_Stream stewardship, wholesale water supply and flood protection for Santa Clara County, California
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Santa Clara Valley Water District""

Board of Directors
Board agenda meetings and Podcasts
current stream and reservoir levels
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Contact us!

Job openings
Clean Safe Creeks

"" Mission Statement ""

The mission of the District is a healthy, safe, and enhanced quality of living in Santa Clara County through watershed stewardship and comprehensive management of water resources in a practical, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive manner.

Santa Clara Valley
Water District

Tel: (408) 265-2600
Fax: (408) 266-0271


What does the Santa Clara Valley Water District do for you?
secure & reliable supply of water protecting streams & watersheds
clean, safe water for all flood protection projects & programs
Cut back by 10%

Water Conservation
-Lower your water bills
-Free Water-Wise house call
-Landscape rebate programs
-Washer & toilet rebates
-Conservation tips & more

2008 Floodplain Mailer

2008 Floodplain Mailer
View our 2008 floodplain mailer for tips on how to stay safe before, during and after a flood.

Tap vs Bottled

Tap vs. Bottled Water
The problems with bottled water are piling up. Take action. Click here to learn more.

Climate Change

Climate Change & Water Resources
Climate change has serious implications to sustainable water resource management. Learn about what we're doing to address these challenges.



Providing stream stewardship, wholesale water supply and flood protection for Santa Clara County.