Helping Your Child Learn Science
With activities for children in preschool through age 5
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In addition to those listed in the Resources section, the following publications were used in preparing this booklet:

American Chemical Society/American Institutes of Physics. Wonder Science. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1990.

Asimov, Isaac. "Science and Children," Introduction in Science Fare by Wendy Saul and Alan R. Newman. New York, Harper & Row, 1986.

Berger, Melvin. Simple Simon Says: Take One Magnifying Glass. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1980.

Cobb, Vicki. Science Experiments You Can Eat. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

Herbert, Don. The Wild Inside; Mr. Wizard's Experiments for Young Scientists. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Inc., 1959.

Hoover-Dempsey, Kathleen and Sandler, Howard. "Why Do Parents Become Involved in Their Children's Education?" Review of Educational Research 67(1): 1997.

Katz, Phillis. Exploring Science Through Art. New York: Franklin Watts, 1990.

Lewis, James. Learn While You Scrub: Science in the Tub. New York: Meadowbrook Press, 1980.

Lowery, Lawrence F., (Ed.). NSTA Pathways to the Science Standards: Guidelines for Moving the Vision into Practice, Elementary School Edition. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press, 1997.

National Center for Improving Science Education. Getting Started in Science: A Blueprint for Elementary School Science Education. Andover, MA: The NETWORK, Inc., 1989.

National Research Council Staff, National Academy of Sciences. National Science Education Standards: Observe, Interact, Change, Learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Pres, 1996.

U.S. Department of Education. Papers Presented at the Secretary's Summit on Mathematics, February 6, 2003 in Washington, D.C. (available online at, 2003.

Zubrowski, Bernie, Bubbles. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1979.

Zubrowski, Bernie. Messing Around With Baking Chemistry. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1981.

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Last Modified: 08/11/2008