First Monday

This month: May 2009
Facebook and academic performance: Reconciling a media sensation with data
A recent draft manuscript suggested that Facebook use might be related to lower academic achievement in college and graduate school. The report quickly became a media sensation and was picked up by hundreds of news outlets in a matter of days. his paper attempts to replicate the results reported in the press release using three data sets. A negative relationship between Facebook use and grades was not found in the samples. Indeed, if anything, Facebook use is more common among individuals with higher grades.
Also this month!
Where is the cloud? Geography, economics, environment, and jurisdiction in cloud computing
Cloud computing — the creation of large data centers that can be dynamically provisioned, configured, and reconfigured to deliver services in a scalable manner — places enormous capacity and power in the hands of users. As an emerging new technology, however, cloud computing also raises significant questions about resources, economics, the environment, and the law. This paper explores the interrelationships between the geography of cloud computing, its users, its providers, and governments.
First Monday Podcast interviews Lawrence Lessig about his new book Remix: Making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy. Podcast Editors AJ Hannah and Joy Austria take on Remix — what worked, what didn’t and what ideas were left out of the mix.



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