Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF251.9 Management of Municipal Watersheds.
TEXT PDF251.10 Prohibition of location of mining claims within certain areas in the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve, South Dakota.
TEXT PDF251.11 Governing mining locations under the mining laws of the United States within that portion of the Black Hills National Forest, State of South Dakota, designated as the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve.
TEXT PDF251.14 Conditions, rules and regulations to govern exercise of timber rights reserved in conveyance to the United States.
TEXT PDF251.15 Conditions, rules and regulations to govern exercise of mineral rights reserved in conveyances to the United States.
TEXT PDF251.17 Grantor's right to occupy and use lands conveyed to the United States.
TEXT PDF251.18 Rights-of-way reserved by the grantor on lands conveyed to the United States.
TEXT PDF251.19 Exercise of water rights reserved by the grantor of lands conveyed to the United States.
TEXT PDF251.23 Experimental areas and research natural areas.
TEXT PDF251.35 Petersburg watershed.
TEXT PDF251.50 Scope.
TEXT PDF251.51 Definitions.
TEXT PDF251.52 Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF251.53 Authorities.
TEXT PDF251.54 Proposal and application requirements and procedures.
TEXT PDF251.55 Nature of interest.
TEXT PDF251.56 Terms and conditions.
TEXT PDF251.57 Rental fees.
TEXT PDF251.59 Transfer of authorized improvements.
TEXT PDF251.60 Termination, revocation, and suspension.
TEXT PDF251.61 Modifications.
TEXT PDF251.62 Acceptance.
TEXT PDF251.63 Reciprocity.
TEXT PDF251.64 Renewals.
TEXT PDF251.65 Information collection requirements.
TEXT PDF251.80 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF251.81 Definitions and terminology.
TEXT PDF251.82 Appealable decisions.
TEXT PDF251.83 Decisions not appealable.
TEXT PDF251.84 Obtaining notice.
TEXT PDF251.85 Election of appeal process.
TEXT PDF251.86 Parties.
TEXT PDF251.87 Levels of appeal.
TEXT PDF251.88 Filing procedures.
TEXT PDF251.89 Time extensions.
TEXT PDF251.90 Content of notice of appeal.
TEXT PDF251.91 Stays.
TEXT PDF251.92 Dismissal.
TEXT PDF251.93 Resolution of issues.
TEXT PDF251.94 Responsive statement.
TEXT PDF251.95 Authority of reviewing officer.
TEXT PDF251.96 Intervention.
TEXT PDF251.97 Oral presentation.
TEXT PDF251.98 Appeal record.
TEXT PDF251.99 Appeal decision.
TEXT PDF251.100 Discretionary review.
TEXT PDF251.101 Policy in event of judicial proceedings.
TEXT PDF251.102 Applicability and effective date.
TEXT PDF251.103 Mediation of term grazing permit disputes.
TEXT PDF251.110 Scope and application.
TEXT PDF251.111 Definitions.
TEXT PDF251.112 Application requirements.
TEXT PDF251.113 Instrument of authorization.
TEXT PDF251.114 Criteria, terms and conditions.
TEXT PDF251.120 Applicability and scope.
TEXT PDF251.121 Definitions.
TEXT PDF251.122 Historical operator special use authorizations.
TEXT PDF251.123 Most directly affected Native Corporation determination.
TEXT PDF251.124 Preferred operator competitive special use authorization procedures.
TEXT PDF251.125 Preferred operator privileges and limitations.
TEXT PDF251.126 Appeals.
