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Deputy Secretary's Speech



Thursday, February 1, 2007


Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson
Microsoft Job Training Signing Ceremony
Tel Aviv, Israel

This is a great day for Israel, the United States, and for Microsoft. All around the world, American companies like Microsoft do much more than sell and manufacture quality products. They create jobs, provide training, and invest locally. They truly join the communities in which they operate as corporate citizens and partners in improving the welfare and quality of life for all citizens.

U.S. firms have invested over $6 billion in Israel. This investment is largely concentrated in high tech industries, and the nature of these industries demands highly skilled workers which promotes education, training and stability in the community.

The program we are celebrating here today both laudable and noteworthy, but many US companies are involved in similar ventures across Israel.

Intel Israel introduces children and teens to high tech to improve their advanced technology self-esteem.

Motorola's community programs promote education, technology training, and advanced math classes, while providing food and clothing to the needy.

IBM Israel supports educational programs that work to decrease the technological gap in schools.

Later today, I will be visiting Applied Materials' microchip manufacturing facility in Rekhovot, and Cisco Systems' after-school computer training program for underprivileged youth in Ramla. At this facility, employees volunteer their time, and the company donates unused computers and funds projects supporting education and training for disenfranchised segments of Israeli society.

But today I am here to witness the work being done by Microsoft. In addition to the new Empowering Women into Employment program, Microsoft also provides courses and training to underprivileged youth in over 100 centers around the country. They promote "digital inclusion" for underserved communities through computer literacy training at community centers.

Throughout much of the world, women are denied the opportunity to make significant contributions in the workforce. In the U.S., we know what valuable assets women are given the proper opportunities and freedom to learn. This is especially true in the high tech industry.

The courses and computer training offered to unemployed women by this program will allow them to compete for jobs in the workforce, thus giving them the opportunity to help Israel's economy grow, and to expand Microsoft's pool of skilled workers in the area.

I believe this program will improve the lives of women and open doors that have been locked to them in the past. So I am honored to be here to celebrate this occasion and to witness first-hand the benefits of this program.

I look forward to continued cooperation between our two nations as partners in the global economy. And I appreciate the invitation to be here today to share this proud day with you.

Thank you very much.