting and lawn mowing.
TEXT PDF780.207 Operations with respect to wild plants.
TEXT PDF780.208 Forest and Christmas tree activities.
TEXT PDF780.209 Packing, storage, warehousing, and sale of nursery products.
TEXT PDF780.210 The typical hatchery operations constitute ``agriculture.''
TEXT PDF780.211 Contract production of hatching eggs.
TEXT PDF780.212 Hatchery employees working on farms.
TEXT PDF780.213 Produce business.
TEXT PDF780.214 Feed sales and other activities.
TEXT PDF780.300 Statutory exemptions in section 13(a)(6).
TEXT PDF780.301 Other pertinent statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF780.302 Basic conditions of section 13 (a)(6)(A).
TEXT PDF780.303 Exemption applicable on employee basis.
TEXT PDF780.304 ``Employed by an employer.''
TEXT PDF780.305 500 man-day provision.
TEXT PDF780.306 Calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year defined.
TEXT PDF780.307 Exemption for employer's immediate family.
TEXT PDF780.308 Definition of immediate family.
TEXT PDF780.309 Man-day exclusion.
TEXT PDF780.310 Exemption for local hand harvest laborers.
TEXT PDF780.311 Basic conditions of section 13(a)(6)(C).
TEXT PDF780.312 ``Hand harvest laborer'' defined.
TEXT PDF780.313 Piece rate basis.
TEXT PDF780.314 Operations customarily *** paid on a piece rate basis ***.
TEXT PDF780.315 Local hand harvest laborers.
TEXT PDF780.316 Thirteen week provision.
TEXT PDF780.317 Man-day exclusion.
TEXT PDF780.318 Exemption for nonlocal minors.
TEXT PDF780.319 Basic conditions of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.320 Nonlocal minors.
TEXT PDF780.321 Minors 16 years of age or under.
TEXT PDF780.322 Is employed on the same farm as his parent or persons standing in the place of his parent.
TEXT PDF780.323 Exemption for range production of livestock.
TEXT PDF780.324 Requirements for the exemption to apply.
TEXT PDF780.325 Principally engaged.
TEXT PDF780.326 On the range.
TEXT PDF780.327 Production of livestock.
TEXT PDF780.328 Meaning of livestock.
TEXT PDF780.329 Exempt work.
TEXT PDF780.330 Sharecroppers and tenant farmers.
TEXT PDF780.331 Crew leaders and labor contractors.
TEXT PDF780.332 Exchange of labor between farmers.
TEXT PDF780.400 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF780.401 General explanatory statement.
TEXT PDF780.402 The general guides for applying the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.403 Employee basis of exemption under section 13(b)(12).
TEXT PDF780.404 Activities of the employer considered in some situations.
TEXT PDF780.405 Exemption is direct and does not mean activities are agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.406 Exemption is from overtime only.
TEXT PDF780.407 System must be nonprofit or operated on a share-crop basis.
TEXT PDF780.408 Facilities of system must be used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
TEXT PDF780.409 Employment ``in connection with the operation or maintenance'' is exempt.
TEXT PDF780.500 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.501 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF780.502 Legislative history of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.503 What determines the application of the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.504 Basic conditions of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.505 Definition of ``shade-grown tobacco.''
TEXT PDF780.506 Dependence of exemption on shade-grown tobacco operations.
TEXT PDF780.507 ``Such tobacco.''
TEXT PDF780.508 Application of the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.509 Agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.510 ``Any agricultural employee.''
TEXT PDF780.511 Meaning of ``agricultural employee.''
TEXT PDF780.512 ``Employed in the growing and harvesting.''
TEXT PDF780.513 What employment in growing and harvesting is sufficient.
TEXT PDF780.514 ``Growing'' and ``harvesting.''
TEXT PDF780.515 Processing requirements of section 13(a)(14).
TEXT PDF780.516 ``Prior to the stemming process.''
TEXT PDF780.517 ``For use as Cigar-wrapper tobacco.''
TEXT PDF780.518 Exempt processing operations.
TEXT PDF780.519 General scope of exempt operations.
TEXT PDF780.520 Particular operations which may be exempt.
TEXT PDF780.521 Other processing operations.
TEXT PDF780.522 Nonprocessing employees.
TEXT PDF780.600 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.601 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF780.602 General explanatory statement.
TEXT PDF780.603 What determines application of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.604 General requirements.
TEXT PDF780.605 Employment in agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.606 Interpretation of term ``agriculture.''
TEXT PDF780.607 ``Primarily employed'' in agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.608 ``During his workweek.''
TEXT PDF780.609 Workweek unit in applying the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.610 Workweek exclusively in exempt work.
TEXT PDF780.611 Workweek exclusively in agriculture.
TEXT PDF780.612 Employment by a ``farmer.''
TEXT PDF780.613 ``By such farmer.''
TEXT PDF780.614 Definition of a farmer.
TEXT PDF780.615 Raising of livestock.
TEXT PDF780.616 Operations included in raising livestock.
TEXT PDF780.617 Adjunct livestock auction operations.
TEXT PDF780.618 ``His own account''--``in conjunction with other farmers.''
TEXT PDF780.619 Work ``in connection with'' livestock auction operations.
TEXT PDF780.620 Minimum wage for livestock auction work.
TEXT PDF780.621 No overtime wages in exempt week.
TEXT PDF780.700 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.701 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF780.702 What determines application of the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.703 Basic requirements for exemption.
TEXT PDF780.704 Dependence of exemption on nature of employing establishment.
TEXT PDF780.705 Meaning of ``establishment.''
TEXT PDF780.706 Recognition of character of establishment.
TEXT PDF780.707 Establishments ``commonly recognized'' as country elevators.
TEXT PDF780.708 A country elevator is located near and serves farmers.
TEXT PDF780.709 Size and equipment of a country elevator.
TEXT PDF780.710 A country elevator may sell products and services to farmers.
TEXT PDF780.711 Exemption of mixed business applies only to country elevators.
TEXT PDF780.712 Limitation of exemption to establishments with five or fewer employees.
TEXT PDF780.713 Determining the number of employees generally.
TEXT PDF780.714 Employees employed ``in such operations'' to be counted.
TEXT PDF780.715 Counting employees ``employed in the establishment.''
TEXT PDF780.716 Exemption of employees ``employed *** by'' the establishment.
TEXT PDF780.717 Determining whether there is employment ``by'' the establishment.
TEXT PDF780.718 Employees who may be exempt.
TEXT PDF780.719 Employees not employed ``by'' the elevator establishment.
TEXT PDF780.720 ``Area of production'' requirement of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.721 Employment in the particular workweek as test of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.722 Exempt workweeks.
TEXT PDF780.723 Exempt and nonexempt employment.
TEXT PDF780.724 Work exempt under another section of the Act.
TEXT PDF780.800 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.801 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF780.802 What determines application of the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.803 Basic conditions of exemption; first part, ginning of cotton.
TEXT PDF780.804 ``Ginning'' of cotton.
TEXT PDF780.805 Ginning of ``cotton.''
TEXT PDF780.806 Exempt ginning limited to first processing.
TEXT PDF780.807 Cotton must be ginned ``for market.''
TEXT PDF780.808 Who may qualify for the exemption generally.
TEXT PDF780.809 Employees engaged in exempt operations.
TEXT PDF780.810 Employees not ``engaged in'' ginning.
TEXT PDF780.811 Exemption dependent upon place of employment generally.
TEXT PDF780.812 ``County.''
TEXT PDF780.813 ``County where cotton is grown.''
TEXT PDF780.814 ``Grown in commercial quantities.''
TEXT PDF780.815 Basic conditions of exemption; second part, processing of sugar beets, sugar-beet molasses, sugarcane, or maple sap.
TEXT PDF780.816 Processing of specific commodities.
TEXT PDF780.817 Employees engaged in processing.
TEXT PDF780.818 Employees not engaged in processing.
TEXT PDF780.819 Production must be of unrefined sugar or syrup.
TEXT PDF780.900 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.901 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF780.902 Legislative history of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.903 General scope of exemption.
TEXT PDF780.904 What determines the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.905 Employers who may claim exemption.
TEXT PDF780.906 Requisites for exemption generally.
TEXT PDF780.907 ``Fruits or vegetables.''
TEXT PDF780.908 Relation of employee's work to specified transportation.
TEXT PDF780.909 ``Transportation.''
TEXT PDF780.910 Engagement in transportation and preparation.
TEXT PDF780.911 Preparation for transportation.
TEXT PDF780.912 Exempt preparation.
TEXT PDF780.913 Nonexempt preparation.
TEXT PDF780.914 ``From the farm.''
TEXT PDF780.915 ``Place of first processing.''
TEXT PDF780.916 ``Place of *** first marketing.''
TEXT PDF780.917 ``Within the same State.''
TEXT PDF780.918 Requisites for exemption generally.
TEXT PDF780.919 Engagement ``in transportation'' of harvest workers.
TEXT PDF780.920 Workers transported must be fruit or vegetable harvest workers.
TEXT PDF780.921 Persons ``employed or to be employed'' in fruit or vegetable harvesting.
TEXT PDF780.922 ``Harvesting'' of fruits or vegetables.
TEXT PDF780.923 ``Between the farm and any point within the same State.''
TEXT PDF780.1000 Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF780.1001 General explanatory statement.
TEXT PDF780.1002 Statutory requirements.
TEXT PDF780.1003 What determines the application of the exemption.
TEXT PDF780.1004 General requirements.
TEXT PDF780.1005 Homeworkers.
TEXT PDF780.1006 In or about a home.
TEXT PDF780.1007 Exemption is inapplicable if wreath-making is not in or about a home.
TEXT PDF780.1008 Examples of places not considered homes.
TEXT PDF780.1009 Wreaths.
TEXT PDF780.1010 Principally.
TEXT PDF780.1011 Evergreens.
TEXT PDF780.1012 Other evergreens.
TEXT PDF780.1013 Natural evergreens.
TEXT PDF780.1014 Harvesting.
TEXT PDF780.1015 Other forest products.
TEXT PDF780.1016 Use of evergreens and forest products.
