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Vehicle Buying Snow and Other Inclement Weather Equipment

Need to keep operations mobile during dire winter conditions? GSA Schedule 23 V includes snow maintenance products.

Special Item Number (SIN) 271-102, Snow Maintenance Equipment, covers the following:

  • Variety of manufacturers,
  • Commercial models,
  • Options for snowplows,
  • Snowplow parts,
  • Snowplow hitches,
  • Snowplow attachments,
  • Snow blowers,
  • Snow sweepers,
  • Truck mounted snow sweepers, and
  • Salt and sand spreaders.

GSA offers several other SINs that provide inclement weather vehicles, equipment, and accessories.

  • SIN 271-104, Clearing and Cleaning Equipment, offers rider-operated sweepers/scrubbers, self-contained snowplows and snow blowers, runway de-icing, runway brooms, and runway plows.
  • SIN 272-105, New Technologies, supplies automatic ice chains and automatic tire chains.

Don’t be left out in the cold, snow, sleet, and ice when mother nature decides to visit with an array of winter weather challenges. Government agencies can place orders directly with vendors or order through GSA Advantage!®.