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OPA News Release: [10/07/2003]
Contact Name: Ed Frank
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676

Statement of Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao on Guilty Plea by Former President of Washington Teachers’ Union

WASHINGTON—U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao issued the following statement at a courthouse news conference following today’s guilty plea by former Washington Teachers’ Union President Barbara Bullock. Bullock’s plea followed an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor and other agencies of financial wrongdoing involving millions of dollars in union funds:

“There’s a painful sense of loss that we feel today: loss of trust, lost opportunities for our schools, and the lost, hard-earned dues that teachers here in Washington paid into the union to protect their rights.

“This case involved more than just the ethical failures of a few unscrupulous officials. There was also a failure of accountability, an absence of oversight, and a lack of concern for the well-being of union members.

“It’s also an affront to the vast majority of union leaders—who are hard-working, decent and dedicated to their members.

“Last week, the Department issued final rules that will improve the financial transparency and accountability of labor unions. Today’s action demonstrates there are serious consequences for violating the bond of trust between unions and their members. And the Department’s new financial transparency rules will ensure that sacred trust is fully protected.”

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