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Perspectives from the Regional Administrator

Tar Creek

Mayor Greene hosts Assistant Administrator Tom Dunne

Tom Dunne and Richard Greene meet.Regional Administrator Richard Greene met with USEPA Acting Assistant Administrator TomDunne to highlight the Region's progress in restoring polluted land and protecting the security of America. Dunne oversees the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

Special attention was given to the region's activities at the Tar Creek Superfund site. Good progress is being made toward completion of the fieldwork needed to complete the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, and to address the chat piles in the area.

In addition to discussing Tar Creek, the group discussed regional progress and project status in many areas, including Superfund and Brownfields site revitalization, Ready-for-Reuse, Emergency Preparedness and Superfund response preparations, state capabilities in emergency response, managing removal projects, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) activities.

Committee on Senate Environment and Public Works hearing on EPA 2006 Budget
Statement of Senator James M. Inhofe, February 9, 2005

The Tar Creek Superfund Site in northeastern Oklahoma has been a top priority for me and the EPA. When Administrator Leavitt visited the site with me, he became the first Cabinet level official to tour Tar Creek and see what we are dealing with there. Tar Creek is a 40 square-mile site that is the number one listed site on the National Priorities List. While, much work has been done and much credit goes to the EPA and specifically the Region 6 Administrator, Richard Greene, there is more work left to do. I want to take this opportunity to get the EPA`s continued commitment to protect human health at Tar Creek and get this site cleaned up.

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