Department of Water Resources Home
California's Water Resources
governor's website
NEW AQUACAST: The Delta Protection Commission
The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta is a valuable and delicate part of California's water supply, agricultural production, and unique ecosystems. To balance the needs of these aspects, the Delta Protection Commission was established to provide a voice for the Delta and those living there. Join Linda Fiack, Executive Director of the commission, to learn about how the DPC works to ensure the protection and preservation of the Delta. (12/04/2008)
arrow1.gif DWR Solicits Public Comment on Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
arrow1.gif DWR Schedules Delta Levee Flood Control Public Workshop
arrow1.gif All DWR Recent News
IN THE SPOTLIGHT     More . . .

Climate Change

climate graphic DWR released its climate change report which focuses discussion on the need for California's water managers to adapt to impacts of climate change. See the report and more at the newly updated site.



Delta Initiatives

deltainit The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is a great natural treasure and a vital link in the state's water system. Governor Schwarzenegger has outlined a comprehensive plan for Delta sustainability.



California's Drought

dry pic California officially entered a drought in 2008, and all signs point to a dry 2009. The drought page includes up to date info on the Drought Water Bank, drought conditions, economic impacts and assistance.



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