BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Philippines Local time: 12:20 AM

Export Contact List

Get a customized, pre-screened list of potential business partners in the Philippines. Includes basic contact information such as company name, address, telephone , fax numbers and email as available. Use this list to contact local firms directly with your marketing information or business proposals.

We can also create a much larger mailing list if you prefer broader outreach to one hundred firms or more. The companies in this list will be operating in the basic industry you specify (e.g. telecommunications, consumer goods etc.), but no additional targeting is done by our specialists. Size of the list varies depending on the sector.

In most cases, we can provide the list within one week of receiving your request. The cost of this service is $100/sector. Delivery time is 10 working days. To order an Export Contact List, please send an e-mail to Commercial Service Manila.