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Federal Travel Regulation Chapter 303 -- Payment Connected with Death


Chapter 303—Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees

Part 303-70—Agency Requirements for Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees

Subpart A—General Policies

§303-70.1—When must we authorize payment of expenses related to an employee’s death?
§303-70.2—Must we pay death-related expenses when the employee’s death is not work-related?
§303-70.3—Must we pay death-related expenses for an employee who dies while on leave, or who dies on a nonworkday while on TDY or stationed outside CONUS?
§303-70.4—May we pay death-related expenses under this chapter if the same expenses are payable under other laws of the United States?

Subpart B—General Procedures

§303-70.100—May we pay the travel expenses for an escort for the remains of a deceased employee?
§303-70.101—Must we provide assistance in arranging for preparation and transportation of employee remains?

Subpart C—Allowances for Preparation and Transportation of Remains

§303-70.200—What costs must we pay for preparation and transportation of remains?

Subpart D—Transportation of Immediate Family Members, Baggage, and Household Goods

§303-70.300—Must we pay transportation costs to return the deceased employee’s baggage?
§303-70.301—Are there any limitations on the baggage we may transport?
§303-70.302—When the employee dies at or while in transit to or from his/her official station outside CONUS, must we return the employee’s immediate family, baggage and household goods to the residence or alternate destination?
§303-70.303—Must we continue payment of relocation expenses for an employee’s immediate family if the employee dies while in transit to his/her new duty station within CONUS?
§303-70.304—Must we continue payment of relocation expenses for an employee’s immediate family if the employee dies after reporting to the new duty station within CONUS, but the family was in transit to the new duty station or had not begun its en route travel?
§303-70.305—What relocation expenses must we authorize for the immediate family under §§303-70.303 and 303-70.304?

Subpart E—Preparation and Transportation Expenses for Remains of Immediate Family Members

§303-70.400—When an immediate family member, residing with the employee, dies while the employee is stationed outside CONUS, must we furnish mortuary services?
§303-70.401—When an immediate family member, residing with the employee, dies while the employee is stationed outside CONUS, must we pay expenses to transport the remains?
§303-70.402—When an immediate family member, residing with the employee, dies while the employee is stationed outside CONUS, may we pay burial expenses?
§303-70.403—When a family member, residing with the employee, dies while in transit to or from the employee’s duty station outside CONUS, must we furnish mortuary services and/or transportation of the remains?

Subpart F—Policies and Procedures for Payment of Expenses

§303-70.500—Are receipts required for claims for reimbursement?
§303-70.501—To whom should we make payment?

Subpart G—Escort of Remains

§303-70.600—How many persons may we authorize travel expenses for to escort the remains of a deceased employee?
§303-70.601—Under what circumstances may we authorize the escort of remains?
§303-70.602—What travel expenses may we authorize for the escort of remains?