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110th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     110-539




   March 4, 2008.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be 


    Ms. Matsui, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                      [To accompany H. Res. 1015]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 1015, by a nonrecord vote, report the same to 
the House with the recommendation that the resolution be 


    The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 2857, the 
Generations Invigorating, Volunteerism and Education GIVE Act, 
under a structured rule. The rule provides one hour of general 
debate equally divided and controlled by the chairman and 
ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and 
Labor. The rule waives all points of order against 
consideration of the bill except clauses 9 and 10 of rule XXI. 
The rule provides that the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute recommended by the Committee on Education and Labor 
now printed in the bill shall be considered as an original bill 
for the purpose of amendment and shall be considered as read. 
The rule waives all points of order against the amendment in 
the nature of a substitute except for clause 10 of rule XXI. 
This waiver does not affect the point of order available under 
clause 9 of rule XXI (regarding earmark disclosure).
    The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in 
this report. The amendments made in order may be offered only 
in the order printed in this report, may be offered only by a 
Member designated in this report, shall be considered as read, 
shall be debatable for the time specified in this report 
equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an 
opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be 
subject to a demand for a division of the question in the House 
or in the Committee of the Whole. All points of order against 
the amendments except for clauses 9 and 10 of rule XXI are 
waived. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or 
without instructions. The rule provides that, notwithstanding 
the operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone 
further consideration of the bill to a time designated by the 

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    Although the rule waives all points of order against 
consideration of the bill (except for clauses 9 and 10 of rule 
XXI) and waives all points of order against the amendment in 
the nature of a substitute (except clause 10 of rule XXI), the 
Committee is not aware of any points of order. The waivers of 
all points of order are prophylactic.


    (Summaries derived from information provided by sponsors.)
    1. McCarthy (NY): The Manager's amendment makes various 
technical changes and clarifications to H.R. 2857, the 
Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act. 
The amendment includes the following key changes: Makes various 
technical changes to Learn and Serve America (Subtitle B); 
Clarifies matching requirements of AmeriCorps State/National 
(Subtitle C); Strengthens Senior Corps by phasing in 
competition for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) by 
2013 and creating incentive grants to encourage high 
performance among the Senior Corps programs with a priority for 
RSVP programs; and Provides New Service Initiatives including a 
new national service pilot program to support individuals 
seeking to do service for small, eligible entities and a Silver 
Scholarship program for individuals 55 years of age and older 
who perform 600 hours of service. Expands scope to include 
community colleges serving predominantly minority student 
populations. Gives priority to areas which the President has 
declared to be major disaster areas. (10 minutes)
    2. McKeon (CA): The amendment would require the Corporation 
to establish priorities for programs funded under the national 
service laws for programs that recruit veterans into service 
opportunities, promote community-based efforts to meet the 
needs of military families while a family member is deployed, 
and promote community-based efforts to meet the needs of 
military families when a member of the family returns from a 
deployment. The amendment also would require the Corporation to 
annually report to Congress on the number and percentage of 
national service positions eligible for the education award 
that are filled by veterans, and to establish annual goals for 
increasing those numbers and percentages. (10 minutes)
    3. Matsui (CA)/Shays (CT): The amendment would integrate 
two competitive funding streams and seek to improve 
collaboration between state and national entities. (10 minutes)
    4. McDermott (WA)/Farr (CA)/Shays (CT): The amendment would 
establish a temporary Congressional Commission on Civic Service 
within the Legislative Branch. The Commission would be tasked 
with making recommendations to Congress about how to improve 
opportunities for public service. (10 minutes)
    5. English (PA): The amendment would add a section at end 
of bill that it is the Sense of Congress that the Corporation 
for National and Community Service should make the maximum 
effort possible to coordinate the recruiting and assignment 
procedures of their various programs to allow senior citizens 
and their grandchildren to share volunteer opportunities and/or 
be assigned to the same geographic areas during their period of 
service. (10 minutes)
    6. English (PA): The amendment would add a section to bill 
that it is the Sense of Congress that the Corporation for 
National and Community Service should make the maximum effort 
possible to coordinate with the National Endowment for the 
Humanities to provide opportunities for young people enrolled 
in NACS programs to collect oral histories from senior citizens 
in the communities where they serve. (10 minutes)
    7. English (PA): The amendment would require the Board of 
Directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service 
to coordinate with veterans' organizations serving veterans 
with disabilities to provide opportunities for young people 
enrolled in existing NACS programs to serve as drivers in the 
DAV Transportation 1Network on a full-time, part-time, or as-
needed basis. (10 minutes)
    8. Sutton (OH): The amendment would require the Corporation 
for National and Community Service to consider whether an area 
has a mortgage foreclosure rate greater than the national 
average when considering applications from States and other 
eligible entities. (10 minutes)
    9. Sutton (OH): The amendment would require the Corporation 
for National and Community Service to conduct a study to 
identify specific areas of need for displaced workers and how 
existing programs and activities carried out under the national 
service laws can better serve displaced workers and communities 
affected by plant closings and job losses. The amendment also 
would require the Corporation to develop and carry out a pilot 
program based on the findings of the study. (10 minutes)
    10. Flake (AZ): The amendment would strike the ``summer of 
service'' grant program and reduce the authorized amount 
designated for the program. (10 minutes)
    11. Inslee (WA)/Sarbanes (MD): The amendment would add an 
Energy Conservation Corps, which would seek to address the 
nation's energy and transportation infrastructure needs while 
providing work and service opportunities. (10 minutes)


 1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McCarthy of New York, 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 8, line 14, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 11, line 7, strike ``and''.
  Page 11, after line 7, insert the following:
          (10) in paragraph (28)(B) (as so redesignated)--
                  (A) by striking ``602'' and inserting 
                ``602(3)''; and
                  (B) by striking ``1401'' and inserting 
                ``1401(3)''; and
  Page 11, line 8, redesignate (10) as (11).
  Page 15, line 20, add ``and'' at the end.
  Page 16, line 11, strike ``; and'' and insert a period.
  Page 16, strike line 12 and all that follows through page 18, 
line 21.
  Page 22, after line 22, insert the following:
  ``(d) Minimum Amount.--For any fiscal year for which amounts 
appropriated for this part exceed $43,000,000, the minimum 
allotment to each State (as defined in section 101) under this 
section shall be $65,000.''.
  Page 22, line 25, through page 23, line 1, strike ``or an 
allotment of approved summer of service positions under section 
  Page 23, after line 14, insert the following:
          ``(2) information about the criteria the State 
        educational agency, Territory, or Indian tribe will use 
        to evaluate and grant approval to applications 
        submitted under subsection (c), including an assurance 
        that the State educational agency, Territory, or Indian 
        tribe will comply with the requirement in section 
  Page 23, line 15, redesignate (2) as (3).
  Page 24, line 11, redesignate (3) as (4).
  Page 25, line 15, add ``and'' at the end.
  Page 25, line 17, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 26, strike lines 5 through 11.
  Page 26, on each of lines 20, 22, and 23, strike ``State'' 
and insert ``State, Territory, or Indian tribe''.
  Page 27, line 1, strike ``State'' and insert ``State, 
Territory, or Indian tribe''.
  Page 28, strike lines 12 through 15 and insert the following:
          ``(1) In general.--The Federal share of the cost of 
        carrying out a program for which assistance is provided 
        under this part--
                  ``(A) for new grants, may not exceed 80 
                percent of the total cost for the first year of 
                the grant, 65 percent for the second year, and 
                50 percent for each remaining year; and
                  ``(B) for continuing grants, may not exceed 
                50 percent of the total cost of the program.''.
  Page 31, line 19, strike ``and'' the first place such term 
  Page 31, line 20, insert before the period at the end the 
following: ``, and community colleges serving predominantly 
minority populations''.
  Page 31, line 24, through page 32, line 1, strike ``a grant 
is made'' and insert ``assistance is provided''.
  Page 36, lines 18 through 19, strike ``a public or private 
nonprofit organization,'' and insert ``or a public or private 
nonprofit organization (including grant-making entities), a 
public or private elementary or secondary school, a local 
educational agency,''.
  Page 37, line 2, insert a comma after ``post-secondary''.
  Page 37, lines 16 through 17, strike ``senior centers and 
communities, schools, libraries, and other'' and insert ``in 
senior centers and communities, in schools, in libraries, and 
in other''.
  Page 38, line 6, strike ``and''.
  Page 38, after line 6, insert the following:
          ``(8) establish or implement summer of service 
        programs during the summer months, including the cost 
        of recruitment, training, and placement of service-
        learning coordinators--
                  ``(A) for youth who will be enrolled in any 
                grade from grade 6 through grade 12 at the end 
                of the summer concerned;
                  ``(B) for community-based service-learning 
                projects that--
                          ``(i) shall--
                                  ``(I) meet unmet human, 
                                educational, environmental 
                                (including energy conservation 
                                and stewardship), emergency and 
                                disaster preparedness, and 
                                public service needs; and
                                  ``(II) be intensive, 
                                structured, supervised, and 
                                designed to produce 
                                identifiable improvements to 
                                the community; and
                          ``(ii) may include the extension of 
                        academic year service-learning programs 
                        into the summer months;
                  ``(C) under which any student who completes 
                100 hours of service in an approved summer of 
                service position, as certified through a 
                process determined by the Corporation through 
                regulations consistent with section 138(f), 
                shall be eligible for a summer of service 
                educational award of not more than $500 (or, at 
                the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, 
                not more than $1,000 in the case of a 
                participant who is economically disadvantaged) 
                from funds deposited in the National Service 
                Trust and distributed by the Corporation as 
                described in section 148; and
                  ``(D) subject to the limitation that a 
                student may not receive more than 2 summer of 
                service educational awards from funds deposited 
                in the National Service Trust; and''.
  Page 38, line 7, redesignate (8) as (9).
  Page 40, lines 12 through 13, strike ``50 percent of the 
total cost of the program'' and insert ``75 percent of the 
total cost of the program in the first year of the grant and 50 
percent of the total cost of the program in the remaining years 
of the grant, including if the grant is extended for a fourth 
  Page 42, strike lines 24 through 25 and insert the following:
                          (ii) by striking ``Federal share of 
                        the cost'' and inserting ``Corporation 
                        share of the cost, including member 
                        living allowances, employment-related 
                        taxes, health care coverage, and 
                        worker's compensation and other 
                        necessary operation costs,'';
  Page 43, strike lines 1 through 4.
  Page 43, lines 5 and 8, redesignate (iv) and (v) as (iii) and 
(iv), respectively.
  Page 45, line 11, strike ``to the Congress'' and insert ``to 
the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 49, line 6, insert after ``services'' the following: ``, 
provision of supportive services to direct mentoring service 
organizations (in the case of a partnership), or''.
  Page 53, strike lines 13 through 16 and insert the following:
          ``(2) Matching requirement.--In making grants to a 
        State under this subsection, the Corporation shall 
        require the State to provide matching funds of $1 from 
        non-Federal sources for every $1 provided by the 
          ``(3) Alternative.--Notwithstanding paragraph (2), 
        the Chief Executive Officer may permit a State that 
        demonstrates hardship or a new State Commission to use 
        an alternative match as follows:''.
  Page 57, line 14, before the period at the end insert ``, or 
0.5 percent of the amount allocated for the State formula under 
this section, whichever is greater''.
  Page 62, after line 11, insert the following:


  ``(a) Authority.--
          ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated for 
        a fiscal year under this subtitle and consistent with 
        the restriction in subsection (b), the Corporation may 
        provide fixed amount grants on a competitive basis to 
        up to 10 State Commissions to support member-selected 
        approved national service positions.
          ``(2) Limitation.--The Corporation shall award grants 
        under paragraph (1) to support not more than 500 
        approved national service positions among the 
        participating States.
  ``(b) Limits on Corporation Grant Funds.--
          ``(1) In general.--Grants awarded under subsection 
        (a)(1) shall not exceed $600 per individual enrolled in 
        an approved national service position under this 
          ``(2) Use of grant funds.--Grants received by State 
        Commissions under subsection (a)(1)--
                  ``(A) shall not be distributed to 
                organizations receiving participants with 
                approved national service positions under this 
                section; and
                  ``(B) may--
                          ``(i) be used for oversight 
                        activities and mechanisms for the 
                        service sites as determined by the 
                        State Commission or the Corporation, 
                        which may include site visits;
                          ``(ii) be used for activities to 
                        augment the experience of AmeriCorps 
                        participants in approved national 
                        service positions under this section, 
                        including activities to engage such 
                        participants in networking 
                        opportunities with other AmeriCorps 
                        participants; and
                          ``(iii) be used for recruitment or 
                        training activities for participants in 
                        approved national service positions 
                        under this section.
  ``(c) State Commission Application.--
          ``(1) In general.--A State Commission desiring to 
        receive a grant under subsection (a)(1) shall submit an 
        application to the Corporation at such time, in such 
        manner, and containing such information as the 
        Corporation shall determine appropriate.
          ``(2) Approval.--The Corporation shall approve each 
        application under paragraph (1) in accordance with 
        section 130(d).
  ``(d) Selection of Participants.--
          ``(1) Applicants.--Participants desiring to receive 
        an approved national service position under this 
        section shall submit an application to the State 
        Commission at such time and in such manner as the State 
        Commission determines appropriate. The application 
        shall contain--
                  ``(A) a position description that includes--
                          ``(i) the unmet human, educational, 
                        public safety, or environmental need or 
                        needs that will be met by the 
                        participant; and
                          ``(ii) a description of the 
                        activities and responsibilities that 
                        will be carried out by the participant;
                  ``(B) a description of the organization 
                operating the service site where the applicant 
                intends to complete the service described in 
                subparagraph (A);
                  ``(C) a description of the support that will 
                be provided by the organization to the 
                participant to complete the activities 
                described in subparagraph (A);
                  ``(D) the evidence of community support for 
                the activities described in subparagraph (A);
                  ``(E) a certification from the organization 
                operating the service site that the 
                organization is accepting the participant to 
                perform the service outlined in subparagraph 
                  ``(F) a certification from the organization 
                operating the service site that the 
                organization satisfies qualification criteria 
                established by the Corporation or the State 
                Commission, including standards relating to 
                organizational capacity, financial management, 
                and programmatic oversight; and
                  ``(G) any other information that the 
                Corporation and the State Commission deems 
          ``(2) Residency.--A participant may apply for 
        approved national service positions under this section 
        in States other than the State in which the participant 
  ``(e) Organization Requirements.--The Corporation and the 
State Commissions shall ensure that the organizations receiving 
participants with approved national service positions under 
this section--
          ``(1) maintain not more than 5 full-time staff and 
        not more than 5 part-time staff; and
          ``(2) are not duplicating service provided by an 
        existing AmeriCorps grantee in the same community; and
          ``(3) are located in a community where no 
        Intermediary AmeriCorps grants recipient is operating; 
          ``(4) have not applied to receive assistance under 
        this subtitle.
  ``(f) Failure to Comply.--If an organization receiving a 
participant with an approved national service position under 
this section fails to comply with terms and conditions 
established by the State Commission and the Corporation--
          ``(1) the organization shall not be eligible to 
        receive such a participant, or receive an AmeriCorps 
        grant under section 121, for not less than 5 years; and
          ``(2) the State Commission shall have the right to 
        remove such a participant from the organization and 
        relocate that individual to another site.
  ``(g) Receipt of Financial Assistance.--An organization that 
receives participants with approved national service positions 
under this section shall not be considered a recipient of 
Federal financial assistance based on receiving such 
  ``(h) Definition.--For the purpose of this section, the term 
`Intermediary AmeriCorps grants recipient' means any 
organization that serves as a conduit between the Corporation 
and other unaffiliated organizations operating service sites.
  Page 72, line 11, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 72, strike line 15 and all that follows through page 73, 
line 3 and insert the following:


  Section 147 (42 U.S.C. 12603) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) by striking ``a value, for each of not 
                more than 2 of such terms of service, equal to 
                90 percent of--'' and inserting ``a value of--
                '' ; and
                  (B) by striking paragraphs (1) and (2) and 
                inserting the following:
          ``(1) $4,825, for fiscal year 2008;
          ``(2) $4,925, for fiscal year 2009;
          ``(3) $5,025, for fiscal year 2010;
          ``(4) $5,125, for fiscal year 2011; and
          ``(5) $5,225, for fiscal year 2012 and each fiscal 
        year thereafter.''; and
          (2) in subsection (b), by inserting after ``for each 
        of not more than 2 of such terms of service'' the 
        following: ``in the period of one year''.
  Page 73, line 20, strike ``111(a)(5)(D)'' and insert 
  Page 74, line 4, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 75, line 16, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 76, line 2, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 77, line 2, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 78, line 16, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 80, line 2, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 82, line 5, strike ``to Congress'' and insert ``to the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 83, line 8, strike ``111(a)(5)'' and insert 
  Page 87, line 17, strike ``The Director'' and all that 
follows through ``goal.'' on line 24 and insert ``The Director 
shall take appropriate steps, including through collaboration 
with the Office of Outreach and Recruitment, to increase the 
percentage of participants in the program who are disadvantaged 
youth toward 50 percent of all participants by year 2010. The 
Director shall report to the Committee on Education and Labor 
of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate annually on such 
efforts, any challenges faced, and the annual participation 
rates of disadvantaged youth in the program.''.
  Page 88, lines 6 through 7, strike ``Demonstration''.
  Page 88, lines 24 through 25, strike ``Demonstration''.
  Page 92, line 1, strike ``striking by''.
  Page 93, strike lines 17 through 22 and insert the following:
          (3) by amending subsection (c)(2) to read as follows:
          ``(2) Coordination with other entities.--Members of 
        the cadre may provide, either directly or through 
        grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements, the 
        advanced service training referred to in subsection 
        (b)(1) in coordination with vocational or technical 
        schools, other employment and training providers, 
        existing youth service programs, other qualified 
        individuals, or organizations with expertise in 
        training youth, including disadvantaged youth, in the 
        skill areas described in such subsection.''.
  Page 94, line 8, after ``conservation'' insert a comma.
  Page 97, strike lines 19 through 21 and insert the following:
                          (iii) in subparagraph (C)--
                                  (I) in the matter preceding 
                                clause (i), by striking ``the 
                                Director'' and inserting ``the 
                                Chief Executive Officer'';
                                  (II) in clause (iii) by 
                                striking ``and'' at the end;
                                  (III) by redesignating clause 
                                (iv) as (v); and
                                  (IV) by inserting after 
                                clause (iii) the following:
                          ``(iv) give consideration to retired 
                        and other former law enforcement, fire, 
                        rescue, and emergency personnel, and 
                        other individuals with backgrounds in 
                        disaster preparedness, relief, and 
                        recovery; and''; and
  Page 98, line 22, add ``and'' at the end.
  Page 103, strike lines 24 through 25.
  Page 104, lines 1 and 4, redesignate (2) and (3) as (1) and 
(2), respectively.
  Page 107, line 24, strike ``(g) through (k)'' and insert 
``(h) through (l)''.
  Page 108, after line 10, insert the following:
  ``(g) State Plan for Baby Boomer and Older Adult Volunteer 
and Paid Service.--
          ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other 
        provision of this section, to be eligible to receive a 
        grant or allotment under subtitle B or C or to receive 
        a distribution of approved national service positions 
        under subtitle C, a State must work with appropriate 
        State agencies and private entities to develop a 
        comprehensive State plan for volunteer and paid service 
        by members of the Baby Boom generation and older 
          ``(2) Matters included.--The State plan shall 
                  ``(A) recommendations for public policy 
                initiatives, including how to best tap the 
                population of members of the Baby Boom 
                generation and older adults as sources of 
                social capital and as ways to address community 
                  ``(B) recommendations to the State unit on 
                aging on--
                          ``(i) a marketing outreach plan to 
                          ``(ii) outreach to non-profit 
                          ``(iii) the State's Department of 
                        Education; and
                          ``(iv) other State agencies; and
                  ``(C) recommendations for civic engagement 
                and multigenerational activities, such as--
                          ``(i) early childhood education, 
                        family literacy, and after school 
                          ``(ii) respite services for older 
                        adults and caregivers; and
                          ``(iii) transitions for members of 
                        the Baby Boom generation and older 
                        adults to purposeful work in their post 
                        career lives.
          ``(3) Knowledge incorporated.--The State plan shall 
        incorporate the current knowledge base regarding--
                  ``(A) the economic impact of older workers' 
                roles in the economy;
                  ``(B) the social impact of older workers' 
                roles in the community; and
                  ``(C) the health and social benefits of 
                active engagement for members of the Baby Boom 
                generation and older adults.
          ``(4) Publication.--The State plan must be made 
        public and be transmitted to the Chief Executive 
        Officer.''; and
  Page 108, line 11, strike ``(j)(1)'' and insert ``(k)(1)''.
  Page 108, line 13, strike ``; and'' and insert a period.
  Page 108, strike line 14 and all that follows through page 
110, line 13.
  Page 110, line 23, strike ``various''.
  Page 111, line 5, strike ``grantees'' and insert ``each 
  Page 112, line 12, strike ``to which'' and insert ``with 
  Page 112, line 13, insert a comma after ``services''.
  Page 112, line 14, strike ``of the program and its impact, 
for such programs'' and insert ``and the impact of such 
  Page 113, line 6, insert ``under this section'' before the 
period at the end.
  Page 114, line 25, strike ``Congress'' and insert ``the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 115, line 20, strike ``Congress and the committees of 
jurisdiction'' and insert ``the Committee on Education and 
Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 117, line 5, strike ``Congress'' and insert ``the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 118, line 1, strike ``to work to''.
  Page 118, line 2, insert ``, taking into consideration 
challenges that programs in underserved rural or urban areas 
may face'' before the semicolon.
  Page 118, line 3, strike ``assist'' and insert ``aid''.
  Page 118, line 5, after ``acquiring'' insert ``and 
  Page 118, lines 5 through 7, strike ``that could replace 
assistance received under the national service laws''.
  Page 122, line 25, strike ``to Congress'' and insert ``to the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 124, line 11, strike ``to Congress'' and insert ``to the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate''.
  Page 126, line 22, strike the period at the end and insert 
``; and''.
  Page 126, after line 22, insert the following:
          (3) by amending subsection (g) to read as follows:
  ``(g) Recruitment and Public Awareness Functions.--The Chief 
Executive Officer shall assign or hire, as necessary, such 
additional national, regional, and State personnel to carry out 
such recruiting and public awareness functions of the Office of 
Outreach and Recruitment to ensure that such functions are 
carried out in a timely and effective manner. The Chief 
Executive Officer shall give priority in the hiring of such 
additional personnel to individuals who have formerly served as 
volunteers in the programs carried out under the national 
service laws or similar programs, and to individuals who have 
specialized experience in the recruitment of volunteers.''.
  Page 129, line 25, after ``local education agencies,'' insert 
``institutions of higher education,''.
  Page 130, after line 7, insert the following:
          ``(3) to collaborate with organizations with 
        demonstrated expertise in supporting and accommodating 
        individuals with disabilities, including institutions 
        of higher education, to identify and implement methods 
        of recruitment to increase the number of participants 
        with disabilities in the programs receiving assistance 
        under the national service laws;''.
  Page 130, lines 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24, redesignate (3) 
through (7) as (4) through (8), respectively.
  Page 131, lines 4, 7, and 9, redesignate (8) through (10) as 
(9) through (11), respectively.
  Page 132, strike line 9 and all that follows through page 
133, line 19, and insert the following:


  Subtitle G of title I is further amended by adding at the end 
the following:

                    PILOT PROGRAM.

  ``(a) Planning Study.--The Corporation for National and 
Community Service shall conduct a study to identify--
          ``(1) specific areas of need for veterans;
          ``(2) how existing programs and activities carried 
        out under the national service laws could better serve 
        veterans and veterans service organizations;
          ``(3) gaps in service to veterans;
          ``(4) prospects for better coordination of services;
          ``(5) prospects for better utilization of veterans as 
        resources and volunteers; and
          ``(6) methods for ensuring the efficient financial 
        organization of services directed towards veterans.
  ``(b) Consultation.--The study shall be carried out in 
consultation with veterans' service organizations, the 
Department of Veterans Affairs, State veterans agencies, the 
Department of Defense, and other individuals and entities the 
Corporation considers appropriate.
  ``(c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the 
enactment of this section, the Corporation shall submit to the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate a report on the results of the 
planning study required by subsection (a), together with a plan 
for implementation of a pilot program using promising 
strategies and approaches for better targeting and serving 
  ``(d) Pilot Program.--From amounts made available to carry 
out this section, the Corporation shall develop and carry out a 
pilot program based on the findings in the report submitted 
under subsection (c).
  ``(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may 
be necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2012.''.
  Page 134, line 23, strike ``subsections (p) and (q);'' and 
insert ``subsection (p); and''.
  Page 134, strike line 24 and all that follows through page 
135, line 2, and insert the following:
          (10) by redesignating subsections (q), (r), and (s) 
        as (g), (h), and (i), respectively.
  Page 138, after line 6, insert the following:
          ``(5) Silver scholarship programs.--A Silver 
        Scholarship program for citizens age 55 and older to 
        complete no less than 600 hours of service in a year 
        meeting unmet human, educational, public safety, or 
        environmental needs and receive a $1000 education 
        award, provided that--
                  ``(A) the Corporation establishes criteria 
                for the types of the service required to be 
                performed to receive such award; and
                  ``(B) the citizen uses such award in 
                accordance with sections 146(c), 146(d), and 
  Page 138, lines 7 and 21, redesignate (5) and (6) as (6) and 
(7), respectively.
  Page 139, line 3, redesignate (7) as (8).
  Page 139, after line 13, insert the following:
          ``(2) Matching funds.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Federal share of the 
                cost of carrying out a program for which a 
                grant is made under this part may not exceed 76 
                percent of the total cost of the program in the 
                first year and may not exceed 50 percent of the 
                total cost of the program for the remaining 
                years of the grant, including if the grant is 
                extended for 1 year.
                  ``(B) Non-federal contribution.--In providing 
                for the remaining share of the cost of carrying 
                out such a program, each recipient of a grant 
                under this part--
                          ``(i) shall provide for such share 
                        through a payment in cash or in kind, 
                        fairly evaluated, including facilities, 
                        equipment, or services; and
                          ``(ii) may provide for such share 
                        through State sources or local sources, 
                        including private funds or donated 
  Page 139, line 14, redesignate (2) as (3).
  Page 139, line 14, strike ``Encouragement'' and insert 
``Collaboration encouraged''.
  Page 139, line 18, redesignate (3) as (4).
  Page 139, line 23, after ``strategies'' insert a comma.
  Page 140, strike line 19 and all that follows through page 
141, line 9.
  Page 141, lines 13 through 14, strike ``the Corporation 
requires, and in such manner as''.
  Page 147, line 5, strike the semicolon and insert the 
following: ``. Such activities may utilize funding from the 
reservation of funds to increase the participation of 
individuals with disabilities as described in section 
  Page 147, line 12, insert before the semicolon the following: 
``, including providing such training and technical assistance 
to programs receiving assistance under section 201 of the 
Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973''.
  Page 148, line 24, strike ``2008,'' and all that follows 
through the semicolon on page 149, line 4, and insert 
  Page 149, line 10, strike ``63.75'' and insert ``60''.
  Page 149, line 16, strike ``11.25'' and insert ``15''.
  Page 149, after line 18, insert the following:
                  ``(C) Summer of service.--Of the amount 
                appropriated under subparagraph (A) for a 
                fiscal year, up to $10,000,000 shall be for 
                summer of service grants and up to $10,000,000 
                shall be deposited in the National Service 
                Trust to support summer of service educational 
                awards, consistent with section 118(c)(8).''.
  Page 151, after line 3, insert the following:
                  ``(D) Priority.--Notwithstanding any other 
                provision of this Act, in obligating the 
                amounts made available pursuant to the 
                authorization of appropriations in subparagraph 
                (C), priority shall be given to programs 
                carried out in areas for which the President 
                has declared the existence of a major disaster, 
                in accordance with section 401 of the Robert T. 
                Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency 
                Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170), as a 
                consequence of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.''.
  Page 156, line 17, strike ``recruitment and''.
  Page 156, after line 19, insert the following:
                          (i) in subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) strike ``related to the 
                                recruitment and'' and insert 
                                ``related to the'';
                                  (II) strike ``in conjunction 
                                with the recruitment and'' and 
                                insert ``in conjunction with 
                                the''; and
                                  (III) strike ``1993. Upon'' 
                                and all that follows through 
                                the period at the end and 
                                insert ``1993.'';
  Page 156, lines 20 and 24, redesignate (i) and (ii) as (ii) 
and (iii), respectively.
  Page 160, after line 17, insert the following:
          ``(1) In the re-entry and re-integration of formerly 
        incarcerated youth and adults into society, including 
        life skills training, employment training, counseling, 
        educational training, and educational counseling.''.
  Page 160, lines 18 and 23, redesignate (1) and (2) as (2) and 
(3), respectively.
  Page 161, lines 7, 12, and 18, redesignate (3), (4), and (5) 
as (4), (5), and (6), respectively.
  Page 169, strike line 5 and all that follows through page 
170, line 11, and insert the following:
  ``(e) Competitive Grant Awards Required.--
          ``(1) In general.--Effective for fiscal year 2013 and 
        each fiscal year thereafter, each grant or contract 
        awarded under this section in such a year shall be--
                  ``(A) awarded for a period of 3 years; and
                  ``(B) awarded through a competitive process.
          ``(2) Elements of competitive process.--The 
        competitive process required by paragraph (1)(B)--
                  ``(A) shall include the use of a peer review 
                panel, including members with expertise in 
                senior service and aging;
                  ``(B) shall ensure that--
                          ``(i) the resulting grants (or 
                        contracts) support no less than the 
                        volunteer service years of the previous 
                        grant (or contract) cycle in a given 
                        geographic service area;
                          ``(ii) the resulting grants (or 
                        contracts) maintain a similar program 
                        distribution; and
                          ``(iii) every effort is made to 
                        minimize the disruption to volunteers; 
                  ``(C) shall include the performance measures, 
                outcomes, and other criteria established under 
                subsection (f).
          ``(3) Establishment of competitive process.--The 
        Corporation shall establish and make available the 
        competitive process required by paragraph (1)(B) no 
        later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of 
        this subsection. The Corporation shall consult with the 
        program directors of the Retired Senior Volunteer 
        Program during development and implementation of the 
        competitive process.
  ``(f) Evaluation Process Required.--
          ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding section 412, and 
        effective beginning 180 days after the date of the 
        enactment of this subsection, each grant or contract 
        under this section that expires in fiscal year 2010, 
        2011, and 2012 shall be subject to an evaluation 
        process. The evaluation process shall be carried out, 
        to the maximum extent practicable, in fiscal year 2009, 
        2010, and 2011, respectively.
          ``(2) Elements of evaluation process.--The evaluation 
        process required by paragraph (1)--
                  ``(A) shall include performance measures, 
                outcomes, and other criteria; and
                  ``(B) shall evaluate the extent to which the 
                recipient of the grant or contract meets or 
                exceeds such performance measures, outcomes, 
                and other criteria.
          ``(3) Establishment of evaluation process.--The 
        Corporation shall, in collaboration and consultation 
        with program directors of the Retired Senior Volunteer 
        Program, establish and make available the evaluation 
        process required by paragraph (1), including the 
        performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria 
        required by paragraph (2)(A), with particular attention 
        to the different needs of rural and urban programs. The 
        processes shall be established and made available, 
        including notification of the available training and 
        technical assistance, no later than 180 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this subsection.
          ``(4) Effect of failing to meet performance 
        measures.--If the evaluation process determines that 
        the recipient has failed to meet or exceed the 
        performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria 
        established under this subsection, the grant or 
        contract shall not be renewed. Any successor grant or 
        contract shall be awarded through the competitive 
        process described in subsection (e)(1).
          ``(5) Special rule.--The Corporation may continue to 
        fund a program which has failed to meet or exceed the 
        performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria 
        established under this subsection for up to 12 months 
        if competition does not result in a successor grant or 
        contract for such program, in order to minimize the 
        disruption to volunteers and disruption of services. In 
        such a case, outreach shall be conducted and a new 
        competition shall be established. The previous 
        recipient shall remain eligible for the new 
          ``(6) Performance measures.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The performance measures, 
                outcomes, and other criteria established under 
                this subsection may be updated or modified as 
                necessary, in consultation with program 
                directors for the Retired Senior Volunteer 
                Program, but no earlier than fiscal year 2013.
                  ``(B) Operational problems.--Effective for 
                fiscal years before fiscal year 2013, the 
                Corporation may, after consulting with program 
                directors of the Retired Senior Volunteer 
                Program, determine that a performance measure, 
                outcome, or criterion established under this 
                subsection is operationally problematic, and 
                may, in consultation with program directors of 
                the Retired Senior Volunteer Program and after 
                notifying the Committee on Education and Labor 
                of the House of Representatives and the 
                Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and 
                Pensions of the Senate--
                          ``(i) eliminate the use of that 
                        performance measure, outcome, or 
                        criterion; or
                          ``(ii) modify that performance 
                        measure, outcome, or criterion as 
                        necessary to render it no longer 
                        operationally problematic.
  ``(g) Online Resource Guide.--The Corporation shall develop 
and disseminate an online resource guide for the Retired Senior 
Volunteer Program within 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this subsection, which shall include, but not be 
limited to--
          ``(1) examples of high performing programs;
          ``(2) corrective actions for underperforming 
        programs; and
          ``(3) examples of meaningful outcome-based 
        performance measures that capture a program's mission 
        and priorities.
  ``(h) Report to Congress.--The Corporation shall submit, by 
2012, to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate a report on--
          ``(1) the number of programs that did not meet or 
        exceed the established performance measures, outcomes, 
        and other criteria established under subsection (f);
          ``(2) the number of new grants awarded;
          ``(3) the challenges to the implementation of 
        evaluation and competition, including but not limited 
        to geographic distribution and the minimization of 
        disruption to volunteers; and
          ``(4) how the current program geographic distribution 
        affects recruitment for the Retired Senior Volunteer 
  Page 176, line 18, strike ``family management skills'' and 
all that follows through ``children'' on line 23 and insert 
``and family management skills''.
  Page 180, strike line 8 and all that follows through page 
181, line 19, and insert the following:


   Section 231 (42 U.S.C. 5028) is amended--
          (1) by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
  ``(a) In General.--
          ``(1) Activities authorized.--The Director is 
        authorized to--
                  ``(A) make grants to or enter into contracts 
                with public or nonprofit organizations, 
                including organizations funded under part A, B, 
                or C, for the purposes of demonstrating 
                innovative activities involving older Americans 
                as volunteers; and
                  ``(B) make incentive grants under subsection 
          ``(2) Support of volunteers.--The Director may 
        support under this part both volunteers receiving 
        stipends and volunteers not receiving stipends.'';
          (2) in subsection (b)--
                  (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by 
                striking ``subsection (a)'' and inserting 
                ``subsection (a)(1)(A)'';
                  (B) in paragraph (1), by striking 
                ``activities;'' and inserting ``activities 
                described in section 225(b) and carried out 
                through programs described in parts A, B, and 
                C;''; and
                  (C) by striking paragraphs (2) and (3) and 
                inserting the following:
          ``(2) programs that support older Americans in aging 
        in place while augmenting the capacity of members of a 
        community to serve each other through reciprocal 
        service centers, service credit banking, community 
        economic scripts, barter services, timebanking, and 
        other similar programs where services are exchanged and 
        not paid for; or
          ``(3) grants to non-profit organizations to establish 
        sites or programs to--
                  ``(A) assist retiring or retired individuals 
                in locating opportunities for--
                          ``(i) public service roles, including 
                        through paid or volunteer service;
                          ``(ii) participating in life-planning 
                        programs, including financial planning 
                        and issues revolving around health and 
                        wellness; and
                          ``(iii) continuing education, 
                        including leadership development, 
                        health and wellness, and technological 
                        literacy; and
                  ``(B) connect retiring or retired individuals 
                with members of the community to serve as 
                leaders and mentors in life planning, 
                relationships, employment counseling, education 
                counseling, and other areas of expertise as 
                developed by the retiring or retired adults.''; 
          (3) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(c) Priority.--For purposes of subsection (b)(2), priority 
shall be given to--
          ``(1) programs with established experience in 
        carrying out such a program and engaging the entire 
        community in service exchange;
          ``(2) programs with the capacity to connect to 
        similar programs throughout a city or region to augment 
        the available services to older Americans and for 
        members of the community to serve each other;
          ``(3) programs seeking to establish in an area where 
        needs of older Americans are left unmet and older 
        Americans are unable to consider aging in place without 
        such service exchange in place; and
          ``(4) programs that integrate participants in or 
        collaborate with service-learning programs, AmeriCorps 
        State and National programs, the VISTA program, the 
        Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Foster 
        Grandparents program, and the Senior Companion 
        programs, and programs described in section 411 of the 
        Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3032).
  ``(d) Incentive Grants.--The incentive grants referred to in 
subsection (a)(1)(B) are incentive grants to programs receiving 
assistance under this title, subject to the following:
          ``(1) Such grants (which may be fixed-amount grants) 
        shall be grants in an amount equal to $300 per 
        volunteer enrolled in the program, except that such 
        amount shall be reduced as necessary to meet the goals 
        of this section.
          ``(2) Such a grant shall be awarded to a program only 
        if the program--
                  ``(A) exceeds performance measures 
                established under section 179 of the National 
                and Community Service Act of 1990;
                  ``(B) provides non-Federal matching funds in 
                an amount that is not less than 50 percent of 
                the amount received by the program under this 
                  ``(C) enrolls more than 50 percent of the 
                volunteers in outcome-based service programs 
                with measurable objectives meeting community 
                needs, as determined by the Corporation; and
                  ``(D) enrolls more volunteers from among 
                members of the Baby Boom generation, as defined 
                in section 101 of the National and Community 
                Service Act of 1990, than were enrolled in the 
                program during the previous fiscal year.
          ``(3) For each such grant, the Corporation shall 
        require the recipient to provide matching funds of 70 
        cents from non-Federal sources for every $1 provided 
        under the grant.
          ``(4) Such a grant shall be awarded to a program only 
        if the program submits, at such time and in such manner 
        as the Corporation may reasonably require, an 
        application that contains--
                  ``(A) a demonstration that the program has 
                met the requirements of paragraph (2);
                  ``(B) if applicable, a plan for innovative 
                programs as described in paragraph (6)(B)(ii);
                  ``(C) a sustainability plan that describes 
                how the program will maintain the activities 
                described in paragraph (6) when the grant 
                terminates; and
                  ``(D) other information that the Corporation 
                may require.
          ``(5) Such grants shall be awarded for a period of 3 
        years, except that the grant shall be reviewed by the 
        Corporation at the end of the first and second fiscal 
        years and revoked if the Corporation finds that the 
        program has failed to continue to meet the requirements 
        of paragraph (2) for those fiscal years.
          ``(6) Such grants--
                  ``(A) shall be used to increase the number of 
                volunteers in outcome-based service with 
                measurable objectives meeting community needs 
                as determined by the Corporation; and
                  ``(B) may be used--
                          ``(i) for activities for which the 
                        program is authorized to receive 
                        assistance under this title; and
                          ``(ii) for innovative programs 
                        focused on the Baby Boom generation, as 
                        defined in section 101 of the National 
                        and Community Service Act of 1990, that 
                        have been accepted by the Corporation 
                        through the application process in 
                        paragraph (4) and are outcome-based 
                        programs with measurable objectives 
                        meeting community needs as determined 
                        by the Corporation.
          ``(7) The Director shall, in making such grants, give 
        high priority to programs receiving assistance under 
        section 201.''.
  Page 191, after line 19, insert the following:
  (c) Exception.--Subsections (a) and (b) do not apply to the 
amendments made by this Act to section 201 of the Domestic 
Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 5001). Any changes 
pursuant to those amendments apply as specified in those 

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McKeon of California, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 50, strike lines 21 through 23 and insert the following:
          (5) in subsection (d) (as so redesignated), in 
        paragraph (1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking 
                ``subsection (b) or (d) of''; and
                  (B) by adding at the end the following new 
                  ``(C) Priority for veterans.--Priorities 
                established under subparagraphs (A) and (B) 
                shall include priorities for programs that--
                          ``(i) recruit veterans, particularly 
                        returning veterans, into service 
                          ``(ii) promote community-based 
                        efforts to meet the unique needs of 
                        military families while a member of the 
                        family is deployed; and
                          ``(iii) promote community-based 
                        efforts to meet the unique needs of 
                        military families when a member of the 
                        family returns from a deployment.''; 
  Page 64, strike line 23 and all that follows through page 65, 
line 10, and insert the following:
          (3) in subsection (d), in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), 
                strike ``the Corporation may include--'' and 
                insert ``the Corporation--''; and
                  (B) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (G) 
                and inserting the following:
                  ``(A) shall include national service programs 
                          ``(i) recruit veterans, particularly 
                        returning veterans, into service 
                          ``(ii) promote community-based 
                        efforts to meet the unique needs of 
                        military families while a member of the 
                        family is deployed; and
                          ``(iii) promote community-based 
                        efforts to meet the unique needs of 
                        military families when a member of the 
                        family returns from a deployment; and
                  ``(B) may include--
                          ``(i) national service programs that 
                        conform to the national service 
                        priorities in effect under section 
                          ``(ii) innovative national service 
                          ``(iii) national service programs 
                        that are well established in one or 
                        more States at the time of the 
                        application and are proposed to be 
                        expanded to additional States using 
                        assistance provided under section 121;
                          ``(iv) grant programs in support of 
                        other national service programs if the 
                        grant programs are to be conducted by 
                        nonprofit organizations with a 
                        demonstrated and extensive expertise in 
                        the provision of services to meet 
                        human, educational, environmental, or 
                        public safety needs; and
                          ``(v) professional corps programs 
                        described in section 122(a)(8).''.
  Page 85, after line 3, insert the following new section:


  Subtitle D of title I (42 U.S.C. 12601 et seq.) is further 
amended by adding at the end the following new section:


  ``(a) In General.--The Corporation shall report annually to 
the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
and Pensions of the Senate the number and percentage of 
veterans serving in approved national service positions.
  ``(b) Annual Goals.--In the report described in subsection 
(a), the Corporation shall outline strategies and goals for 
increasing the number and percentage of veterans serving in 
approved national service positions each year, including 
strategies being undertaken to recruit veterans to serve in 
such positions, and include an evaluation of progress in 
meeting such goals.''.

 3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Matsui of California, 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 56, strike lines 8 through 12 and insert the following:
  ``(c) Allotment for Competitive Grants.--Of the funds 
allocated by the Corporation for provision of assistance under 
section 121(a) for a fiscal year and subject to section 
133(d)(3), the Corporation shall reserve up to 62.7 percent for 
grants awarded on a competitive basis to States for national 
service programs and to nonprofit organizations seeking to 
operate a national service program in 2 or more States.''.
  Page 56, strike lines 13 through 17. In such section 129, as 
proposed to be added by such section 1306, strike subsection 
(d) and redesignate subsections (e) through (k) as (d) through 
(j), respectively.
  Page 56, line 18, redesignate (e) as (d).
  Page 57, line 6, strike ``37.5 percent'' and insert ``35.3 
  Page 57, line 15, redesignate (f) as (e).
  Page 58, lines 7 and 12, redesignate (g) and (h) as (f) and 
(g), respectively.
  Page 59, lines 1 and 20, redesignate (i) and (j) as (h) and 
(i), respectively.
  Page 63, line 3, strike ``and'' at the end.
  Page 63, line 5, add ``and'' at the end.
  Page 63, after line 5, add the following:
                  (C) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) In the case of a nonprofit organization 
        operating programs in 2 or more States, a description 
        of the manner and extent to which the State Commissions 
        of each State in which the nonprofit organization 
        intends to operate were consulted and the nature of the 
  Page 64, after line 13, add the following:


  Section 131(c)(3) (42 U.S.C. 12583(c)(3)) is amended to read 
as follows:
          ``(3) in the case of a program that is not funded 
        through a State, including programs operated by 
        nonprofit organizations seeking to operate a national 
        service program in 2 or more States--
                  ``(A) consult with and coordinate with the 
                State Commission for the State in which the 
                program operates; and
                  ``(B) obtain written confirmation from the 
                State Commission that the applicant seeking 
                assistance under this Act has consulted with 
                and coordinated with the State Commission when 
                seeking to operate a program in that State.''.
  Page 64, line 21, strike ``and'' at the end.
  Page 65, line 10, strike the period at the end and insert ``; 
  Page 65, after line 10, add the following:
          (3) by amending subsection (d)(3) to read as follows:
          ``(3) Additional priority.--In making a competitive 
        distribution under section 129(c), the Corporation--
                  ``(A) shall solicit and consider the view of 
                a State Commission regarding any application 
                for assistance to operate a national service 
                program within the State; and
                  ``(B) may give priority to a national service 
                program that is--
                          ``(i) proposed in an application 
                        submitted by a State Commission; and
                          ``(ii) not one of the types proposed 
                        in paragraph (2),
                if the State Commission provides an adequate 
                explanation of the reasons why it should not be 
                a priority of such State to carry out any of 
                such types of programs in the State.''.

     4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McDermott of 
         Washington, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of the bill, add the following new title:



  This title may be cited as the ``Congressional Commission on 
Civic Service Act''.


  Congress finds the following:
          (1) The social fabric of the United States is 
        stronger if individuals in the United States are 
        committed to protecting and serving our Nation by 
        utilizing national service and volunteerism to overcome 
        our civic challenges.
          (2) A more engaged civic society will strengthen the 
        Nation by bringing together people from diverse 
        backgrounds and experiences to work on solutions to 
        some of our Nation's major challenges.
          (3) Despite declines in civic health in the past 30 
        years, national service and volunteerism among the 
        Nation's youth are increasing, and existing national 
        service and volunteer programs greatly enhance 
        opportunities for youth to engage in civic activity.
          (4) In addition to the benefits received by nonprofit 
        organizations and society as a whole, volunteering and 
        national service provide a variety of personal benefits 
        and satisfaction and can lead to new paths of civic 
        engagement, responsibility, and upward mobility.


  There is established in the legislative branch a commission 
to be known as the ``Congressional Commission on Civic 
Service'' (in this title referred to as the ``Commission'').

SEC. 6104. DUTIES.

  (a) General Purpose.--The purpose of the Commission is to 
gather and analyze information in order to make recommendations 
to Congress to--
          (1) improve the ability of individuals in the United 
        States to serve others and, by doing so, to enhance our 
        Nation and the global community;
          (2) train leaders in public service organizations to 
        better utilize individuals committed to national 
        service and volunteerism as they manage human and 
        fiscal resources;
          (3) identify and offer solutions to the barriers that 
        make it difficult for some individuals in the United 
        States to volunteer or perform national service; and
          (4) build on the foundation of service and volunteer 
        opportunities that are currently available.
  (b) Specific Topics.--In carrying out its general purpose 
under subsection (a), the Commission shall address and analyze 
the following specific topics:
          (1) The level of understanding about the current 
        Federal, State, and local volunteer programs and 
        opportunities for service among individuals in the 
        United States.
          (2) The issues that deter volunteerism and national 
        service, particularly among young people, and how the 
        identified issues can be overcome.
          (3) Whether there is an appropriate role for Federal, 
        State, and local governments in overcoming the issues 
        that deter volunteerism and national service and, if 
        appropriate, how to expand the relationships and 
        partnerships between different levels of government in 
        promoting volunteerism and national service.
          (4) Whether existing databases are effective in 
        matching community needs to would-be volunteers and 
        service providers.
          (5) The effect on the Nation, on those who serve, and 
        on the families of those who serve, if all individuals 
        in the United States were expected to perform national 
        service or were required to perform a certain amount of 
        national service.
          (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable 
        mandatory service requirement for all able young people 
        could be developed, and how such a requirement could be 
        implemented in a manner that would strengthen the 
        social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic 
        challenges by bringing together people from diverse 
        economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.
          (7) The need for a public service academy, a 4-year 
        institution that offers a federally funded 
        undergraduate education with a focus on training future 
        public sector leaders.
          (8) The means to develop awareness of national 
        service and volunteer opportunities at a young age by 
        creating, expanding, and promoting service options for 
        primary and secondary school students and by raising 
        awareness of existing incentives.
          (9) The effectiveness of establishing a training 
        program on college campuses to recruit and educate 
        college students for national service.
          (10) The effect on United States diplomacy and 
        foreign policy interests of expanding service 
        opportunities abroad, such as the Peace Corps, and the 
        degree of need and capacity abroad for an expansion.
          (11) The constraints that service providers, 
        nonprofit organizations, and State and local agencies 
        face in utilizing federally funded volunteer programs, 
        and how these constraints can be overcome.
          (12) Whether current Federal volunteer programs are 
        suited to address the special skills and needs of 
        senior volunteers, and if not, how these programs can 
        be improved such that the Federal government can 
        effectively promote service among the ``baby boomer'' 
  (c) Methodology.--
          (1) Public hearings.--The Commission shall conduct 
        public hearings in various locations around the United 
          (2) Regular and frequent consultation.--The 
        Commission shall regularly and frequently consult with 
        an advisory panel of Members of Congress appointed for 
        such purpose by the Speaker of the House of 
        Representatives and the Majority Leader of the Senate.


  (a) Number and Appointment.--
          (1) In general.--The Commission shall be composed of 
        8 members appointed as follows:
                  (A) 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the 
                House of Representatives.
                  (B) 2 members appointed by the Minority 
                Leader of the House of Representatives.
                  (C) 2 members appointed by the Majority 
                Leader of the Senate.
                  (D) 2 members appointed by the Minority 
                Leader of the Senate.
          (2) Qualifications.--The members of the Commission 
        shall consist of individuals who are of recognized 
        standing and distinction in the areas of international 
        public service, national public service, service-
        learning, local service, business, or academia.
          (3) Deadline for appointment.--The members of the 
        Commission shall be appointed not later than 90 days 
        after the date of the enactment of this title.
          (4) Chairperson.--The Chairperson of the Commission 
        shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of 
        Representatives at the time of the appointment.
  (b) Terms.--
          (1) In general.--The members of the Commission shall 
        serve for the life of the Commission.
          (2) Vacancies.--A vacancy in the Commission shall not 
        affect the power of the remaining members to execute 
        the duties of the Commission but any such vacancy shall 
        be filled in the same manner in which the original 
        appointment was made.
  (c) Compensation.--
          (1) Rates of pay; travel expenses.--Each member shall 
        serve without pay, except that each member shall 
        receive travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of 
        subsistence, in accordance with applicable provisions 
        under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United 
        States Code.
          (2) Prohibition of compensation of federal 
        employees.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any member 
        of the Commission who is a full-time officer or 
        employee of the United States may not receive 
        additional pay, allowances, or benefits because of 
        service on the Commission.
  (d) Meeting Requirements.--
          (1) Frequency.--
                  (A) Quarterly meetings.--The Commission shall 
                meet at least quarterly.
                  (B) Additional meetings.--In addition to 
                quarterly meetings, the Commission shall meet 
                at the call of the Chairperson or a majority of 
                its members.
          (2) Quorum.--5 members of the Commission shall 
        constitute a quorum but a lesser number may hold 
          (3) Meeting by telephone or other appropriate 
        technology.--Members of the Commission are permitted to 
        meet using telephones or other suitable 
        telecommunications technologies provided that all 
        members of the Commission can fully communicate with 
        all other members simultaneously.


  (a) Director.--
          (1) Appointment.--The Commission shall have a 
        Director who shall be appointed by the Chairperson with 
        the approval of the Commission.
          (2) Credentials.--The Director shall have credentials 
        related to international public service, national 
        public service, service-learning, or local service.
          (3) Salary.--The Director shall be paid at a rate 
        determined by the Chairperson with the approval of the 
        Commission, except that the rate may not exceed the 
        rate of basic pay for GS-15 of the General Schedule.
  (b) Staff.--With the approval of the Chairperson, the 
Director may appoint and fix the pay of additional qualified 
personnel as the Director considers appropriate.
  (c) Experts and Consultants.--With the approval of the 
Commission, the Director may procure temporary and intermittent 
services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, 
but at rates for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent 
of the maximum annual rate of basic pay for GS-15 of the 
General Schedule.
  (d) Staff of Federal Agencies.--Upon request of the 
Commission, Chairperson, or Director, the head of any Federal 
department or agency may detail, on a reimbursable basis, any 
of the personnel of that department or agency to the Commission 
to assist it in carrying out its duties under this title.


  (a) Hearings and Sessions.--The Commission may, for the 
purpose of carrying out this title, hold public hearings, sit 
and act at times and places, take testimony, and receive 
evidence as the Commission considers appropriate.
  (b) Powers of Members and Agents.--Any member or agent of the 
Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any 
action which the Commission is authorized to take by this 
  (c) Obtaining Official Data.--Upon request of the 
Chairperson, the head of any department or agency shall furnish 
information to the Commission that the Commission deems 
necessary to enable it to carry out this title.
  (d) Physical Facilities and Equipment.--The Architect of the 
Capitol, in consultation with the appropriate entities in the 
legislative branch, shall locate and provide suitable 
facilities and equipment for the operation of the Commission on 
a nonreimbursable basis.
  (e) Administrative Support Services.--Upon the request of the 
Commission, the Architect of the Capitol and the Administrator 
of General Services shall provide to the Commission on a 
nonreimbursable basis such administrative support services as 
the Commission may request in order for the Commission to carry 
out its responsibilities under this title.


  (a) Interim Report.--The Commission shall submit an interim 
report on its activities to Congress not later than 20 months 
after the date of the enactment of this title.
  (b) Final Report.--
          (1) Deadline.--The Commission shall submit a final 
        report on its activities to Congress not later than 120 
        days after the submission of the interim report under 
        subsection (a).
          (2) Contents.--The final report shall contain a 
        detailed statement of the findings and conclusions of 
        the Commission, together with its recommendations for 
        proposed legislation.


  The Commission shall terminate not later than 30 days after 
submitting its final report under section 6108(b)(1).

      5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative English of 
        Pennsylvania, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of the bill, insert the following (and conform the 
table of contents accordingly):

                      TITLE VI--SENSE OF CONGRESS


  It is the Sense of Congress that the Corporation for National 
and Community Service should make the maximum effort possible 
to coordinate the recruiting and assignment procedures of their 
various programs to allow senior citizens and their 
grandchildren to share volunteer opportunities and/or be 
assigned to the same geographic areas during their period of 

      6. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative English of 
        Pennsylvania, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of the bill, insert the following (and conform the 
table of contents accordingly):

                      TITLE VI--SENSE OF CONGRESS


  It is the Sense of Congress that the Corporation for National 
and Community Service should make the maximum effort possible 
to coordinate with the National Endowment for the Humanities to 
provide opportunities for young people enrolled in NACS 
programs to collect oral histories from senior citizens in the 
communities where they serve.

      7. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative English of 
        Pennsylvania, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 133, after line 19, insert the following (and conform 
the table of contents accordingly):

                    WITH DISABILITIES.

  The Board of Directors of the Corporation for National and 
Community Service shall coordinate with veterans organizations 
serving veterans with disabilities to provide opportunities for 
young people enrolled in existing NACS programs to provide 
transportation services on a full-time, part-time, or as-needed 

8. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Sutton of Ohio, or Her 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 64, after line 16, insert the following:
          (2) in subsection (c)(6), insert after subparagraph 
        (E) the following:
                  ``(F) Areas that have a mortgage foreclosure 
                rate greater than the national average mortgage 
                foreclosure rate for the most recent 12 months 
                for which satisfactory data are available.''.
  Page 64, lines 17 and 22, redesignate (2) and (3) as (3) and 
(4), respectively.

9. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Sutton of Ohio, or Her 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 133, insert after line 19 the following (and conform the 
table of contents accordingly):


  (a) Planning Study.--The Corporation for National and 
Community Service shall conduct a study to identify--
          (1) specific areas of need for displaced workers;
          (2) how existing programs and activities carried out 
        under the national service laws could better serve 
        displaced workers and communities that have been 
        adversely affected by plant closings and job losses;
          (3) prospects for better utilization of skilled 
        workers as resources and volunteers; and
          (4) methods for ensuring the efficient financial 
        organization of services directed towards displaced 
  (b) Consultation.--The study shall be carried out in 
consultation with the Department of Labor, State labor 
agencies, and other individuals and entities the Corporation 
considers appropriate.
  (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Corporation shall submit to Congress 
a report on the results of the planning study required by 
subsection (a), together with a plan for implementation of a 
pilot program using promising strategies and approaches for 
better targeting and serving displaced workers.
  (d) Pilot Program.--From amounts made available to carry out 
this section, the Corporation shall develop and carry out a 
pilot program based on the findings in the report submitted 
under subsection (c).
  (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be 
necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2012.

 10. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Flake of Arizona, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 16, line 11, strike ``; and'' and insert a period.
  Page 16, strike line 12 and all that follows through page 18, 
line 21.
  Page 148, line 24, strike ``$65,000,000 for fiscal year 
2008,'' and all that follows through ``; and'' on page 149, 
line 4, and insert ``$45,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and''.

11. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Inslee of Washington, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 144, strike lines 15 through 19 and insert the following 
(and conform the table of contents accordingly):

                 Subtitle I--Energy Conservation Corps


  The Corporation for National and Community Service (in this 
subtitle referred to as the ``Corporation'') shall make grants 
to States for the creation or expansion of full-time or part-
time Energy Conservation Corps programs. Notwithstanding 
provisions identified in this subtitle, the Corporation shall 
apply the provisions of subtitle C of this subchapter in making 
grants under this section as necessary.


  (a) In General.--To be eligible to receive a grant under this 
subtitle, a State shall invite applications from within the 
State to receive an Energy Conservation Corps grant.
  (b) Process.--The State shall then prepare and submit a State 
application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, 
and containing such information as the Corporation may 
reasonably require. The Corporation shall consult with state 
and local Conservation Corps in the development of the 
application guidelines.
  (c) Disadvantaged Youth.--To acknowledge the focused 
enrollment of disadvantaged youth and young adults in the 
Energy Conservation Corps, the Corporation shall--
          (1) allow a higher cost-per-member to enable Energy 
        Conservation Corps programs to provide the necessary 
        supportive services to ensure the success of the 
        participants; and
          (2) allow for greater flexibility in retention rates.
  (d) Consideration of Residential Corps.--The Corporation 
shall allow for equal consideration of residential Corps 
program opportunities since residential Corps thrive in rural 
areas that commonly lack opportunities for young adults, enable 
the participation for emancipated foster youth, gang involved 
youth, and others lacking a safe and stable home environment, 
allow for more structured time for work, training, education 
and counseling, and provide disaster response-ready crews 
immediately upon request.
  (e) Equitable Treatment.--In the consideration of 
applications, the Corporation shall ensure the equitable 
treatment of both urban and rural areas.


  (a) In General.--Programs that receive assistance under this 
subtitle may carry out activities that--
          (1) meet an identifiable public need with specific 
        emphasis on projects in support of energy conservation, 
        infrastructure and transportation improvement, and 
        emergency operations, including--
                  (A) improving the energy efficiency of 
                housing for elderly and low-income people;
                  (B) building energy-efficient ``green'' 
                housing for elderly and low-income people;
                  (C) environmental education and energy 
                conservation education for elementary and 
                secondary school students and the public;
                  (D) reusing and recycling including 
                  (E) the repair, renovation, or rehabilitation 
                of an existing infrastructure facility 
                including, but not limited to, rail, mass 
                transportation, ports, inland navigation, 
                schools and hospitals;
                  (F) transportation enhancements;
                  (G) recreational trails improvements, 
                including those that enable alternative means 
                of transportation and ensure safe use;
                  (H) transformation of military bases affected 
                by the Base Realignment and Closing process 
                (BRAC) to green the space;
                  (I) tree planting and reforestation;
                  (J) renewable resource enhancement; and
                  (K) assisting in emergency operations, such 
                as disaster prevention and relief; and
          (2) provide opportunities for youth and young adults, 
        especially disadvantaged youth, to be trained for 
        careers related to the activities listed in paragraph 
        (1), including those that will be part of the emerging 
        field of ``green collar'' jobs.
  (b) Goals of the Energy Conservation Corps.--The goals of the 
Energy Conservation Corps are to--
          (1) promote clean energy use and preserve, protect, 
        and sustain the environment;
          (2) provide young adults with opportunities to become 
        better citizens, students and workers through 
        meaningful service to their communities and the nation;
          (3) mobilize youth and young adults, especially 
        disadvantaged youth, to promote energy conservation and 
        mitigate threats to the environment; and
          (4) provide a pathway to responsible adulthood and 
        productive, unsubsidized employment in the private 


  All applicants must describe how they intend to--
          (1) assess the skills of Corpsmembers;
          (2) provide life skills and work skills training;
          (3) provide training and education;
          (4) develop agreements for academic study with--
                  (A) local education agencies;
                  (B) community colleges;
                  (C) 4-year colleges;
                  (D) area charter high schools and vocational-
                technical schools; and
                  (E) community-based organizations;
          (5) provide career and educational guidance; and
          (6) Recruit participants without high school 


  In the consideration of applications the Corporation shall 
give preference to programs that are discrete and--
          (1) meet an identifiable public need;
          (2) instill a work ethic and a sense of public 
        service in the participants;
          (3) involve youth operating in crews or a team-based 
        structure; and
          (4) enhance skills development and educational level 
        and opportunities for the participants.


  (a) In General.--Age enrollment in programs that receive 
assistance under this subtitle shall be limited to individuals 
who, at the time of enrollment, are not less than 18 years nor 
more than 25 years of age, except that summer programs may 
include individuals not less than 14 years or more than 21 
years of age at the time of the enrollment of such individuals.
  (b) Participation of Disadvantaged Youth.--Programs that 
receive assistance under this subtitle shall ensure that at 
least 50 percent of the participants are economically 
disadvantaged youth.
  (c) Special Corpsmembers.--Notwithstanding subsection (a) of 
this section, program agencies may enroll a limited number of 
special Corpsmembers over age 25 so that the Energy 
Conservation Corps may draw on their special skills to fulfill 
the purposes of this chapter.


  The use of volunteer services under this section shall be 
subject to the condition that such use does not result in the 
displacement of any participant.


  (a) Agreements Between States.--States operating an Energy 
Conservation Corps may enter into a compact with participating 
states to provide for mutual cooperation to manage any 
emergency or disaster that is duly declared by the affected 
  (b) Participating State Responsibilities.--
          (1) The authorized representative of a participating 
        state may request assistance of another party by 
        contracting the authorized representative of that 
        state. The provisions of this agreement shall only 
        apply to requests for assistance made by and to 
        authorized representatives.
          (2) There shall be frequent consultation between 
        state officials who have assigned emergency management 
        responsibilities and other appropriate representatives 
        of the party states with affected jurisdictions and the 
        United States Government, with free exchange of 
        information, plans, and resource records relating to 
        emergency capabilities.


  The federal share of the cost of carrying out an Energy 
Conservation Corps program for which a grant is made under this 
subtitle is 76 percent of the total cost of the program.


  (a) Training and Technical Assistance.--The Corporation shall 
provide technical assistance to grantees that request 
assistance and shall disseminate best practices that emerge 
from the Energy Conservation Corps.
  (b) Contract.--(b) In providing training and technical 
assistance, the Corporation shall contract with a national 
organization with a proven track record of developing and 
sustaining Corps, working with the Conservation Corps model, 
and engaging young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.


  (a) In General.--There are authorized to be appropriated such 
sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2008 through 2010 to 
achieve the purposes of this subtitle.
  (b) Allocation.--Of the amounts appropriated to carry out 
this subtitle for each fiscal year--
          (1) 90 percent shall be for grants to eligible 
          (2) 5 percent shall be technical assistance, and 
        dissemination of best practices; and
          (3) 5 percent shall be for evaluation.


  (a) In General.--To promote Learn and Serve programs that 
have the potential to reach every student in our public 
education network and private schools through school-based 
green service-learning, the Corporation shall establish a 
competitive grant program for the creation or expansion of such 
service learning programs.
  (b) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
this section, a State Education Agency, Local education Agency, 
or nonprofit organization shall submit an application with such 
information and in such time as the Corporation may require.
  (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--For this purpose, there 
are authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 
2009 and such sums as may be necessary thereafter.


  (a) In General.--To promote National Senior Service Corps 
programs that have the potential to both involve seniors in 
providing meaningful volunteer opportunities the Corporation 
shall establish a competitive grant program for the creation or 
expansion of National Senior Service Corps programs that--
          (1) make effective use of the talents and experience 
        of seniors, particularly baby boomers, in programs and 
        projects involving seniors in the improvement of the 
        energy efficiency of housing for elderly and low-income 
          (2) building or helping to supervise energy-efficient 
        ``green'' housing for elderly and low-income people; 
        the repair, renovation, or rehabilitation of an 
        existing infrastructure facility including, but not 
        limited to, rail, mass transportation, ports, inland 
        navigation, schools and hospitals; transportation 
        enhancements; recreational trails improvements, 
        including those that enable alternative means of 
        transportation and ensure safe use;
          (3) volunteering in schools to teach or other support 
        environmental education and energy conservation 
        education for elementary and secondary school students 
        and the public; and
          (4) assisting in such other activities as the 
        National Senior Service Corps may identify.
  (b) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
this section, a program in the National Senior Service Corps 
shall submit an application with such information and in such 
time as the Corporation may require.
  (c) Authorization.--For this purpose, there is authorized to 
be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 and such sums 
as may be necessary thereafter.
