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Content Last Revised: 8/15/75

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to EBSA

Title 29  



Chapter XXV  

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor



Part 2510  

Definitions of Terms Used In Subchapters C, D, E, F, and G of This Chapter

29 CFR 2510.3-1 - Employee welfare benefit plan.

  • Section Number: 2510.3-1
  • Section Name: Employee welfare benefit plan.

    (a) General. (1) The purpose of this section is to clarify the 
definition of the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' for purposes of title I of the Act and this chapter by 
identifying certain practices which do not constitute employee welfare 
benefit plans for those purposes. In addition, the practices listed in 
this section do not constitute employee pension benefit plans within the 
meaning of section 3(2) of the Act, and, therefore, do not constitute 
employee benefit plans within the meaning of section 3(3). Since under 
section 4(a) of the Act, only employee benefit plans within the meaning 
of section 3(3) are subject to title I of the Act, the practices listed 
in this section are not subject to title I.
    (2) The terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare plan'' 
are defined in section 3(1) of the Act to include plans providing ``(i) 
medical, surgical, or hospital care or benefits, or benefits in the 
event of sickness, accident, disability, death or unemployment, or 
vacation benefits, apprenticeship or other training programs, or day 
care centers, scholarship funds, or prepaid legal services, or (ii) any 
benefit described in section 302(c) of the Labor Management Relations 
Act, 1947 (other than pensions on retirement or death, and insurance to 
provide such pensions).'' Under this definition, only plans which 
provide benefits described in section 3(1)(A) of the Act or in section 
302(c) of the Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (hereinafter ``the 
LMRA'') (other than pensions on retirement or death) constitute welfare 
plans. For example, a system of payroll deductions by an employer for 
deposit in savings accounts owned by its employees is not an employee 
welfare benefit plan within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Act 
because it does not provide benefits described in section 3(1)(A) of the 
Act or section 302(c) of the LMRA. (In addition, if each employee has 
the right to withdraw the balance in his or her account at any time, 
such a payroll savings plan does not meet the requirements for a pension 
plan set forth in section 3(2) of the Act and, therefore, is not an 
employee benefit plan within the meaning of section 3(3) of the Act).
    (3) Section 302(c) of the LMRA lists exceptions to the restrictions 
contained in subsections (a) and (b) of that section on payments and 
loans made by an employer to individuals and groups representing 
employees of the employer. Of these exceptions, only those contained in 
paragraphs (5), (6), (7) and (8) describe benefits provided through 
employee benefit plans. Moreover, only paragraph (6) describes benefits 
not described in section 3(1)(A) of the Act. The benefits described in 
section 302(c)(6) of the LMRA but not in section 3(1)(A) of the Act are 
``* * * holiday, severance or similar benefits''. Thus, the effect of 
section 3(1)(B) of the Act is to include within the definition
of ``welfare plan'' those plans which provide holiday and severance 
benefits, and benefits which are similar (for example, benefits which 
are in substance severance benefits, although not so characterized).
    (4) Some of the practices listed in this section as excluded from 
the definition of ``welfare plan'' or mentioned as examples of general 
categories of excluded practices are inserted in response to questions 
received by the Department of Labor and, in the Department's judgment, 
do not represent borderline cases under the definition in section 3(1) 
of the Act. Therefore, this section should not be read as implicitly 
indicating the Department's views on the possible scope of section 3(1).
    (b) Payroll practices. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' shall not include--
    (1) Payment by an employer of compensation on account of work 
performed by an employee, including compensation at a rate in excess of 
the normal rate of compensation on account of performance of duties 
under other than ordinary circumstances, such as--
    (i) Overtime pay,
    (ii) Shift premiums,
    (iii) Holiday premiums,
    (iv) Weekend premiums;
    (2) Payment of an employee's normal compensation, out of the 
employer's general assets, on account of periods of time during which 
the employee is physically or mentally unable to perform his or her 
duties, or is otherwise absent for medical reasons (such as pregnancy, a 
physical examination or psychiatric treatment); and
    (3) Payment of compensation, out of the employer's general assets, 
on account of periods of time during which the employee, although 
physically and mentally able to perform his or her duties and not absent 
for medical reasons (such as pregnancy, a physical examination or 
psychiatric treatment) performs no duties; for example--
    (i) Payment of compensation while an employee is on vacation or 
absent on a holiday, including payment of premiums to induce employees 
to take vacations at a time favorable to the employer for business 
    (ii) Payment of compensation to an employee who is absent while on 
active military duty,
    (iii) Payment of compensation while an employee is absent for the 
purpose of serving as a juror or testifying in official proceedings,
    (iv) Payment of compensation on account of periods of time during 
which an employee performs little or no productive work while engaged in 
training (whether or not subsidized in whole or in part by Federal, 
State or local government funds), and
    (v) Payment of compensation to an employee who is relieved of duties 
while on sabbatical leave or while pursuing further education.
    (c) On-premises facilities. For purposes of title I of the Act and 
this chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' shall not include--
    (1) The maintenance on the premises of an employer or of an employee 
organization of recreation, dining or other facilities (other than day 
care centers) for use by employees or members; and
    (2) The maintenance on the premises of an employer of facilities for 
the treatment of minor injuries or illness or rendering first aid in 
case of accidents occurring during working hours.
    (d) Holiday gifts. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
chapter the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare plan'' 
shall not include the distribution of gifts such as turkeys or hams by 
an employer to employees at Christmas and other holiday seasons.
    (e) Sales to employees. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' shall not include the sale by an employer to employees of an 
employer, whether or not at prevailing market prices, of articles or 
commodities of the kind which the employer offers for sale in the 
regular course of business.
    (f) Hiring halls. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' shall not include the maintenance by one or more employers, 
employee organizations, or both, of a hiring hall facility.
    (g) Remembrance funds. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare plan'' shall 
not include a program under which contributions are made to provide 
remembrances such as flowers, an obituary notice in a newspaper or a 
small gift on occasions such as the sickness, hospitalization, death or 
termination of employment of employees, or members of an employee 
organization, or members of their families.
    (h) Strike funds. For purposes of title I of the Act and this 
chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
plan'' shall not include a fund maintained by an employee organization 
to provide payments to its members during strikes and for related 
    (i) Industry advancement programs. For purposes of title I of the 
Act and this chapter, the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and 
``welfare plan'' shall not include a program maintained by an employer 
or group or association of employers, which has no employee participants 
and does not provide benefits to employees or their dependents, 
regardless of whether the program serves as a conduit through which 
funds or other assets are channelled to employee benefit plans covered 
under title I of the Act.
    (j) Certain group or group-type insurance programs. For purposes of 
title I of the Act and this chapter, the terms ``employee welfare 
benefit plan'' and ``welfare plan'' shall not include a group or group-
type insurance program offered by an insurer to employees or members of 
an employee organization, under which
    (1) No contributions are made by an employer or employee 
    (2) Participation the program is completely voluntary for employees 
or members;
    (3) The sole functions of the employer or employee organization with 
respect to the program are, without endorsing the program, to permit the 
insurer to publicize the program to employees or members, to collect 
premiums through payroll deductions or dues checkoffs and to remit them 
to the insurer; and
    (4) The employer or employee organization receives no consideration 
in the form of cash or otherwise in connection with the program, other 
than reasonable compensation, excluding any profit, for administrative 
services actually rendered in connection with payroll deductions or dues 
    (k) Unfunded scholarship programs. For purposes of title I of the 
Act and this chapter, the terms ``employe welfare benefit plan'' and 
``welfare plan'' shall not include a scholarship program, including a 
tuition and education expense refund program, under which payments are 
made solely from the general assets of an employer or employee 
[40 FR 34530, Aug. 15, 1975]

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