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Dallas Cowboys' new stadium aims to score big
with EPA's premier environmental stewardship program

Robert Cluck, Jerry Jones, Richard Greene and Ann Drumm celebrate "going Blue" in the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium.

“The Dallas Cowboys are never content to rest on their laurels and follow the crowd in anything they do,” said EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene. “They want to lead the way and be the first. Their willingness to join a program which demands accountability, transparency, and continual improvement in performance underscores their desire to drive themselves to be the best at everything they do. Their desire to be recognized through the Performance Track program also demonstrates their continued long-term commitment towards the environment and their local community.”

The Dallas Cowboys and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the Cowboys’ intent to be the first sports stadium to gain recognition in the EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track Program. The Dallas Cowboys have been overseeing the construction and design of the club’s new stadium set to open in the Summer of 2009, including a host of environmental design, construction, and operational initiatives.

Arlington Mayor Cluck addresses audience to share environmental goals for the new Cowboys stadium.Why did the Cowboys choose Performance Track instead of just announcing more ‘green’ initiatives?

“Proposing to complete green design initiatives is only the first step to true environmental footprint reduction, said Jack Hill, Stadium General Manager for the Dallas Cowboys. “The challenge lies in capturing performance and cost savings, ensuring initiatives are effective and always raising the bar. The National Environmental Performance Track Program gives us a framework to get it done. The Cowboys want to go beyond all the ‘green’ hype to set goals, deliver on those goals and be accountable to our fans and public.”

EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track Program recognizes facilities that go beyond environmental regulations and requirements to reduce pollution and conserve our natural resources. Member facilities agree to:

Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones joins RA Greene, Arlington Mayor Robert Cluck and Sierra Club Energy Chair Ann Drumm in announcing environmental commitments for new stadium.Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones reiterated, “The Dallas Cowboys strive to be the best in all endeavors undertaken by our organization, both on and off the field. We are committed to maximizing the impact of the world’s most recognizable sports franchise and use those forces as a powerful means to enhance our local communities and the world around us. We believe we have a strong obligation to transfer that championship tradition and the magic that it creates toward the bigger purpose of making a difference.”

"Arlington residents know of my passionate commitment to the environmental health of this community so it always remains one of the best cities in the U.S. to live, work and raise our children,” said Arlington Mayor Dr. Robert Cluck. “The Dallas Cowboys are going to have a big impact on the city of Arlington. I am very excited that 'impact' will include being an active part of our community in supporting our environmental conservation efforts. We look forward to the partnerships the future will bring."

Ann Drumm, Energy Chair of the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, agreed that it is a win-win situation for everyone. “The Sierra Club is delighted to see America's Team is doing its part to keep America on the leading edge by embracing sustainability. Reducing energy use saves fuel and helps clean the air. Recycling solid waste reduces the strain on local landfills. And conserving water helps preserve our most precious resource for other uses by people and wildlife. The icing on the cake is that these measures will save money for the club, too. It's a win-win-win for the Cowboys, the community and the environment.

Press Release

National Environmental Performance Track fact sheet (1p PDF, 17 KB)

National Environmental Performance Track Participation Highlights (1p PDF, 51 KB)

National Environmental Performance Track information

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